HexBox Canopy / DTC + CodeToProduction
Text description provided by the architects. The HexBox Canopy is an experimental segmented timber shell, consisting of prefabricated hexagon-shaped boxes made from plywood plates. Since antiquity, arched spatial structures such as masonry vaults and domes have played a fundamental role in architecture, enabling the covering of wide spans without the use of intermediate supports as well as dramatically reducing the amount of required material.
Despite the advantages mentioned, the necessity of centering and formwork is an overwhelming drawback during the construction phase. The HexBox Canopy has accomplished the goal of exhibiting new ways of thinking about shell structures, exploiting the intrinsic features of engineered timber as well as taking advantage of smart geometry. This kind of structure minimizes support in the construction phase and allows for a high degree of prefabrication.
The design aims to devise not only a pavilion that demonstrates the advances of digital timber constructions, but the structure also provides a space for students to use for the entire day, shading them from the sun and rain, and respite from their computers. With 1531 timber segments making up 201 boxes, the HexBox shell is exclusively made of plywood components without the addition of any kind of metal fasteners for the main load-bearing structure. The major novelty is the wood-only connections between the boxes, which are made from the off-cuts produced after cutting the main plates of the structure.
These connectors are inspired by traditional tusk tenon-and-mortise joints, which is a smart and common method in handcrafted carpentry and cabinetmaking. Rather than attempting highly precise fabricated elements, the diagonal shape of wedges allows for the assembly of boxes even when there are small imperfections. Additionally, these joints gradually pull and force the boxes together, closing gaps between segments that may occur during assembly. The closing of such gaps is, in fact, critical for the overall precision and performance of the structure.
当遇到一些比较复杂的形态与元素时,手工制作就显得有些吃力,但是,六边展亭项目应用了诸如计算机辅助设计和数字制造等智能技术,需要装配的时候,可以通过集成连接来简化整个过程,其中各种零部件的位置和交接则依据几何形态而定。在这个项目中,构成结构模块的面板通过全新的技术结合在一起,这种技术应用了Lamello Tenso连接设备,这种设备能够简单且安全地连接成百上千的独立接头与部件。在城市的中央,这里距离公园不远,而六边展亭就坐落于此,这是一座粗野主义Wilkinson大楼,其中有建筑设计规划学院的各个功能用房。
When working with a wide variety of shapes and elements, manual drawing and handmade cutting are out of the question. Instead, the HexBox project takes advantage of automated processes such as computational design and digital fabrication techniques. When it comes to the assembly, this can be simplified through integrated joints, where the position and alignment of parts result from their geometry. In the HexBox project, plates consisting of a structural module are glued together using a novel technique exploiting Lamello Tenso connectors that allow for the simple and safe 1K PUR adhesive to connect thousands of miter joints with individual dihedral angles. Right in the heart of Sydney within walking distance of Victoria Park, the HexBox stands on the terrace of the brutalist Wilkinson Building which houses the School of Architecture, Design, and Planning.
建筑设计:CodeToProduction, DTC
面积:45 m2
摄影:Katherine Lu
制造商:Carter Holt Harvey Plywood, KUKA|prc, Lamello AG Joining Technology, McNeel, OpenNest, Timber Plate Structures (TPS)
设计团队:Enrico Valentino Tagliaboschi, Felix Schmidt-Kleespies
机械工程:PMI Engineers (Thomas Williams)
合作方:Rodney Watt; Lynn Masuda
加工商:The University of Sydney Design Modelling and Fabrication Lab
赞助商:Lamello SA, Carter Holt Harvey Plywood
Architects: CodeToProduction, DTC
Area: 45 m2
Year: 2019
Photographs: Katherine Lu
Manufacturers: Carter Holt Harvey Plywood, KUKA|prc, Lamello AG Joining Technology, McNeel, OpenNest, Timber Plate Structures (TPS)
Design Team: Enrico Valentino Tagliaboschi, Felix Schmidt-Kleespies
Engineering: PMI Engineers (Thomas Williams)
Collaborators: Rodney Watt; Lynn Masuda
Fabricator: The University of Sydney Design Modelling and Fabrication Lab
Sponsors: Lamello SA, Carter Holt Harvey Plywood