iarch001 发表于 2020-12-17 10:00:01

LWK + PARTNERS 以功能空间凝聚社区 打造东荟城商场扩建部分及酒店

建立地方触觉和归属感,需要一个元素丰富而充满活力的城市核心。LWK + PARTNERS 将这份理念注入中国香港东荟城名店仓扩建部分及 The Silveri Hong Kong – MGallery 酒店,作为认可人士及执行建筑师与设计建筑师 Arquitectonica 携手合作,完美平衡美学、运营需要、资产价值和社区连系,在香港高密度的城市背景下,有效发挥这块覆盖率相对高的地块的潜能。

A vibrant all-embracing urban centre is often regarded necessary for building a strong sense of identity and sense of place among residents and visitors. This is the key consideration for LWK + PARTNERS as it works as Authorised Person and Executive Architect, in collaboration with Arquitectonica as Design Architect for Citygate Outlets New Extension and The Silveri Hong Kong – MGallery in Hong Kong, China. It is perfect balance between aesthetic appeal, operational needs, asset values and the community engagement on a site with a relatively large coverage in Hong Kong’s dense context.

综合体位于东涌市地段第 11 号,涵盖东荟城名店仓商场扩建部分以及五星级酒店 The Silveri Hong Kong – MGallery。LWK + PARTNERS 在各个工作单位之间担当关键桥梁,确保项目交付高效顺畅,同时对项目下方的公共交通总站的影响降至最低。LWK + PARTNERS 室内设计团队负责酒店室内公共区域的设计及实践,以及商场室内空间的执行工作。

The complex includes an extension of the existing Citygate Outlets mall and The Silveri Hong Kong – MGallery, a new five-star boutique hotel, at Tung Chung Town Lot (TCTL) no 11. LWK + PARTNERS acted as an essential bridge between all parties to ensure smooth and efficient delivery with minimal disruption to the public transport terminal located below. LWK + PARTNERS Interior Design Team is also responsible for design and implementation of hotel’s common areas and execution works of interiors of retail arcade.  


东涌位于香港大屿山北部,而根据行政长官 2017 年施政报告,大屿山的发展及保育蓝图方向是“北发展南保育”。东涌处于通往香港三大城市通道的要塞位置,地理观感优越,有利于向世界展现香港灵活多元的城市身份。

东涌是从香港国际机场进入市内的第一站,不但占尽“香港门户”优势,更是享有青山绿水的休闲康乐胜地。面积达 31,800 平方米的东荟城名店仓扩建部分,为原有零售商场增加 50 间全新店铺,加上地面公共交通总站及邻近港铁站带来的交通便利,往来市中心十分方便,成为社区连结枢纽。

Celebrating Gateway and Connectivity hub
The complex is located in Tung Chung, a district in north Lantau Island of Hong Kong. In the 2017 Policy Address by the city’s Chief Executive, the overall blueprint for Lantau’s development and conservation was set out as ‘development for the north, conversation for the south’. Tung Chung’s visual prominence in an area where three major access points to Hong Kong converge presents an opportunity to create an inspiring and lasting image that represents the city’s urban identity to the world.
Tung Chung is the ‘Gateway to Hong Kong’ from the international airport, as well as a popular recreational destination filled with purifying greenery. The Citygate Outlets extension serves as a connectivity hub for the district, offering an extra 31,800 square metres of contemporary retail spaces for adding over 50 brand new shops to the existing mall. With a public transport terminal at the ground floor, the project is also close to the MTR providing easy access to downtown Hong Kong.

这个崭新零售综合枢纽靠近东涌港铁站及昂坪 360 缆车,为访客及购物人士提供直接转乘及生活便利,更将散落区内各处的不同元素凝聚起来,重塑归一有序的社区结构。项目所有出入口经策略性布置,全方位吸纳区内居民及旅客人流,促进街面活动。内部流线同样条理分明,通过二楼至四楼不同接合点紧密相扣,打通原有商场及新建空间。

Located in proximity to Tung Chung MTR station and Ngong Ping 360 cable car, the new retail complex aims to act as an integrated transport hub to provide convenient and direct interchange services for the visitors and shoppers, and effectively link up dispersed components of the whole community. All main entrances are strategically planned to draw local residents and nearby tourists from all directions, giving a boost to street-level activity. Internal circulations are carefully orchestrated for a connected experience between the existing and new portions of the mall, which are connected through carefully planned and convenient points on Levels 2-4.


A dynamically flowing experience is delivered partly through an interplay of light and shadows. The atrium is defined by three voids and two skylights, with changing shapes and sensible disposition on strategic floors for enhancement of lively shopping environment. As daylight penetrates down to the levels below, sunrays interact with the elliptical voids to create a dancing of light and shadows which constantly energises the circulation on each retail level and atrium space on Level 2, taking the visitor experience to the next level.

项目从五楼以上便是 The Silveri Hong Kong – MGallery,12,300 平方米的酒店空间标志着雅高集团旗下 MGallery by Sofitel 品牌首次进驻香港。其中酒店大堂及其他室内公共区域由 LWK + PARTNERS 室内设计团队操刀,从银元素与月亮这个跨时代、跨文化的动人联想取得设计灵感,由入口大堂到翠绿环抱的泳池甲板,空间格调都随着功能而适度调节,打造富戏剧性、难忘的住宿体验。

The Silveri Hong Kong – MGallery takes up the upper part of the building from Level 5 onwards, marking Accor Hotel’s first MGallery by Sofitel, anchoring around 12,300 square metres of lifestyle hotel accommodation in the city. Its lobby and interior common areas, designed by LWK + PARTNERS Interior Design Team, takes inspiration from the timeless, cross-cultural links between silver and the moon. Memorable, almost theatrical experiences will be created for the hotel guests, from a sense of arrival at the concierge to the verdant surroundings of pool deck, through varying degrees of subtle or sometimes more prominent spatial and hospitality design.




Breaking down the building mass
Given a relatively large building mass, one of the challenges is to break down the massive building bulk with articulated façade treatments and progressive building setback along the height of the building. A curved curtain wall façade and aluminium cladding panels are adopted, wrapped by bespoke parallelogram aluminium strips in a vivid mix of colours to produce a refreshing, unique and dynamic character.
Part of the building is set back to create an area of landscaped street environment, enlivening the overall streetscape with open spaces for public enjoyment. Terraced landscape decks on Levels 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9 offer a different view captured at each level. At Level 5, the new extension is connected to the Roof Jungle of the existing mall, ensuring a well-coordinated interflow of traffic.




Sustainability-sensitive and user-oriented
A holistic sustainability strategy is delivered through the use of a pragmatic ‘fabric first’ approach. Passive design features, smart technologies and select materials are introduced to the building orientation, envelope, operations and maintenance, and energy management.  
Renewable sources are considered wherever possible, while natural ventilation and daylight reception are optimised through the skylight and designated curtain wall façades for energy efficiency. Heat transfer is controlled through the building envelope. All these serve to address land use, planning requirements, whole life costs and carbon emissions while attaching great value to indoor environmental quality, which has a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of building occupants. The project is provisionally awarded a silver BEAM Plus certification by Hong Kong Green Building Council. Sustainable building design and energy efficiency provisions are to be implemented in order to contribute a low carbon emission community in Tung Chung.   


Intensive efforts were made to mitigate noise impact at Level 5 -7, where hotel guestrooms are located adjacent to the retail area and cinema boxes. Possible noise (structural-borne and air borne) and vibration implication on the guestrooms will be incurred from fit-out works at shops normally during the night-time. Guestrooms are structurally detached from main structural carcass frame and prefabricated with a certain degree of interior fit-out works off-site. Sound absorbing material was also used for the area near the cinema box to reduce internal background noise level. Acoustic attenuator and silencer were applied for MEP piling, spring isolators and floating plinth system.

东涌市地段第 11 号商场扩建的上层建筑工程,与东涌市地段第 2 号公共交通总站上的原商场部份拆卸同时进行,加上公共交通总站仍需继续运作,无疑增加了工程的复杂程度和挑战。因此,团队积极在原有及扩建商场之间进行接合协调,与所有顾问及承包商无间沟通,在结构、施工服务及动线得出解决方案。团队也与交通顾问紧密合作,共同仔细規划场地,让公众及现场工程人员安全便捷地进出。

Adding to the complexity and challenge is the concurrent progress of the superstructure construction at the new phase of the mall at TCTL no. 11 and demolition of the existing portion of Citygate Outlets at TCTL no. 2 above the existing public transport terminal, which was still in uninterrupted operation. This was partly tackled through intensive interfacing coordination within the whole team of consultants and contractors between the new and existing mall in terms of structure, building services and circulation. Traffic consultants were appointed to work closely with the team to draw up strategic arrangements to facilitate easy and safe access for both the general public and site staff.


The development aims to create added value for the community and synergy effect by connecting the new retail complex and renovated Citygate Outlets. It not only responds to the needs of the community with functional and humanistic qualities, but also successfully blends architectural creativity and commercial value into one integrated and timeless landmark in the Gateway to the City.

项目名称︰东荟城商场扩建部分及 The Silveri Hong Kong – MGallery
客户︰Newfoundworld Project Management  
用地面积︰ 10,026 平方米
建筑面积︰43,954 平方米
执行室内设计师(零售):LWK + PARTNERS
室内设计师(酒店公共区域):LWK + PARTNERS

Project: Citygate Outlets New Extension and The Silveri Hong Kong – MGallery
Location: Hong Kong, China
Client: Newfoundworld Project Management  
Site Area: 10,026 sqm
Gross Floor Area: 43,954 sqm
Year of Completion: 2019
Authorised Person: LWK + PARTNERS
Executive Architect: LWK + PARTNERS
Design Architect: Arquitectonica
Executive Interior Designer (retail): LWK + PARTNERS
Interior Designer (hotel common areas): LWK + PARTNERS

来源:本文由LWK + PARTNERS提供稿件,所有著作权归属LWK + PARTNERS所有。

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查看完整版本: LWK + PARTNERS 以功能空间凝聚社区 打造东荟城商场扩建部分及酒店