iarch001 发表于 2022-3-9 12:38:09

LWK + PARTNERS | TOD 与低碳时代 构建中国未来城市群

▲ 中国北京通州 TOD 项目
Tongzhou TOD Development, Beijing, China


China’s railways are growing with powerful momentum and it is a key urbanisation trend in the country to integrate world-class transport infrastructure with regional urban planning, giving to the rise of transport-oriented developments (TODs). The country’s top-level 14th Five-Year Plan proposes to step up development of one-hour living circles around regional mega-cities, mainly supported by railway links between and within cities; on the city level, a compact, multifunctional, multidimensional transit-oriented mode of development is preferred, with emphasis on both underground and overground space, greenery and open shared areas.

▲ (左起) LWK + PARTNERS 董事卢建能、王权及梁立德从区域发展、城市规划、建筑设计等不同层面分析 TOD 模式如何在中国遍地开花
(From Left) LWK + PARTNERS Directors Kenneth Lo, Ricky Wang and Gregory Leong share their point of view on TOD development in China from regional development to urban planning and architectural design

LWK + PARTNERS 结合 20 多年规划及设计 TOD 的经验,将香港早期 TOD 经验伸延至粤港澳大湾区以至全国多个主要城市,致力推动站城人一体化发展。本文集合了事务所三大专家观点,从区域发展、城市规划、建筑设计等不同层面分析 TOD 模式如何在中国遍地开花,改写“高密度发展必然降低生活质素”的定律,借助轨道交通将城市中心的功能优势辐射到区域城市群。

九大 TOD 发展关键

TOD 模式是指围绕公共交通枢纽周边空间,进行高密度、混合型发展,打造集居住、商业、文化、公共服务等城市功能为一体的生活中心,强调高效便捷、步行友善的出行模式。LWK + PARTNERS 董事卢建能作为大湾区工作室的领军人物,带领团队设计及建造多个粤港澳大湾区大型 TOD 综合体,他解释:“TOD 模式通过自身的土地利用规划公式、功能混合的土地开发、临近公共交通设施、站城融合、鼓励低碳交通方式等,已是近年来有保证及受欢迎的重要城市和建筑发展模式。”

But why is this specific mode of development a big thing in China? Three architects from LWK + PARTNERS explain below. From regional development to urban planning and project design, the conversation explores how the integration of the station, city and its inhabitants challenges the perception that high-density development lowers the quality of life. LWK + PARTNERS has planned and designed TODs for over 20 years to extend Hong Kong’s early success in the model to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) as well as other Chinese cities.

Nine keys for future TOD
The TOD model involves designing high-density mixed-use developments around a public transport hub to create an urban centre that integrates residential, commercial, cultural, public services and other urban functions, with an emphasis on efficiency, convenience and pedestrian-friendly spaces. “It offers a formulated approach to land use planning that features mixed-use spaces, high accessibility to public transport, integration of station and city, and low-carbon mobility,“ said Kenneth Lo, LWK + PARTNERS Director leading its Greater Bay Area studio in charge of multiple TOD projects, “It has easily become a highly promising and widely adopted way of developing buildings and cities.”

▲ 中国广州赤沙车辆段站综合体项目
Chisha Depot TOD Complex, Guangzhou, China

“LWK + PARTNERS 认为,TOD 发展不仅是多功能,它还须进一步地适应不同城市的特性,为社会、为经济、为环境的更新而提升。未来 TOD 社区需包含‘密度紧凑、混合智能、自然生态、友好步行、连接交织、共享空间、浅层走廊、健康韧性、策略变换’等九个发展关键要素,这些要素总结了世界各地的成功案例,结合事务所的 TOD 项目经验,以支持建筑及交通行业实现国家双碳目标。”

“LWK + PARTNERS believes that TODs not only serve diverse functions, but also adapt to different urban contexts to bring social, economic and environmental benefits. Future TODs will be characterised by compactness, smart mixed use, eco-friendliness, pedestrianisation, interweaving connection, shared spaces, underground walkways, wellbeing and resilience, and mixed strategies. These nine elements are distilled from successful examples worldwide and our firm’s experience of working with the construction and transport sectors towards national carbon targets.”

▲ 中国广州赤沙车辆段站综合体项目
Chisha Depot TOD Complex, Guangzhou, China

铁路发展使城市结构更加紧密,使城市中的商业、住宅、工业、公共服务等功能区域更有系统地互相连结。截至 2020 年底,中国铁路运营里程 达到 146,000 公里,其中高铁运营里程 38,000 公里,占世界高铁运营里程的 2/3 以上。十四五规划将新增城际铁路和市域(郊)铁路运营里程 3,000 公里,基本建成京津冀、长三角、粤港澳大湾区轨道交通网。预计越来越发达的全国高铁网络将促进城际交流,带动经济产业发展及文化共融,加以发挥和联动不同区域的优势,加强城乡互动,推动城市群协同发展。

Railways are good for creating a well-knit urban fabric by systemically connecting commercial, residential, industrial and public service components. By the end of 2020, China had 146,000 kilometres of operating railways, including 38,000 kilometres of high-speed railways which make up over two thirds of the world’s total. The 14th Five-Year Plan will add 3,000 kilometres of intercity and intracity railways to the extensive and expanding national network, completing regional networks for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and the Greater Bay Area urban conglomerations. With the rise of intercity exchange and increased urban-rural interaction, economic and industrial growth as well as cultural integration are expected to follow. Places with complementary strengths and resources can also synergise better with one another.

▲ 中国北京通州 TOD 项目
Tongzhou TOD Development, Beijing, China

TOD 的价值在于透过提高地区可达性,带动区域经济及城市高质量发展。卢建能预期:“未来轨道交通的增长速度和建设工程量都将会逐步加大,粤港澳大湾区以至全国城市轨道交通行业已进入大规模快速发展阶段。粤港澳大湾区作为国家重大战略区,在已有的发展基础上,不仅需要繁荣与健康,而且需要不断地激发创造性、提升创新力,以及提升科技和注重以人为本,以满足城市的发展和国家整体发展的需求。这也是为何 TOD 在中国尤其是大湾区特别得到重视。”

Higher accessibility is a boost to both regional economies and city life itself. “We anticipate construction to grow with rapid railway expansion in the Greater Bay Area and across the country,” Kenneth noted, “As a strategic region of national importance, the Bay Area must seek more than prosperity and health. Encouraging creativity, innovation, tech capabilities and a friendly urban environment are all vital ingredients for supporting the country’s healthy development. This also explains why TOD receives so much attention in the Bay Area and China.”

▲ 中国广州赤沙车辆段站综合体项目
Chisha Depot TOD Complex, Guangzhou, China

人性化亲自然的 TOD 设计

垂直城市综合体的多重功能离不开社区和居民,而进入低碳时代,未来 TOD 设计预计将更注重亲自然设计在项目中的应用。

一直推动建筑形体改革的董事王权认为,TOD 虽然是紧凑高效发展的产物,功能规格极高,但以使用者为核心的精神依然不会变,也因此对公共建筑与其使用者及民众的关系处理提出更高要求。

“设计 TOD 的最大难度在于各类要素在同一标准下的高度整合、融合、化合,开发出一个 seamless total solution(无缝契合的完整解决方案)。作为一种城市规划、开发、建设、运营的模式,TOD 像其他所有建筑项目一样,要根据具体项目自身情况量身定制,而不是生拉硬套所谓的‘标准’,或者过于放大 TOD 概念的公共交通共性,而忽略项目本身的个性和以人为本的原则。亲自然设计的成果必须是使用者能接触并感受到的,要积极作用于建立人与自然的接触。”

Designing an enjoyable, biophilic experience
No matter how complicated, multifunctional and efficient a project is, architectural design is always about the people and community using the space. As the world transitions toward low carbon, future TODs will increasingly embrace biophilic design.
Director Ricky Wang, who works consistently to reimagine architectural forms, said TOD as a form of compact vertical development may be technically demanding, but users should always come first. To design a welcoming humanised experience, therefore, requires a lot of consideration into connecting the building with the people.
“The most difficult part about designing TOD is fusing different elements under a single framework to create a seamless total solution. As a model for urban planning, development, construction and operation, TOD, like all other architectural projects, must be tailored to the context rather than abiding by a rigid ‘formula’ or an over-emphasis on the transport links at the expense of the project’s uniqueness or the human experience. The outcome of biophilic design must ultimately be approachable and felt by users, and promote the human-nature connection.”

▲ 中国佛山中交保利湖涌站 TOD 综合发展项目
Poly Huchong Station Transit-oriented Development, Foshan, China

他以中国佛山中交保利湖涌站 TOD 综合发展项目为例,说明亲自然设计如何提升当地人民的心理健康。项目以“城市森林、阶梯公园、空中之城”为概念,再一次诠释现代社区绿色生活的方式,以优美的城市绿带、宜人的滨水景观、37,000 平方米的中央绿洲,打造富有社区活力的城市绿核。

Ricky took Poly Huchong Station Transit-oriented Development in Foshan, China as an example to show how biophilic design promotes mental wellbeing. Conceived around ‘Urban forest, terraced park, sky city’, the project reinterprets modern community living in the low-carbon age. A vibrant 37,000-square-metre green core features a greenery belt and pleasant river views to create an energising urban lung.

▲ 中国佛山中交保利湖涌站 TOD 综合发展项目
Poly Huchong Station Transit-oriented Development, Foshan, China


锐化城市辨识度  助力更新转型  


因应城市自身形态和特性,国际标准的 TOD 模式讲求从物业价值、生活体验和空间舒适度,提升城市的辨识度。不但强调出行便捷和各类城市元素的可达性,更关注到自行车道、步行道等“公交 + 慢行”网络的发展、地下空间的统合开发以及城市绿廊建设。

In terms of landscape composition, the project creates a terraced park with multilayered features affording a refreshing leisure experience. Vertical greening is adopted in the three-section car park for visual enhancement. The project also embraces the local waterside environment with Lingnan-style aquatic design features, offering residents a lively urban park and quality living environment.

Promoting urban identity and urban upgrade
Experienced planner and urban designer Director Gregory Leong thinks the introduction of friendlier transportation can transform older neighbourhoods by releasing undiscovered local values, creating opportunities for regional upgrade.
A world-class TOD design would sharpen a city’s urban identity by raising land value, improving living experience and spatial comfort, tailored to the city’s inherent form and character. The model not only ensures accessibility of different urban components, but also focuses on establishing a ‘public transport + slow mobility’ network with extensive bike paths and walkways, as well as utilising underground space and developing urban green corridors.

▲ 中国成都太平园站 TOD 项目
Taipingyuan Station Transit-oriented Development, Chengdu, China

梁立德以中国成都太平园站 TOD 项目为例,指出项目鼓励绿色出行,助力成都城市更新重点区域 — 红牌楼商业区提升城市空间格局。项目将成为西南方向进入成都中心城区内的门户,同时项目接驳轨道直达双流机场,极具发展潜力。



改变交通方式和出行习惯就如同改变城市空间结构。LWK + PARTNERS 在未来数年将继续推进大湾区及国内其他城市不少绿色 TOD 项目发展,将人性化亲自然设计与功能复合空间、高度便捷的交通网络交互结合,建构城市生活纽带,提升整体城市群的生活品质,开拓及协调区域发展的新道路。

Greg refers to Taipingyuan Station Transit-oriented Development in Chengdu, China to highlight the significance of encouraging green mobility. Sited in one of Chengdu’s key renewal areas, the Hongpailou commercial district, the project enjoys rail connections with the Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport and improves spatial quality by reorganising functional components. It also serves as a southwestern gateway leading into the city centre.
The project envisions to be a full-service garden-style urban landmark located at a transport hub. Encompassing a wide range of functions including retail, hotels, offices and residences with gardens, the project proposes a future-looking multipurpose urban complex featuring streamlined forms, green façades and overhanging structures with welcoming open spaces.
Transport connections are arranged at multiple levels. An in-town check-in point is directly linked to the railway station to forge seamless integration between the city, rail and airport. A web of slow mobility facilities also links it up with the surrounding sports park as a quality extension of recreational space.
Transforming mobility and commuting means changing a city’s spatial structure. In the coming years, LWK + PARTNERS has a pipeline of green TOD projects in the Greater Bay Area and other Chinese cities that organically combine biophilic design with complex functionality and highly efficient transportation to create dynamic lifestyle centres. In the new age where urban conglomerations continue to mature, regional connections and collaborations will be central to the country’s future growth.

来源:本文由LWK + PARTNERS提供稿件,所有著作权归属LWK + PARTNERS所有。

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