iarch001 发表于 2020-12-20 10:00:02

森林里的儿童成长中心 In The Forest

MTG Learning Center

未/WAY Studio在新项目蜜糖国儿童成长中心为小朋友打造了一个轻松自然的空间。在小朋友的世界里,一切皆未成定律,包括空间的定义,墙不一定必须顶天立地,地未必是一马平川,而我们更希望小朋友能在这种灵活多变的非“稳定”格局里,去探索、重组并定义属于自己的空间,就像在森林中探索那般快乐。

WAY Studio creates a casual and nature inspired learning environment for their latest project, MTG Learning Center. In the eyes of children, nothing is yet set in stone, including the definition of our surroundings — walls don’t always have to stand straight, nor hit the ceiling, floors can be uneven, it is exactly this type of instability or uncertainty that we would like to recreate in order for children to learn through exploration, to define “space” as their own — just like in the forest.


蜜糖国儿童成长中心位于北京,该项目由北京前著名古玩城旧址改造而成。未/WAY Studio受邀为一层局部公共空间进行改造以及为二层新设置的儿童成长中心进行整体设计。项目面积约5,700平方米,跨越上下两层,多功能教室共有6间,其中三间大教室亦可各分割为两个小教室供音乐、美术、创意、无火烹饪等儿童兴趣培训学习空间。另外单独设有木工坊和一间运动或舞蹈教室。整体空间灵活变通,除了满足教育、娱乐需求外,亦可作为餐饮、休息、讲座活动等多重功能使用。

MTG Learning Center is located in Beijing. It is a transformation from an antique market to an education center. WAY was invited to renovate and design the public space on the ground floor and propose a new plan for the second floor. The overall area of this project is approx. 5,700 square meters. There are 6 multi-functional classrooms, a wood carpenter workshop and a gymnastic classroom. The whole plan is free and open, whilst meeting the educational and recreational needs, it could also be used for dinning, lectures, and workshops.

1.  旧商铺转身为儿童成长中心
From old retail space to an education center


项目所在空间原为商铺,空间朝北且层高较低。未/WAY Studio的设计方案通过半开放的空间布局,灵活的家具组合与丰富的灯光设计带来了采光充分、通透且充满弹性的室内空间,保证教育空间所需的通风、温度和空气质量条件。

In metropolitan cities, there has been a shift towards renovation rather than new construction, and from permanent function to spatial flexibility. The architects often face the challenge of accommodating the increasing needs for open, flexible, and multi-functional spaces within the framework of existing buildings.
The building selected to house the MTG Learning center was originally an old retail space with low ceiling. Facing to north, the lighting condition is also unsatisfying. WAY’s design ensures adequate natural lighting, ventilation and air quality through a semi-open spatial layout, flexible furniture units and diverse lighting systems.



The original staircase connecting the first and second floor is transformed into a feature staircase. A scuba mirror to reflect activities on different floors, display cases reserved for children creations, and voice pipes that penetrates the stair floor allowing children on different floors to speak to each other through this installation.



The spatial layout of MTG Learning Center is inspired by “puzzle” to create a free and flowing plan. Staggering spaces conforms to the pre-existing plan outline, which reduce the length of long narrow hallways. Floor to ceiling walls minimize noise between classrooms, whilst low walls between hallways and classrooms blur the boundary between the public and learning spaces.
Diverse wall heights meet the needs of both children and adults. It allows children to feel secure in an enclosed space, while views open up at higher level for adults. Curtains were also installed to supplement potential classroom divisions, which further reduce noise and provide different lighting conditions.


In the classrooms, furniture is used as walls for reorganizing spaces for different activities. The light in the classrooms resemble three teeth with adjustable brightness for day, night and cleaning modes.


2. 为家庭提供一个休憩的公共空间
Family Space

蜜糖国儿童成长中心采用的瑞吉欧方法(Reggio Emilia approach)在空间设计中得到了贯彻和体现。瑞吉欧认为物理空间可以扮演“教师”的角色,环境是建立关系、语言能力和讨论能力的重要工具,强调孩子们在社群中体验和学习的重要性。蜜糖国儿童成长中心的设计围绕着孩子与孩子、家长与孩子之间的关系预留了充分的公共空间,大人与儿童的尺度交错,让两个群体都可以舒适地在空间中进行互动。

The MTG Learning Center adopts the Reggio Emilia approach, which considers the psychical space as an invisible “teacher”, as the environment could stimulate social interactions, create sense of community and contributes to the cultivation of communication skills. MTG Learning Center provides adequate public spaces for children and adults, ensuring a comfortable place for these two groups to communicate and interact.


The second floor is the main space for educational activities, and the space in the center becomes an open plaza for kids to explore. The light installation design is inspired by trees. With layered acrylic panels, three light installations naturally create gray spaces in the public areas, which attracts the users to stay and gather around.


3. 自然之色
Colors of Nature


The whole space is filled with brilliant colors and playful details. Orange, green and red are applied to create an energetic atmosphere, which also differentiates different functions. The bathroom has an umbrella-like structure, which is in vivid red color with theatrical effect. Spaces are also reserved at the entrance and hallways for displaying the children’s artworks.




“We want to create a space of unknown that allows the children to explore and experience by themselves.” MTG Learning Center provides an inspirational space for children’s growth and also ensures adequate communication between the children and the parents.


© 未/WAY Studio 2020

面积:2180 平米
设计团队:郑涛,黎紫翎,洪勤哲,王亦鸣 ,郑智超,张泽群,李旭东,何晶洋
摄影:Fernie Lai
材料商:墙体及家具软包 – Kvadrat,地面铺装 – Forbo

Function: Children Entertainment and Education
Client: MTG Learning Center
Location: Beijing, P.R. China
Area: 2180sqm.
Design Team: Zheng Tao, Fernie Lai, Alan Hung, Mark Wang, Cassie Zheng, Zhang ZeQun, Li XuDong, He JingYang
Lighting Design: J Studio
Photography: Fernie Lai
Materials: Wall Finishes & Furniture – Kvadrat, Floor Finishes – Forbo


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