iarch003 发表于 2021-9-6 12:09:31


皮特·乌道夫花园 | 在维特拉校区的一处沉醉之地
Piet Oudolf garden | a place for people to lose themselves at Vitra Campus


这一次在Weil am Rhein的维特拉校园萌芽的不再是建筑,而是植物,它位于维特拉展厅(VitraHaus)和阿尔瓦罗·西扎(Alvaro Siza)的生产设施之间,皮特·乌道夫(Piet Oudolf)于2020年打造的4000 m2花园正如火如荼。

2020年5月,荷兰设计师皮特·乌道夫在Weil am Rhein的维特拉校区设计了一座花园。这片荒野从2021年夏季到初秋以巧妙的构图吐露生机。

For once it is not buildings that are sprouting up on the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein, but plants: situated between the VitraHaus and the production facility by Alvaro Siza, the 4000 m2 garden designed by Piet Oudolf in 2020 is now blossoming in all its variety.
A garden created by Dutch designer Piet Oudolf was planted on the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein in May 2020. The artfully composed wilderness will be in full bloom from summer to early autumn 2021.

来自荷兰的皮特·乌道夫是一代园林设计师的先驱,他们在20世纪80年代末对传统园林提出质疑,认为传统的景观园艺装饰性过重,导致大兴土木并消耗大量资源。他们的概念与之相反,关注多年生的、生长能力强的植物、灌木、草木和野花等一系列一直被忽视的花园植物,并采用非常规的布局方式。乌道夫并不认为自己是这个运动的创始人。 “我不管别人怎么评价我。对有些人来说,我只是个园丁。”他坦诚地说。然而,这位园丁在过去几十年中收到来自世界各地的公共花园的设计委托,包括Houser & Wirth Somerset,、蛇形画廊和威尼斯双年展等,他在纽约高线公园的作品引起了关于城市园艺的新讨论。

Dutchman Piet Oudolf is regarded as a pioneer for a generation of garden designers who in the late 1980s began to question conventional practices, finding traditional landscape gardening too decorative, labour intensive and resource-consuming. Instead, they turned to perennial, often self-regenerating plants, shrubs, grasses, bushes and wildflowers, which had been long ignored as garden plants, and favoured equally unconventional layout of the plantings. Oudolf does not see himself as the founder of a movement. ‘I leave it to others to say what I am. For some people, I’m just a gardener’, he remarks matter-of-factly. A gardener, however, who has been entrusted with the design of public gardens around the world over the post decades – including commissions for Houser & Wirth Somerset, the Serpentine Galleries and the Venice Biennale – and whose ‘High Line’ in New York initiated a new discourse on gardening in the city.

“在维特拉校区建设的头几十年里,景观设计并没有被看重。是在连接校园北部和南部的过程中,在阿尔瓦罗·西扎(西萨长廊)和冈瑟·沃格特的项目完成后,才首次开始做景观设计。皮特·乌道夫花园为校园增添了新的维度,为游客开辟了一种全新且不断变化的体验。”维特拉名誉主席罗尔夫·费尔布姆(Rolf Fehlboum)作出如此评价。

‘In the first decades of the Vitra Campus’s development, landscape design was not an issue. It was only in the course of connecting the northern and southern parts of the Campus, when the projects by Alvaro Siza (Siza Promenade) and Gunther Vogt were commissioned, that landscape interventions were first implemented. Piet Oudolfs garden has added a fresh dimension to the Campus and opens up a new, ever-changing experience for visitors: explains Rolf Fehlboum, Chairman Emeritus of Vitra.


What Oudolf s projects have in common is the idea of a landscape that looks wild and untamed, but which could not exist in this form without meticulous planning. His designs play with certain societal notions of wilderness. Tm really just trying to turn people’s fantasies into reality: he says. Yet his gardens are not wild at all. Rather, he strives to achieve a balanced composition or ‘community’ as he calls it, of plants with distinct strengths and weaknesses and different flowering periods and life cycles, so that his gardens provide a sensual experience all year round and accentuate decoy as much as high-season phases.

这需要细致的规划,包括制定精确的花期表、不停搜寻合适的植物,皮特·乌道夫所做的不仅是规划种植,而是在做一件艺术品。可以说这幅作品是乌道夫在维特拉校区项目的基础。乌道夫已使用了大约30,000种植物,比如叫做“阿尔巴”、紫锥菊“呼啦舞者”或马里诺紫色沼草(“摩尔赫塞”)等有着神秘名称的特殊品种。他们为花园提供框架,这在很大程度上削弱了建筑的冰冷棱角,但拒绝单纯作为建筑装饰存在。相反,乌道夫所强调的是景观美化建筑物,并创造出全新的视角。花园旨在引起游客的探索欲,从建筑物到地面,创造一种引人入胜却又迷失方向的状态。游客沿着蜿蜒的小路行走在植物之间——徒劳地寻找着熟悉的直线和清晰规整的几何形状。 乌道夫说:“我希望人们在花园里迷失自己,而不是仅仅穿过花园。”

This requires painstaking organisation, involving a precise timetable and an intensive search for the right plants, in addition to a planting scheme that, in the case of Piet Oudolf, looks like a work of art in itself. The same can be said of the drawing that forms the basis for Oudolf s project on the Vitra Campus. Around 30,000 plants have been used, including specimens with such mysterious names as Persicaria amplexicaule ‘Alba’, Echinacea pallida ‘Hula Dancer’ or Malino purple moor grass (‘Moorhexe’). They supply the framework for the garden, which largely dispenses with built structures, but also declines to serve as mere decoration for the surrounding architecture. Instead, the landscaping complements the buildings and imbues them with new perspectives, as Oudolf emphasises. The garden aims to draw the visitor’s attention away from the buildings and down to the ground, creating a state of inspiring disorientation. The viewer walks between the plants along winding paths – searching in vain for a strict geometry with straight lines and a clear focal point. ‘I want people to lose themselves in the garden instead of just passing through it’, says Oudolf, who is keen to ensure that visitors to his gardens experience the same thing he does – namely an encounter that is both aesthetic and emotional.


For Piet Oudolf, a former bartender and fishmonger, plants are more than just organic matter that he uses to embellish his gardens. His relationship with the plant world, he says, borders on obsession. His expertise meanwhile rivals that of a botanist, but he applies it more in the manner of a theatre director. To me, plants are personalities that I can use and arrange according to their appearance and behaviour. Each one “performs” in its own way, but in the end, an interesting play needs to emerge from it.’

自 2020 年以来,维特拉校区也一直饲养蜜蜂,蜂箱位于 乌道夫的花园旁边,预计在不久的将来将达到 6 个蜂群。 蜜蜂按照组合筑巢方法饲养,使它们能够在蜂箱底部建造天然蜂窝。

两名受过培训的维特拉员工负责照顾蜂群。 蜂箱呈现为五颜六色的自然外观,校园的游客不允许距离它们太近。

Bees have also been kept on the Vitra Campus since 2020: beehives are located next to the Oudolf Garten and house a population that is expected to reach a total of six colonies in the not-too-distant future. The bees are kept according to a combined nesting method that allows them to build natural honeycombs at the bottom of the beehive.
Two Vitra employees, who are trained opiculturists, look after the bee colonies. The beehives are coated with colourful, natural, eco-friendly point – and visitors to the campus are requested to not get closer than photo distance.

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查看完整版本: 皮特·乌道夫新作——维特拉校区的漫步花园