“The Village村落”约翰斯·霍普金斯大学学生中心效果图
约翰斯·霍普金斯大学委托BIG为学生重塑社交环境体验。BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group为霍普金斯大学设计的学生中心,“The Village村落”,是一座开放、现代且友好的设施建筑,旨在成为霍普金斯大学社区所有成员的社交活动中心。
The New Heart of the Johns Hopkins University Campus
Johns Hopkins University selects BIG to rejuvenate the social experience for students. BIG’s design for Hopkins Student Center, or ‘The Village’, is an open, modern, and welcoming facility envisioned as a social engagement hub for all members of the Hopkins community.
BIG非常荣幸担当霍普金斯大学新的学生中心的设计方;经由一个特别咨询委员会主导评选,这一委托通过长达数月的国际设计竞赛最终敲定。整个过程中,学生及学生事务相关工作人员均有参与,超过1200名学生、教职工和校友对评选调研给予了反馈,该调研针对入围决赛的4家设计公司进行评估。其中BIG的设计方案受到最广泛的肯定,接受调研的受访者们喜爱建筑的开敞性,与周围户外空间的连接,充足的自然采光,以及支撑大学可持续发展目标的集合功能。BIG与Shepley Bulfinch共同负责项目的建筑设计,室内和景观则分别由Rockwell Group和Michael Van Valkenburg Associates负责。这座面积约1.39万平方米的建筑,将包含休闲与社交空间,创意艺术与表演艺术空间,学生资源与支持服务平台,休息室,数字媒体中心,可容纳200人的观演空间,以及可直接通向查尔斯街新广场的人气餐厅。新的建筑设施将为这所坐落于马里兰州巴尔的摩市的大学,在其霍姆伍德主校区带来期待已久的真正意义上的非学术聚集地。
BIG is thrilled to have been selected as the designer of the new Student Center for Johns Hopkins University; the result of a months-long international design competition led by a special advisory committee. Students and student affairs staff were included throughout the process, and more than 1,200 students, faculty, staff, and alumni responded to a June survey, inviting evaluation of the four design finalists. Feedback on BIG's concept was overwhelmingly positive, with survey respondents embracing the building's open feel, connections to surrounding exterior spaces, abundance of natural daylight, and integrated features that support the university's sustainability goals. BIG has teamed up with Shepley Bulfinch as Architect of Record, along with Rockwell Group for interior design and Michael Van Valkenburg Associates for landscape design. The approximately 150,000 square foot building will include spaces for relaxation and socialization, creative and performing arts spaces, student resources and support services, lounges, a digital media center, a performance space with seating for 200 people, and a dynamic dining hall that connects directly onto a new plaza along Charles Street. The facility will satisfy the long-acknowledged need for a true non-academic gathering spot on the university’s Homewood campus in Baltimore, Maryland.
“对于我们来说,这将是全然一新的空间——不以学术为中心,而是完全为社交而生。它毫无保留地对所有人开放,尤其以一系列的灵活空间鼓励交流与合作,在这里,无论运动员、演员、舞蹈队或学生会成员,所有人都可以共同聚集在一起。”——Ronald J Daniels, 霍普金斯大学校长
33号街和查尔斯街交界处的“The Beach海滩”,是霍普金斯大学标志性的开放空间,本案就位于“海滩”的南部,通过为33号街建立一座醒目而友好的新入口,促进校园与邻近社区查尔斯村之间的连通。在学生活动场地的十字路口,项目将校园一隅变成一个充满生机的枢纽。而作为一个天然的门户,这里也为查尔斯村和居住在附近的3500多名霍普金斯大学学生,提供通向霍姆伍德校区中心的便捷通道。
“This will be a new kind of space for us—one that is not academically focused, but entirely social by design. Open to all, reserved for none, and boasting the kind of flexible spaces that invite connection and collaboration, this will be a place where athletes and actors, step teams and SGA members can gather side by side.” — Ronald J Daniels, President, Johns Hopkins University
Located just south of the iconic open space on the Johns Hopkins campus known as “The Beach” at the intersection of 33rd and Charles Streets, the facility will foster greater connectivity between the campus and the neighboring Charles Village community by creating a prominent, welcoming new entry point at 33rd Street. It will turn an area of the campus into a dynamic hub at the crossroads of student activity. As a natural gateway, the area will connect Charles Village and more than 3,500 Hopkins students who live in the neighborhood, to the heart of the Homewood campus.
“从方案可行性研究到启动设计进程,这之间的转换非常令人兴奋。将霍普金斯大学学生们对建筑的期望纳入目标,并通过动态设计进程见证作品逐渐成形,这让我对建筑充满信心,它将满足学生们所期望的一切,甚至超乎所望。”——Alanna Shanahan,霍普金斯大学学生事务副教务长
“The transition from the programming feasibility study to the start of the design process has been incredibly exciting. To take what Hopkins students have shared as their aspirations for the building and to see those pieces begin to come to life through a dynamic design process gives me confidence this building will be everything our students hoped for, and more.” — Alanna Shanahan, Vice Provost of Student Affairs, Johns Hopkins University
The Village is conceived as a central living room surrounded by a collection of spaces tailored to the needs of the Hopkins community. The building negotiates the sloping grade of the site to allow direct entry from all four levels of the building, while maintaining a friendly human scale and providing several accessible routes across the site. Arriving on Charles Street, students and visitors are greeted by an open building façade with dining areas spilling out onto a sun-splashed plaza.
“我曾在美国东海岸多所世界名校任教,这次获选为约翰斯·霍普金斯大学设计学生活动中心,真的是难以置信的荣幸。我们试图将校园中心设想且设计成一个村落,由很多不同的空间和亭廊凝聚而成,可以最大限度地承载活动、兴趣爱好和亚文化的多样性。”——Bjarke Ingels,BIG创始人兼创意总监
“Having taught at a number of world-renowned universities on the East Coast, it is an incredible honor to have been chosen to create the framework for the life of the Johns Hopkins students. We have attempted to imagine and design the Campus Center like a village condensed from a plethora of different spaces and pavilions for the greatest possible diversity of activities, interests and sub-cultures.” — Bjarke Ingels, Founder & Creative Director, BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
The entrance of The Village opens into a cascading interior landscape of dining, performance, lounging, and socializing. The mass timber structure provides a warm and acoustically comfortable environment as light filters in between the photovoltaic roof panels—features that help to meet the university’s larger sustainability goals.
“最伟大的想法和突破,往往产生于课桌之外的地方,因为头脑处在畅想和放松的状态,更能与其他人碰撞出火花。新的霍普金斯学生中心,设计上旨在制造一种必要的‘偏离’,为严肃的学术生活提供平衡补充,为下一代的科学家们解锁下一个伟大发现提供孕育之地。”——Leon Rost,BIG合伙人
“Often the greatest ideas and breakthroughs occur away from the desk, when minds have a chance to wander, to play, to riff with others. The new Hopkins Student Center is designed to provoke the sometimes-necessary distractions that complement rigorous academic life - a place for a future generation of Salks, Curies, and Cricks to unlock their next great discovery.” — Leon Rost, Partner, BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
An indoor landscape—as vast as the Beach next door—is comprised of a cluster of flexible spaces, which open out on to four rejuvenated public spaces: an events-focused commons, the shaded paths of the Grove, an entry plaza at 33rd street, and a new food market and plaza to the south. The signature red brick paths of Homewood campus seamlessly flow through the building.
The Village transforms the landscape around the building to create outdoor spaces for student activities and events. A central plaza can host pop-up exhibits or performances, as well as vendors and food trucks to enliven the North Charles Street corridor. The open design allows light to enter the clerestory windows and leaves all student activities and school spirit on display. The Village becomes an ever-changing mosaic of the Johns Hopkins Community, and a village greater than the sum of its parts. The new Hopkins Student Center is set to begin construction in Spring 2022 and to be completed by Fall 2024. This is BIG’s third academic building in the United States, following the Isenberg School of Management Business Innovation Hub for the University of Massachusetts Amherst and The Heights Building for Arlington Public Schools, both completed in 2019.
项目面积:13,935 m2
合作伙伴:Shepley Bulfinch(建筑设计),Rockwell Group(室内设计),Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates(景观设计)
主创团队:Bjarke Ingels, Leon Rost
联合主创:Elizabeth McDonald
责任建筑师:Jason Wu, Lawrence Olivier Mahadoo
设计团队:Alex Wu, Xi Zhang, Chia-Yu Liu, Guillaume Evain, Jakub Kulisa, Kig Veerasunthorn, Mike Munoz, Tom Lasbrey, Tony Saba Shiber, Blake Smith, Corliss Ng, Florencia Kratsman, Francesca Portesine, Jamie Maslyn Larson, Gabriel Jewell-Vitale, Kevin Pham, Josiah Poland, Jialin Yuan, Ken Chongsuwat, Duncan Horswill, Ben Caldwell, Margaret Tyrpa, Terrence Chew, Tracy Sodder, Chris Pin, Alexander Matthias Jacobson, Tore Banke, Frederic Lucien Engasser, Xingyue Huang, Jesper Petersen, Kaoan Hengles