中豪五福国际坐落于杭州钱江新城正心,是集企业总部、商务会展、办公及住宅于一体的世界级城市综合体。如墨设计为其售楼中心进行室内营造,以会客厅的概念,糅合江南人文色彩与现代主义语汇,链接起城市空间的商业使命和艺术价值。Situated in the center of Qianjiang New Town, Hangzhou, China, Zonhow · 5Fook International is a world-class urban complexthat integrates corporate headquarters, business exhibitions, offices andresidences. The project is its sales center, which was conceived by RUMO DESIGN. Taking "urban living room" as the design concept, the designers blended humanistic charm of Jiangnan (the region south of the Yangtze River) with modern design languages, and integrated commercial and artistic value of this urban space.
Deconstruction of Space
An original and pure tension extends from the exteriorto the interior. Based on the approach of deconstruction, the designers tried to break the intrinsic spatial pattern within the rules. Different from conventional sales centers, two circulation routes are applied at the entrance, with a view to enhancing both spatial experiences and functionality.
The layout of the original space was formed based on the function of shops, which resulted in disorderly distribution of shear walls throughout the space. In addition, structural beams restrict the height of ceiling. The design team adopted inclined and curved surfaces rather than partition walls to produce an open layout, which effectively mitigated the limitations of the original space.
Tension of Curves
"Hangzhou impresses us with elegance and poetic romance", said the designers, who are well-versed in the essence of Jiangnan aesthetics. Taking curved surfaces as design languages, they endowed the space with a sense of layering and tension, which echoes the ambience of the Jiangnan city.
The ceiling is covered with a metal plate featuring rippling patterns, just like sparkling lake water. The metal platehas curved edges, which enclose the dynamic luster. It forms a contrast the brown wood-grain marble floorings, achieving the balance between lightness and massiveness.
Dynamic Light and Shadows
The interior space is mainly illuminated by hidden linear light sources, which highlight the contours of walls and the ceiling. The changes of light and shadows generate a pleasing rhythm, enriching the sense of layering and sequence in this simplistic space.
Large areas of glass curtain walls bring in abundant natural light, making the whole space tranquil and clear, and visible from within and without. Corners are complemented by glass-brick screens, with the diamond-like surface "guiding" changes of light, hence adding unique romance and atmosphere to the space.
Artistic Space
In accordance with the spatial ambience, metaphorical modern art is refined into visual symbol, which reinterprets local context. Artworks are placed at transition nodes of the space, so as to balance the rigid structural lines and link up different areas.
角落的艺术品来源于Arik Levy,由三个抽象的几何体叠加而成,于行走动线中精心落点。艺术创作概念依附于材质与轮廓的载体,赋予其魔法般的感染力,唤醒身体记忆的空间好感。
The artwork set at the corner is designed by Arik Levy. It is composed of three abstract geometric structures superimposed on another, serving as a visual highlight on the circulation route. Artistic creation concept is combined with materials and contours, thereby generating the artwork. It has a magical appeal, which can evoke enjoyable spatial experiences.
The project takes comprehensive consideration into architectural appearance, functional division and business forms. It explores aesthetics that goes beyond commercial logic and the function of sales center.
Through this aesthetic "living room", RUMO DESIGN brings more value and energy to commercial projects.
项目名称 | 中豪五福国际销售中心
项目地址 | 杭州市江干区
空间设计 | 如墨设计
软装设计及执行 | 如墨设计
项目面积 | 589㎡
主要材质 | 奥巴马木纹大理石、金属、艺术玻璃
项目摄像 | 三像摄
Project name | Zonhow 5Fook International Sales Center
Location | Jianggan District, Hangzhou, China
Spatial design | RUMO DESIGN
Decorationdesign & execution | RUMO DESIGN
Area | 589㎡
Main materials | wood-grain marble, metal, glass
Photography | Threeimages