iarch003 发表于 2020-9-30 10:00:00



由河北省住房和城乡建设厅、河北省自然资源厅、邯郸市人民政府、邯郸市自然资源规划局主办,《城市·环境·设 计》(UED)策划执行的“第三届河北国际城市规划设计大赛(邯郸)”于今年2020年1月16日正式拉开帷幕。

Dominique Perrault is the winner of the international invitational competition for the design of the «Hangang District» Masterplan in the city of Handan (China).
It is co-hosted by the Hebei Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Department of Natural Resources of Hebei Province, Handan Municipal People’s Government, Handan Natural Resources and Planning Bureau and Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine, one of the most influential Chinese media in the field of architecture and urban planning.


邯郸,一座拥有将近三百万常住人口的大型城市,是中原区域经济发展的核心,与山西、河北、山东、河南四省接壤。邯郸作为一座旅游城市,是中华文明的重要发祥地之一,同时拥有巨大的发展潜力。邯郸,以其悠久的历史和丰富的文化遗产闻名于世,同时也是中国经济高速发展下的重要工业基地之一。邯郸钢铁集团有限责任公司是邯郸市最具影响力的工业企业之一, 见证了时代及城市的发展。邯钢企业厂区建设时偏于一 隅,远离中心城区,然而随着时代的发展,邯钢厂区现逐渐发展成为城市中心区域。如何利用邯钢厂区的丰富的工业遗产,激活其在新时代下实现转型复兴,成为邯郸城市发展的新动力,是此次邯钢片区城市设计国际大师邀请赛的关键课题。

国际竞赛 “工业遗产转型复兴”——邯钢片区城市设计规划此次国际竞赛旨为邯钢片区转型发展提供规划蓝图,规划研究设计范围大约8.7平方公里,邀请以下六家国内外设计团队参与:

• 多米尼克·佩罗建筑事务所
• 蓝天组事务所
• UNStudio事务所
• 程泰宁院士团队
• 王建国院士团队
• 庄惟敏院士团队

The city of Handan, with a population of about 2.8 million people, is the  centre of China’s Central Plains economic zone.
Famous for its historical and cultural heritage, the city of Handan is also a major centre of Chinese industry, under the influence of the Hansteel group, which has deeply impacted its territory. The important industrial site of Hansteel, originally  located in a remote suburb,  is now close to the centre of Handan,  and its redevelopment,  as the main theme of this competition, is now to be seen as a driving force for the city’s urban development.

The development of an urban planning and industrial heritage   enhancement   project   within   the   Hansteel   East plant sector, over an area of approximately 8.66 km2, was entrusted to six teams invited to compete:
• Dominique Perrault Architect
• Coop Himmelb(l)au
• UNStudio
• CHENG Taining Studio (CCTN Architectural Design)
• WANG Jianguo Studio
•    ZHUANG Weimin (Architectural Design & Research
Institute of Tsinghua University)





• 注重片区内工业遗产的保护和文化价值的提升  遗产岛(L’île du patrimoine)由片区内旧有工业厂房组 成,将其转化为具有文化、聚会和休闲等价值的公共场域, 是邯钢片区工业遗产转型复兴下的支柱产业。

• 丰富片区内景观设计并创造新型的公共绿色空间  包含一座大尺度的景观公园,贯穿基地,有效的保护了片区 内现有的珍贵树种。同时利用园区内大量植被参与工业土壤 去污染化进程,有效增加片区内的土地价值。

• 优化和开发片区内现有水资源  重新规划开发沁河两岸,溪水蜿蜒穿越基地内部。

• 为邯钢片区打造一套专属的多功能混合、相互联动且灵活发展的城市规划体系 依据多米尼克·佩罗创建的规划理论Hôtel Métropole为基础。

The study conducted by Dominique Perrault develops an urban development strategy both adapted and flexible. The area concerned, which represents about a quarter of the surface area  of  the  historic  city,  is  made  up  of  very  heterogeneous built elements and an important industrial heritage.
This heritage formed the starting point for the urban project, as did the geographical reality of the site, which guided the design process and the functioning of the new district.
The  proposal  does  not  seek  to  standardize,  but  rather  to make a variety of elements coexist and interact to compose a new homogeneous territory. Above all, the project highlights the urban aspect of the industrial heritage: the rehabilitation and reuse of the site’s old roads in particular, define a new network for the district.
The study placed particular attention on the feasibility and phasing  of  the  development  of  the  area,  as well as on soil depollution strategies. The intervention follows 4 main principles  aimed  at  fostering  the  coherence  of  a  functional and resilient city, deeply rooted in its time:
• The preservation and cultural enhancement of industrial heritage. The «Heritage Island» made up of former factories, transformed  into  places  for  culture,  meetings  and  leisure, forms the backbone of the project.
• The enhancement of the landscape and the creation of new green spaces, including a large garden-park that runs through the entire district, preserves existing trees, participates in the site’s decontamination and the enhancement of the estate value.
• The optimization and development of water resources, including the development of the banks of the Qin River that runs through the site.
•  The  development  of  mixed,  connected  and  flexible  programs, based on the Hôtel Métropole concept developed by Dominique Perrault.

多米尼克·佩罗的规划提案,旨在提供一套全面、精细和适宜的规划工具,具有灵活可变的特性,适应未来多功能混合性城市的发 展。她重新定义了街区的崭新面貌,充分考虑与现有城市肌理和地理环境的有机融合,或重新打造片区内新的地标,或新建能融入现有街区尺度的城市空间。新规划的建筑群落,保护提升片区内工业遗产的价值,同时打造多功能混合型典范新区。最终通过 片区新建群落中多样化的空间密度组合,以实现城市与自然景观之间有机和谐的平衡。

For the whole area, the proposal defines a set of tools, precise and adapted, offering the necessary flexibility for its future evolution and the  development of  mixed and varied  architectures.  They define the new silhouette of the district, thought out in coherence with the existing urban and geographical environment,  marking with  high  points the gates of the  district, or accompanying with low  points the surrounding streets and residential areas.  Each of the pieces that make up the new district protects and enhances the industrial heritage of the site, while allowing the reception of new programs. Finally, through a combination of various densities, the project aims for a harmonious balance between city and nature.

工具箱(Boîte à outils)城市规划战略的提出,拥有可适应性和更新演变的独特使用性,她将邯钢片区的城市规划从二十世纪僵固的城市体系中激活,在二十世纪大时代背景下的城市理论强调城市和功能的规划严谨性,不具备随时代演进的可调节性。邯郸城市的未来规划发展蓝图强调为城市自身提供强有力的发展前景与动力,寄期望以邯钢片区为案例,树立二十一世纪城市发展的规划典范 。

· 基地:邯钢集团东区,邯郸,中国
· 概念规划设计范围:8.66 平方公里
· 核心区城市设计范围:1.0 平方公里

· 业主:
- 河北省住房和城乡建设厅
- 河北省自然资源厅
- 邯郸市人民政府
- 邯郸市自然资源和规划局

· 策划执行单位:《城市·环境·设计》(UED)杂志社

This «toolbox» strategy provides a methodology that can be transposed to other types of sites and contexts, while being specifically adapted. It affirms the need to move this urban project away from the rigid urban planning of the 20th century, where functions  and  programmes were carefully planned but  unable to absorb change. Instead, the proposed Masterplan wishes to provide an impulse for the future development of Handan, hopefully making this neighbourhood an example of resilient urban planning for the 21st century.

• LOCATION Hansteel East Industrial Plant, Handan, China
• SITE AREA 8.66 KM2
- Hebei Provincial Department of Housing & Urban Rural Development;
- Department of Natural Resources of Hebei Province
- Handan Municipal People’s Government,
- Handan Natural Resources and Planning Bureau
• SUPPORT Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine

多米尼克·佩罗 建筑师事务所

多米尼克·佩罗(Dominique Perrault)生于1953年,是当代法国建筑界的领军人物。他毕业于巴黎国立高等美术学院,取得建筑学文凭,同时在巴黎国立桥路学校取得城市规划高等文凭。多米尼克·佩罗于1981年在巴黎成立其第一间建筑事务所。

多米尼克·佩罗的建筑事业发轫于1989年的法国国家图书馆国际竞赛(于1995年竣工),时年36岁的他在众多竞争者中脱颖而出,一举夺魁。作为其建筑事业的起点,法国国家图书馆成就了多米尼克·佩罗事务所的国际声望。在随后的投标竞赛中,多米尼克·佩罗事务所多次中标并完成了一系列国际大型公共和委托项目。譬如,德国柏林奥林匹克自行车馆和游泳馆(1999),韩国首尔梨花女子大学(2008),日本大阪富国大楼(2010),卢森堡欧 洲共同体法院扩建(2008-2019),其中第三栋欧盟扩建办公楼于2019年九月揭幕竣工。

多米尼克·佩罗事务所于2016年竣工奥地利维也纳多瑙新城双塔之一,以维也纳新高度的姿态成为了新商业区的地标。同期由法国文化部及公共遗址开发局委托凡尔赛宫杜福尔馆的改造工程, 于2016年春天揭幕。2018年巴黎珑骧跑马场改造工程竣工,法国巴黎卢浮宫邮局改造项目处于施工尾声。多米尼克·佩罗事务所还拥有众多在建项目,譬如,2024年巴黎奥运村,“光中漫步”韩国首尔江南区国际中心交通枢纽(预计2023年竣工)和法国犹太城标志性地铁站(预计2025年竣工)等项目处于施工阶段中。

多米尼克·佩罗近期作品一致呈现对建筑城市遗产议题的高度兴趣。2016年,多米尼克·佩罗联手法国国家遗产中心主席Philippe Bélaval 针对2040年巴黎西岱岛前景复兴规划汇报,由法国总统弗拉索瓦·奥朗德(François Hollande)直属委托设计研究。在巴黎圣母院2019年不幸遭遇大火洗礼后,更加期待通过对巴黎市中心历史街区西岱岛上公共历史遗迹的城市更新规划,注入新鲜血液,保护和振兴现已存在的建筑。

多米尼克·佩罗众多出色的建筑与城市规划作品,国际间获奖无数。譬如,1997年因法国国家图书馆建筑设计荣获密斯·凡· 德罗欧洲当代建筑奖(Mies van der Rohe Pavilion Award);2010年荣获法国建筑学院建筑金奖(Grande médaille d’or de l’Académie d’architecture);2015年荣获日本皇室“ 世界文化奖”建筑类终身成就奖(Praemium Imperiale), 同年入选为法兰西艺术院院士。2019年11月,多米尼克·佩罗被任命为2021年韩国首尔建筑与城市主义双年展(Biennale d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme de Séoul)主席。

Dominique Perrault is a French architect and a leading figure of his  generation. He studied architecture at the école Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, and urban planning at the école Supérieure des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris. He opened his Paris architectural firm, Dominique Perrault Architecture in 1981.
Dominique Perrault gained international recognition after winning the competition for the Bibliothèque nationale de France in 1989 (completed in 1995) at the age of 36. This project marked the starting point of many other public and private commissions abroad. Perrault’s large and distinguished body of work includes The Velodrome and Olympic swimming pool of Berlin, Germany (1999); the two extensions of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg (2008 and 2019); the campus of Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea (2008);  the  Fukoku  Tower in Osaka, Japan  (2010)  and the DC Tower I in Vienna, Austria  (2014).  In 2016, Dominique Perrault completed  three major rehabilitation and extension projects,  including  the  Pont de Sèvres Towers, west of Paris, the new mechanics hall of the école Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne and the Dufour Pavilion, the new entrance of  the  Chateau  de  Versailles.  The new Paris Longchamp racecourse was completed in 2018 and the refurbishment of the haussmannian block of la Poste du Louvre in Paris will be finished in 2020. Current studies and projects include the Olympic and Paralympic Village  –  Paris  2024,  the  Gangnam  International Transit  Center  in  Seoul  (2023),  the new Villejuif-IGR  station of the Grand Paris Express  (2025), and the “Mission  Ile  de  la  Cité,” an urban study, commissioned in December 2015 by President François  Hollande,  on  the  future of the historical center of Paris Dominique Perrault Architecture from now until 2040 that’s become a hot topic for urban renewal since the Notre Dame Cathedral fire.
Dominique Perrault’s work examines issues related to the absence and  presence  of  architecture,  topography  and  landscape.  His architecture expresses a simplicity of forms, a sobriety of materials and a pronounced taste for the geography and the urban impact of   architecture.   Dominique Perrault considers the landscape as a material, composing with the  territory.  He  thus affirms the importance of revealing the disappearance and effacement of architecture in favor of a vision that mixes and entangles city and nature. His work is also interested in the urban issues of networks and complexity of the urban systems and mobility infrastructures. Dominique  Perrault’s projects,  publications, seminars, teachings and  writings are imposing  the idea of “Groundscape”, a union between “Ground” and “Landscape” –  which  for  several  years has brought together architectural strategies   involving   the underground.  A new field of research  for  architects,  designers and urban planners, this form of architecture explores the spatial potentialities  included  in  and  beneath  the  surface of our  cities, and offers a resilient, responsible, aesthetic and   sustainable response to the many current urban challenges.
In  2010,  Dominique  Perrault  was  awarded the Gold Medal by the French Academy of Architecture and the Praemium Imperiale Prize for Architecture in 2015. He was also elected at the French Academy of Fine Arts in 2015. Since October 2019, Dominique Perrault chairs the UNESCO-UIA Joint Committee to ensure the coordination,  monitoring  and  evaluation  of  all  activities related to the Rio de Janeiro World Capital of Architecture 2020. He was appointed Director General of the 2021 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism

设计时间:2020.01 – 2020.07
主创建筑师:多米尼克·佩罗 (DOMINIQUE PERRAULT)
设计团队名单 (按姓氏排序):Camille ABEILLE, Augustin BOURGEOIS, Anastasia DELINASIOU, Bernardo GRILLI, Marcela GARCIA, Nanako ISHIZUKA, Richard NGUYEN, Giulia PACE, Julien PRINGUET, Enrico SALVO, Ernesto URQUIZAR, Shenglin YANG
(sort by Alphabetical order of last name)
概念规划设计范围:8.66 平方公里
核心区城市设计范围:1.0 平方公里


发表于 2020-9-30 11:01:07

我更关心法国都市的街区 ilot的封闭模式,如何在邯郸找到类似住宅街区的设计当地化。一直以来,这就是欧洲人都市设计做不细的地方。还有大都市酒店 hotel de metropole 是否适合邯郸市的国际定位。虽然,我们可以说,我们完全建设得起,毕竟当下,建设成本不高,而且也可以给当地带来一张非常靓丽的名片。可是,未来,谁能做好都市的营运商。维持难。
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