Renovation of Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie Style Villa into a Hotel / Kamiya Architects
来自建筑事务所的描述。重新定义草原风格。Hayama Kachi住宅是1982年在东京郊区附近修建的草原风格建筑,原本的设计出自于Arata Endo,他是建筑大师弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特的门徒。随着时间流逝,日本这一有形文化财产开始加速老化,亟需适当的修缮来保护其历史文脉。
Text description provided by the architects. Redefining Prairie Style. Hayama Kachi house is a Prairie Style residence built in 1928 near the suburb area of Tokyo, it was originally designed by Arata Endo, one of the disciples of Frank Lloyd Wright. As the time pass by, this tangible cultural property of Japan started to age more rapidly and need to have proper renovation to preserve its historical value.
Kamiya Architects recognize the importance for architecture preservation and take the opportunity to redefine the historical value of Prairie Style. As the client request, this historical building will transform into a residential hotel. Our scope of the project is to create contemporary design while respecting historical heritage, at the same time taking the chance to re-think and re-define the historic architectural value and integrate them with modern day living situation.
地下室的温泉浴场。Hayama Kachi住宅在日本被注册为有形文化财产,保护其历史价值是修缮改造过程中最重要的内容。考虑到规范条件,女仆房是少有的几个能被彻底地重新设计的区域之一。由于温泉浴场在传统日本日常生活中扮演着非常特殊的角色,即使是在当今也非常流行,建筑师决定将其背后的空间改造成类似温泉浴场的中庭。
Basement Spa. Hayama Kachi house is registered as one of the tangible cultural property of Japan, preservation of its historical value is the important aspect of the renovation process. Depending on the regulation condition, Maiden room is one of the few areas which can be redesign more thoroughly. As the spa culture is very particular in traditional Japanese daily routine as it is very much alive in the modern day, we decided to take the opportunity to transform this back space into an atrium like spa area.
考虑到Hayama Kachi住宅的历史价值,设计采取的手法是保存建筑的基础构件,包括结构梁以及现存的开口。建筑师倾向于建立现代建筑和历史元素间的联系,为来到女仆房的游客提供无限而有趣的体验。历史结构梁成为垂直空间的特点所在,已经存在的室内设计会被保存并裸露在外,成为该区域的天花板。
Considering the historical value of Hayama Kachi house, design take on the approach of persevering the fundamental element of the architecture, including the structural beam and existing opening. We intended to establish the connection between contemporary architecture and historic element and provide the timeless and playful experience for the visitors of Maiden room. Historic structural beams are turned into the feature of vertical space, pre-existed interior will be preserved and exposed as the ceiling of this area.
草原风格作为沟通的工具。Hayama Kachi住宅所处的区域被茂盛的大自然环绕,建筑师决心为美好的景色打开通向室外的露台空间。应委托人要求,室外的门廊空间应作为一处聚集的场所,也是室内起居空间的延续。当建筑师凝视历史建筑的同时,两根石块堆砌的柱十分显眼,成为了露台空间的主要特征元素,不对称、随意的石块堆砌布局与岩石的自然产生共鸣,也是草原风格的标志性设计元素。
Prairie style as communication tool. Hayama Kachi house is located at the site which surrounded by abundant nature, we decided to open outdoor terrace space for the beautiful scenery. As the client request, outdoor porch space should also serve as a gathering place and the continuance of interior living area. As we are looking at the historic architecture, two stone block columns stand out as the main feature element for terrace area, asymmetry and random stone block layout resonate with rocky nature also it is one of the signature design element of Prairie Style.
From designer perspective, we do not want to only replicate the aesthetic of the composition. As the stone column can become the barrier between conversation, taking the advantage of the irregular layout pattern of Prairie Style to form the geometry of sitting bench is our strategy. Not only we add the playfulness and communicativeness of the space, but the design can also harmony with the Historic Prairie Style house. Using well-crafted wooden block give the design the sense of warmness and nature, and fireplace can maintain the outdoor temperature to the proper level and provide the possibility for long time conversation despite the seasonal change.
Furniture Design. As we are studying the characteristic of Prairie style, we notice that this architecture style utilizes the hexagon and triangle geometry into spatial design and pattern design quite frequently. While we are designing new furniture for this historical architecture, respecting the core architectural value, and anticipating the interaction of new furniture with modern lifestyle. Furthermore, the hexagon table and triangle chairs also have the flexibility to fit in different type of conditions and combination, which made the new furniture design very versatile.
建筑事务所:Kamiya Architects
类型:适应性改造, 历史保护,旅馆室内
面积:364 m2
摄影:Takumi Ota
设计团队:Kamiya Architects
配套设计:Kamiya Architects +Toida Design
Architects: Kamiya Architects
Area: 364 m2
Year: 2020
Photographs: Takumi Ota
Design Team: Kamiya Architects
Equipment Design: Kamiya Architects +Toida Design
Country: Japan