Queensferry High School
Queensferry High School is a six year, 1,200 pupil comprehensive school offering a quality education for young people and adult learners, as well as recreational facilities for use by the community out of hours.
鸟瞰图 Birds Eye View
建在现有学校的场地上,让施工过程中仍保持完全的操作。它紧靠着福斯河,可饱览联合国教科文组织世界遗产地第四大桥 (Forth Bridge UNESCO World Heritage) 的美景、第四路大桥 (Forth Road Bridge) 和昆斯费里路口 (Queensferry Crossing)。
Built in the grounds of the existing school, which remained fully operational during construction, it stands close to the River Forth with commanding views of the Forth Bridge UNESCO World Heritage site, Forth Road Bridge and the Queensferry Crossing.
建筑图表 Building Diagrams
Working with space strategies, the aspirations of the school were articulated in a strategic education design brief which focused on a faculty based model rather than a superblock. The school takes a heuristic approach to learning, no longer about didactic teaching but rather the learner’s discovery, research, enterprise, group work, collaborative and cooperative learning.
这学校从苏格兰期货基金会(Scottish Futures Trust)之鼓舞人心的学习空间基金(Learning Spaces Fund)里吸引了资金,用于将创新技术应用到新的学校设计中,此后被公认为低碳设计的典范。
The school attracted funding from the Scottish Futures Trust’s inspiring Learning Spaces Fund to implement innovation into new school design, and has since been recognised as an exemplar in low carbon design.
此研究确定了可通过优化建筑模式与环境的建模软件之间的建築資訊模型 (BIM) 之工作流程,来改善建筑环境和能源性能设计的过程,容许在通常需要的时间内评估更多设计方案去使用更传统的方法来开发单个的产品。
The study identified processes which would improve the design of environmental and energy performance of the building by optimising BIM workflows between the architectural model and environmental modelling software, allowing dozens of design options to be appraised in the time normally taken to develop a single output using more traditional methods.
室内草图Internal Sketch
室内草图Internal Sketch
Emphasis is placed on a series of bespoke breakout spaces which encourage faculty collaboration. These spaces were articulated during the design and engagement process in close conjunction with the FF+E consultant in a fully virtual environment ensuring all stakeholders understand the spaces they occupy.
A challenge typical on secondary school design is the successful integration of the MEP design with the overall building. On Queensferry, the useage of the BIM environment by both the design team, Tier 1 contractor and key subcontractors including MEP has been exemplary, with live manipulation and review of coordinated models the norm during on site technical meetings.
立面分层草图 Facade Layering Sketch
立面分层草图 Facade Layering Sketch
西北立面North West Elevation
东南立面South East Elevation
图片:Keith Hunter
Client: Hub South East / City of Edinburgh Council
Location: South Queensferry
Completion: March 2020
Area: 14,185sqm
Cost: £31m
Photos: Keith Hunter
来源:本文由全建筑 | Ryder Architecture提供稿件,所有著作权归属全建筑 | Ryder Architecture所有。