iarch001 发表于 2020-11-28 10:00:13

红粉榴榴——中海左岸澜庭catch a boba奶茶店设计

作为大观建筑在中海左岸澜庭UNDER CONSTRUCTION健身房交付之后的又一个设计邀请,catch a boba奶茶店以外卖为主堂食为辅,因此这个长12米、宽4.4米、层高5米的长方体空间无需增加使用面积,可以充分的利用大层高大进深的优势来完成设计。


As another design invitation of DAGA Architects after finished the China Overseas Property La Rive Gauche UNDER CONSTRUCTION GYM. Besides the dine-in service provided in-store, the catch a boba milk tea shop mainly serves for take-outs. Therefore, this rectangular space is 12 meters long, 4.4 meters wide, and 5 meters high. There is no need to increase the use area and can make full use of the advantage of a tall and deep floor to complete the design.
In order to highlight the floor height of the exaggerated scale, we add a full-length dome to the original structure; at the same time, a complete mirror box is designed at the end of the dome, so that the space is twice as long. Let the taller be taller and longer be longer.

▼原始结构中植入的穹顶  A dome implanted in the original structure

▼穹顶尽头的镜面反射 Specular reflection at the end of the dome

catch a boba更是一个有趣的奶茶店,他们做各式各样的珍珠奶茶,完全自制的珍珠是他们最引以为豪的买点。而其中销量最高的是“红粉榴榴珍珠奶茶”。因此柁榴色就成为了我们空间设计的主色调。

Catch a boba is an interesting milk tea shop. They make all kinds of boba tea. The completely homemade pearls are their most proud point. Among them, the highest-selling product is "Pink Pomegranate Milk Tea". Therefore, pomegranate has become the main color of our interior design.

▼白色空间中的柁榴色 Pomegranate colour in white space

▼顶部悬挂的珍珠 Pearls hanging from the top

整体的室内外标识设计成为空间设计中的重要构成元素,我们重新设计了catch a boba的logo,并在logo的外侧增加了巨大的奶茶吸管元素,圆形的吸管又与发光的穹顶互相融合成为穹顶的收口。

The overall indoor and outdoor logo design has become an important element in space design. We redesigned the logo of catch a boba and added a huge milk tea straw element on the outside of the logo, and the round straw merged with the glowing dome to form the closure of the dome.

▼吸管造型设计的发光墙面 Luminous wall surface of straw modeling design

▼室内 logo设计logo design

▼室内店招设计 Interior shop sign design

▼穹顶下的室内空间 Interior space under the dome

▼平面图 Plan

项目名称:中海左岸澜庭catch a boba奶茶店

Project Information
Project Name:  China Overseas Property La Rive Gauche CATCH A BOBA milk tea shop
Design Company:  DAGA Architects
Design Team:  Ren Xiaowei, Yin Aili
Project Type:  Interior Design
Covered Area:  52㎡
Date of Design:  April 2020
Date of Construction:  April 15th- June 29th,2020


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