iarch001 发表于 2022-5-9 11:01:51


Moore Ruble Yudell和HED事务所设计的圣莫尼卡中学
Discovery Building at Santa Monica High School by Moore Ruble Yudell and HED


根据一些预测,在当前社会,65%的学龄前儿童将从事目前还不存在的工作。不管这样的统计预测是否准确,不可否认的是,技术和教学方法在不断变化,挑战着传统模式,即教室前排是一排排整齐的学生,老师在最前方。学习可以通过其他方式更有效地进行,例如,不那么正式的集群学习,以自我控制的节奏和互动的方式学习,这样的想法已经越来越多地渗透到主流中。建筑师John Dale说:“很明显,学校的建筑设计需要适应长期的未知因素,以及空间需求,即使在普通学校一天的过程中也会发生变化。”John Dale是HED事务所的负责人,也是开放建筑委员会(Council on Open Building, OB)的联合创始人,该委员会提倡建筑以及整个城市的灵活适应性。John Dale渴望将开放建筑委员会的原则首创应用于教育设施,机会从HED设计的260000平方英尺探索建筑得以显现,该建筑就是Moore Ruble Yudell (MRY)下的圣塔莫尼卡高中,被人们亲切地称为“Samohi”。但是,这个始于2017年的项目,多功能性比预期更早地经受了考验。到2021年8月开业的那天,该建筑的内部弹性空间已经能够很容易地进行重新配置,以保持社交距离、减少班级规模和调整流感期间所需的通风。洛杉矶县圣莫尼卡-马里布联合学区的首席运营官Carey Upton说:“我们所取得的成就在我们传统的校舍里是不可能实现的。”

According to some predictions, 65 percent of preschoolers today will hold jobs that do not yet exist. Whether such statistical forecasts are precisely accurate, it’s undeniable that technology and pedagogical approaches are in flux, challenging age-old models for classrooms with tidy rows of students facing a teacher in front. Ideas that learning can happen more effectively in other ways—with, for example, less formal clusters, in self-paced and interactive modes—have increasingly permeated the mainstream. “It’s become clear that schools need to be designed to accommodate long-range unknowns, as well as spatial needs that shift even over the course of an ordinary school day,” says architect John Dale, principal of HED and cofounder of the Council on Open Building (OB), which advocates for nimble adaptability of architecture, as well as of entire cities. Dale was eager to apply OB principles to an educational facility from the ground up—the first in the U.S.—and that opportunity came with the 260,000-square-foot Discovery building that HED designed, in collaboration with Moore Ruble Yudell (MRY), for Santa Monica High School, the public institution affectionately known as Samohi. But the versatility of this project, begun in 2017, was put to the test sooner than expected. By opening day, in August 2021, Discovery’s resilient interiors had been readily reconfigured for the social distancing, reduced class sizes, and ventilation adjustments the pandemic demanded. “What we accomplished would not have been possible in our old building,” says Carey Upton, chief operating officer of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District, in Los Angeles County.


The five-story, $155 million Discovery building—which includes classrooms, administration offices, a large cafeteria, a suite for medically fragile students, an Olympic-length outdoor pool, and a two-level parking garage—was designed with loungelike common areas in place of dedicated corridors, and movable interior partitions throughout, maximizing flexibility. The project is part of a 2010 phased master plan by R.L. Binder Architects (RLBA) to renew the 26-acre, 99-year-old campus (concurrent with adaptive restoration of some of its early structures). The Innovation building, by RLBA, completed in 2016, has a STEM emphasis, whereas Discovery focuses largely on the humanities. Samohi’s “house” system divides its student body of 3,000 into more intimate groups of about 600, each with its own principal, home base, and primary areas of study. Discovery contains two houses.


Its Open Building strategy is based on a permanent shell-and-core structure, with reconfigurable, reprogrammable, even replaceable fit-outs—enabling the building to evolve and remain sustainable over a long lifespan. In response to workshops with teachers, staff, administrators, and pupils, the architects designed a loft-type building—a plaster-clad shell and prefabricated steel moment-frame skeleton with a uniform, 32-by-38-foot column grid, making interior shear walls unnecessary. To enhance flexibility, vertical mechanical shafts are distributed evenly throughout, and most classrooms, commons, and labs have raised floors—containing electrical, data, water, and supply-air networks—allowing for relatively easy relocation of ports, outlets, and diffusers, as needed.


Instead of deep rectangular floor plates, Discovery’s footprint is U-shaped, ushering daylight across the interiors. The U defines an open-ended courtyard, laced with overhead walkways and a broad stairway—with a growing green wall behind stadium and regular steps—providing the building with exterior circulation options, as well as social-gathering perches. Most of the interior vertical circulation rises along the plan’s perimeter, keeping the floor plates unencumbered. Echoing the rhythms of the big outdoor staircase, a wide indoor one forms a casual amphitheater, descending into a communal area. Each commons has a long whiteboard wall, with interactive video projectors alongside reconfigurable clusters of easy chairs and tables, encouraging spontaneous collaboration. “We treat the entire building as a learning space,” says Upton. Glass-and-metal folding walls open the classrooms visually and physically to the commons. With similarly blurred boundaries, the 12,000-square-foot multipurpose cafeteria—with its glazed garage-style doors—spills outside to a plaza. This dining hub serves the entire campus, with its kitchen also preparing meals for other district schools. Open-air learning areas will soon extend to a roof deck with a weather station, hydroponic and aquaponic labs, an aquarium, and a panel registering the performance of the building’s own sustainable systems (which incorporate electricity-generating PV panels and pool-heating solar collectors).


Playing against the interior’s adaptability, the exterior has a more permanent, self-contained character, with its white-plastered facades (highlighted by deep, yellow window surrounds) and curving corners honoring Samohi’s Streamline Moderne architectural legacy. Also important were connections between the community and campus—just a few blocks from the beach, amid residential and commercial areas, and bound to the north by the I-10 freeway. Michigan Avenue runs through the school grounds, which open to the public after hours and on weekends, allowing for sharing of the swimming pool and meeting spaces.

但是学生是主要的焦点。校长Antonio Shelton说:“当他们第一次走进新楼的时候,很多人说,‘哇,这就像大学校园!’而现在,在一天结束的时候,当他们还在学习合作的时候,我们必须告诉他们,嘿,是时候回家了!”

But the students are the main focus. “When they first walked into the new building,” says principal Antonio Shelton, “many said, ‘Wow, this is like a college campus!’ ” And now, at the end of the day, when they’re still collaborating in the commons, he adds, “We have to tell them, ‘Hey, it’s time to go home!’ ”

在整个校园,MRY和HED事务所已经为下一阶段的总体规划进行了动工,包括体育、舞蹈、瑜伽设施、媒体、记录、照片和设计实验室等等。MRY的负责人James Mary O’connor说:“他们在‘Samohi’的所有工作,完成建设只是一个开始,变革的过程还在继续,这是为了让这个地方为未来100年做好准备。”

Across campus, MRY and HED have already broken ground for the master plan’s next phase, to include athletic, dance, and yoga facilities; media, recording, photo, and design labs—and more. But with all their work at Samohi, “completing construction is just the beginning; the process of change continues,” says MRY principal in charge James Mary O’Connor. “It’s about preparing this place for its next 100 years.”

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