iarch003 发表于 2020-8-23 10:00:16

场域空间与艺术镜像丨世茂 · 浪花艺术馆



Space and Art | Shimao ·The Wave
Located at Binhai New Area on the eastern coast of Tianjin, the project is in the heart of the Bohai Economic Rim and close to Tianjin Binhai Aircraft Carrier Theme Park and Binhai Matsu Cultural Park. It is a diversified land that integrates entertainment, edutainment and culture. Its excellent geographical conditions make it a unique area for exhibition and experience.




The entire bay area planning follows the basic logic of “point, line and plane to create contemporary urban spatial sequence of man, sea and sky”. Inspired by the idea of wave, the building focuses on the theme of “water”, extracts the concept of “water drop and wave” from waves and creates an image on the sea. The whole building resembles the wave to create a dialogue between the building and nature, and the building has become a symbolic existence where the sea and the earth converge.



The entire exhibition area is designed with three major functional areas: the Wave (art museum), outdoor theater and public space. Each area is connected with surrounding beach. The building is separated from the sand dune and reef, looking like a floating space structure above the sea.  


The junction of the building also comes with three outdoor terraces overlooking the sea. This area is an extra space of the building. People may feel completely relaxed when only the sounds of nature are heard. In this space, people, sea, air and the sunshine establish a closer connection.   



Parametric design
An integrated parametric design is used for the skin of the building. The subtle arrangement of the scale-shaped aluminum plate allows the façade to reflect the sunlight from different angles in different periods of time. The pool around the building casts diffuse light onto the scale-shaped façade to produce a gorgeous look. The column-free space of the 30-plus-meter tall building is achieved by the thin shell structure, as it goes upwards to split into three sections that balance the stress in each direction.








BIM technology
BIM technology is applied to the scale-shaped aluminum plate, which enables more than 13 thousand pieces of aluminum plate to fit properly on the façade and delivers a rhythmical upward spiral texture. The real-virtual façade has achieved perfect balance in efficient heat insulation and appropriate daylighting. All electromechanical devices are concealed underground, and the roof and building skin make up an integrated design. The pure form is realized with the help of technology.


室内从天花的织物、印花玻璃屏风到外立面的通高透明落地玻璃以及远方的云雾,抽象演绎了“水” 这个自然界中最基本的元素表现出各个不同状态,营造出了均匀柔和的文化氛围。

Internal space
Inside the building, from the ceiling fabric, patterned glass screen to transparent floor-to-ceiling window, they all work to interpret “water” in different states that is the most common element in nature and create a balanced and soft cultural ambience.


一层大厅是一个圆形的几何形空间, 光束从压暗的空间上方直泻而下。大堂用水幕和不锈钢结合的设计,从视觉到触觉营造深海静谧的感官体验。

The first-floor hall is a round space, and light beams begin to stream down from the dark space. The lobby is designed with a mixture of water curtain and stainless steel, which offers a quiet visual-tactile experience.  



The second-floor illuminating surface is installed with light large glass curtain wall, and the highest glass is up to 8 meters, which helps bring in natural light and sea view and weaken the construction separating indoor and outdoor spaces.





项目名称丨世茂天津 · 浪花艺术馆
规划团队 | 上海日清:潘小波、吴曙光、任悦、骆佳、刘文峰、冯波、祝天鹏、魏梦柔、杨得贺、沈晨云艺术馆示范区团队 | 吴曙光、潘培成、徐涛、张宸得、董梁臣、屠雨萱
施工图设计 | 天津市天友建筑设计股份有限公司
结构设计 | 袁鑫工程顾问(上海)事务所
景观设计 | 天津东林筑景景观规划设计有限公司
室内设计 | 上海璧煜环境艺术设计事务所
幕墙设计 | 上海恒利益建装潢工程有限公司
BIM设计 | 北京互联立方技术服务有限公司
结构主体施工 | 天元建设集团有限公司
幕墙施工 | 北京天成英良石材有限公司
建筑面积 | 3563㎡
用地面积 | 31471㎡
建筑摄影 | 行知影像

Project Name: Shimao ·The Wave
Location : Tianjin Binhai New Area Central Fishing Port economic Zone
Category : exhibition
Owner : Shimao
Architectural design : Lacime Architects Beijing
Lead Architects: Song zhaofang
Design team:
Lacime Architects(shanghai):Pan Xiaobo, Wu Shuguang, Ren Yue, Luo Jia, Liu Wenfeng, Feng Bo, Zhu Tianpeng, Wei Mengrou, Yang Dehe, Shen Chenyun
Gallery Design :Wu Shuguang, PAN Peicheng, Xu Tao, ZHANG Chende, Dong Liangchen, Tu Yuxuan
Construction design:Tianjin Tianyou Architectural Design Co. LTD
Structure design: Yuan Xin Engineering Consultant (Shanghai) Office
Landspace design : Tianjin Donglin Zhujing Landscape Planning and Design Co. LTD
Interior design: Shanghai Biyu Environmental Art Design Office
Curtain wall design: Shanghai Hengli Construction decoration Engineering Co., LTD
BIM design : Beijing Interconnection Cube Technology Service Co. LTD
Structure construction: Tianyuan Construction Group Co. LTD
Curtain wall construction: Beijing Tiancheng Yingliang Stone Co. LTD
Gross Built Area: 3563㎡
Site area: 31471㎡
Photo credits: CAAI


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