以色列Technion新入口大门 / Schwartz Besnosoff Architects
The Technion’s Entrance Gate / Schwartz Besnosoff Architects
来自建筑事务所的描述。该项目是为位于以色列海法的Technion(I.I.T 以色列理工学院)设计新入口大门。此大门将会代表学校卓越创新的价值观,并起到保证安全与控制入口的作用。这个项目连接了两条已经存在却不连通的步道,第一条从城市伸出,恰好终止在大门旁,另一条则从靠近校园内部的大门出发,朝校园历史中心延伸而去。项目为“门”的概念提供了新的诠释,不再是石墙或分隔线,而是通过绿色步道将城市与校园连接起来的桥梁。
Text description provided by the architects. The projects brief was to plan a new entrance gate to the Technion (I.I.T - Israel institute of technology) located in Haifa, Israel. A gate that will represent the Technion’s values of Excellence and Innovation and will ensure safe & controlled entry process. Our project links between two existing but disconnected promenades– the first arrives from the city (ends next to the gate) and the second departs near the entry gate inside the campus towards the campus historic center. The project offers a new interpretation to the idea of a “Gate” – not a brier or a separator but as a bridge that connects the city and the campus through a green promenade.
The Technion's human assets (students, faculty and graduates) have always been its top priority, together with its awareness and sensitivity to the built and natural environment. Excellence & distinction are some of the central qualities that the institute aspires to. These characteristics are proudly reflected by the quality of research, Nobel laurates, and leading graduates who compose the backbone of the Hi-Tech community in Israel and worldwide. The Technion’s old entrance, didn’t match it’s functional or representational needs. Student & visitors entered through sun flooded sidewalks, along busy roads, creating both an unsafe and unpleasant environment for the beginning of another day on campus.
Our project Identified existing potentials as the starting point for the planning: An existing campus promenade full of shade located right next to the Technion’s entrance. The promenade ends in the center of the campus. An urban promenade that ends just outside the campus entrance. A unique topographic situation enables to create a continuous movement above existing road. Near and far views+ green environment By Identifying these potentials, the project creates a spatial connection between the city and the campus through a new public space for the students & visitors.
Gate - Usually we look at gates as a barrier between two points. The project offers a new meaning to the idea of a “gate” as an urban platform that connects the city and the campus. The connection is made by a bridge that acts as a linkage between two existing promenades that didn’t meet. Through this connection a new urban sequence is made, a shady green promenade that enters from the city and passes through the Technion's main monuments and ends in the central lawn.
Pedestrian route - The Pedestrian route begins with a platform that utilizes the opposite slope of the topography to produce the desired height for vehicles to pass through, creating a safe and controlled entrance. After the security checkpoint, the path opens to a wide square, sloping with the declining topography - thus creating a dramatic view to the Haifa’s bay area and the Zyloni promenade. The space serves as an unformal square - a place for students waiting for their friends, for leisure activities, a stage for events, as well as a starting point for a campus visit. From there, the pedestrians walk to the Ziloni promenade leading to the Rifkin dorms and further to the campus’s heart.
We find in this connection, between the city and the green heart of the campus, a kind of a “green revolution”, an expression of the social and environmental significance, which are the basis of the Technion's values. All this with little effort and maximizing the potential available on the site. We believe that the recognition of human capital and environmental potentials in combination with advanced technologies, creates a valuable solution, whose impact is significant (beyond the technical solution of regulating the entrance) and corresponds to the needs of the Technion, which is currently becoming one of the most influential academic institutions in the world.
Our project redefines the concept of gates. not as a separator or as a barrier but as a connector, a public platform for events and activities connecting the city with the heart of the campus. The project was designed with advanced parametric tools to simplify its production process Although the complex and challenging shape.
建筑事务所:Schwartz Besnosoff Architects
主创建筑师:Schwartz Besnosoff Architects
合作伙伴:Prof. Arch. Gaby Schwartz
项目建筑师:Omri schwartz, Nir Ovadya, Tomer Kopel
投标团队:Schwartz Besnosoff architects + Studio Rolka
结构:Rokach Ashkenazi engineers & Consultants
景观:Raviv Tal
交通:Yehuda eshed
照明设计:Orly avron Elkabetz
电力:Liebu Shtadlan
项目管理:Nitzan Inbar
钢铁制造:Isaa Houry
Architects: Schwartz Besnosoff Architects
Year: 2020
Architect In Charge: Schwartz Besnosoff Architects
Partner In Charge: Prof. Arch. Gaby Schwartz
Project Architects: Omri schwartz, Nir Ovadya, Tomer Kopel
Competition Team: Schwartz Besnosoff architects + Studio Rolka
Structure: Rokach Ashkenazi engineers & Consultants
Landscape: Raviv Tal
Traffic: Yehuda eshed
Lighting Design: Orly avron Elkabetz
Parametric Modeling: Paragroup
Electricity: Liebu Shtadlan
Project Management: Nitzan Inbar
Construction: Rolider
Steel Manufacturing: Isaa Houry
City: Haifa
Country: Israel