iarch001 发表于 2022-6-13 11:57:09

完美穿孔:7 种有趣地穿透住宅墙壁的方法





Perfectly Perforated: 7 Ways To Playfully Pierce Residential Walls
All it takes is a few meticulously thought-out cavities and an intentional play of light to transform a simple home into a captivating jewel box.
Perforated façades, screens and panels have been used in architecture for centuries. A solid material pierced with small holes is an effective and functional means to control sunlight, heat and privacy. While it may be a functional technique, architects oftentimes take these perforated elevations one step further to imbue a design with artistry and aestheticism.
In a residential setting, a perforated elevation can transform the interior space. All it takes is a few meticulously thought-out cavities and an intentional play of light; the result is an aesthetically-pronounced shadow sequence filling the home’s interior. Listed below are seven residential homes, all of which use perforated walls in a thoughtful, character-building manner.

1.维多利亚时代的音乐盒——By CCY Architects, 科罗拉多州,亚斯本市

2021 年 A+奖评审团获胜者

© Draper White

这座经过翻新的 19 世纪维多利亚式住宅位于亚斯本历史悠久的矿区。房主深度痴迷于音乐,因此想要一个光线充足的演奏空间来举办音乐表演。但是对于一个西南方向正对街道的住宅来说,这意味着如果使用传统窗户就必定会在暴露隐私与牺牲进光量之间舍弃其一。

Victorian Music Box by CCY Architects, Aspen, CO, United States
2021 A+Awards Jury Winner

Located in Aspen’s historic mining district is an updated 19th-century Victorian home. The homeowners are deeply involved in the music scene and desired an airy space where they can host recitals. Due to the home’s southwest exposure, the architects had to create a light-filled space without compromising privacy.

©CCY Architects


In order to do so, a perforated aluminum façade was added to the exterior of the home to control light, heat, and privacy.

© Draper White

穿孔洞则设计成屋主喜欢的作品——肖邦的《降e大调夜曲Op.29 No.1》的乐谱所构成的规律孔洞。

The architects took their design one step further and created the perforations based on Chopin’s Nocturne in E-Flat Major, Op. 9, No. 2. – one of the client’s favorite compositions.

©CCY Architects

© Draper White

© Draper White


The perforated façade changes from day to night and truly doubles as a functional architectural tool and as well as an artistic masterpiece.

© Draper White

2. 狭缝屋——By EASTERN Design Office,滋贺县,日本

© Koichi Torimrua

EASTERN Design Office设计的狭缝屋是一个钢筋混凝土结构的住宅项目,为一位 80 岁的女性设计,“为她提供了一个光线柔和的生活空间和一种在房子里不可能存在的有趣的体验。”这座房子位于一座古老的日本城市,基地尺寸为50m*7.5m,有长长的狭缝,沿着 22 厘米厚的墙壁延伸,使室内空间开放,同时提供足够的隐私。

Slit House スリットの家 by EASTERN Design Office, Shiga Prefecture, Japan
EASTERN Design Office challenges the traditional use of windows through the distinctive application of perforated slits. Dubbed the Slit House, there is not a single window in this home; instead, a series of slits were integrated into the façade in order to let in light.

© EASTERN Design Office

狭缝允许自然光在一天中激活房屋的特定区域。玻璃没有框架,直接放置于混凝土中,透过的光线形式参考了日本传统建筑中的 Fusuma 或 Shoji(用于分隔房间的滑动门)。


The slits produce an overall heightened sensitivity to light as the thin openings create narrow yet powerful streams of brightness. Moreover, the thin projections of light stand pronounced against the dark interior, and thus create a highly aestheticized and artistic space.

© Koichi Torimrua


© Koichi Torimrua

狭缝为建筑师提供了一种工具,可以创造“一种像在孤独的罐子中一样的静谧氛围和一种像在无尽的空间中一样的纯净诗意。狭缝预示着一种创新的建筑设计方法” 。

© Koichi Torimrua

3. Sailom住宅——by Anonym,泰国曼谷

Sailom住宅是一栋四层楼的住宅,可容纳来自三个家庭的成员。 Anonym将内部设计成一个服务式公寓的外观和感觉,每个家庭成员都可以在每层中自由和独立地使用功能空间。 一楼由客厅和厨房等公共区域组成,而上层则是卧室、起居区和小餐具室。

Sailom House by Anonym, Bangkok, Thailand
Anonym architects designed a four-story dwelling that houses three families. In order to prioritize privacy while maintaining continuity throughout the home, the designers viewed the project more as a service apartment than a single-family dwelling. The first floor houses all the communal spaces, such as living and dining, while the upper floors are reserved for private spaces, such as sleeping and bathing.

© Anonym



© Anonym


© Anonym


© Anonym


© Anonym


The home’s elevation features a wall of perforated bricks. The degree of perforation was decided depending on the function of the room. For example, the bricks covering the bedrooms were laid tightly in order to prioritize privacy. While the communal spaces face a façade with loosely stacked bricks and enjoy a more expansive light exposure.

© Anonym

4. Seaberg——by Kerstin Thompson Architects,澳大利亚墨尔本

© Derek Swalwell

澳大利亚墨尔本的一所住宅通过将住宅解构为一系列独立空间来挑战传统的住宅模式。 通过将房子分成不同的体量,在从内部核心到外屋的过程中,居住者可与自然相接触,适当程度的暴露和保护。这成为区分城市生活,并在内部与外部空间之间创造流动性的一种方式。


Seaberg by Kerstin Thompson Architects, Melbourne, Australia
A residential home in Melbourne, Australia challenges the traditional house typography by deconstructing the home into a series of detached spaces. By separating the house into various volumes, the dwellers are put in touch with nature through a continuous engagement with the outdoors. The home was designed with elevated interior spaces which maximize views of the nearby sea. The architects also incorporated perforated and slatted screens that can be adjusted depending on the climate and dwellers’ desires. The screens ventilate the home while equally creating a playful pattern of circles on the interior walls.

© Derek Swalwell



© Derek Swalwell

5.柔道屋——By Nervegna Reed Architecture,澳大利亚墨尔本

© John Gollings


Judo House by Nervegna Reed Architecture, Melbourne, Australia  
This dwelling was designed for two Judo professionals who desired a home that would reflect their love for martial arts. In order to meet this request, the architects created a basement layout that could easily convert into a Judo-practicing space.

© John Gollings

由于场地只有6m 宽,三角形切片被切入地面(上面有可穿过的网),让光线进入地下室。这为地下柔道练习营造了一种禅宗般的氛围。在一楼,一个三角形的灯光庭院是从面向街道的侧壁上的矩形立方体中切割出来的,它由穿孔的金属屏幕固定。屏幕可以在白天保证内部隐私,并可以看到街道的景象。穿孔的图案用一个点屏幕状的表面过滤器框住街景,隐约让人想起电视屏幕的形态。到了晚上,当室内灯光照亮街道时,半色调点屏幕成为图像得以穿透的媒介。

The home sits on a narrow site, and in order to maximize space and light, the designers incorporated a series of glass cavities throughout the residence. For example, circular cut-outs can be found on the ground floor which enhances the natural light in the basement and equally allows the dwellers to see into the Judo practice below. Additionally, a perforated metal screen was included on the exterior façade. This screen is made of geometric shapes, which allows light to fill the interior space and creates a patterned shadow within the walls of the home.

© John Gollings


© John Gollings


© John Gollings

6. 孔隙房——By Piotr Kluj + Paweł Litwinowicz,波兰波兹南

该建筑原本是典型的半独立式住宅,上世纪70年代在波兰非常流行,形式简单规则,窗户和阳台普通,所谓的“立方体”在当代建筑中根本没有脱颖而出。 购买房屋时,业主认为需要将其翻新以满足其需求。

Perforated House by KLUJ ARCHITEKCI, Poznan, Poland
A traditional 70s Polish home has been remodeled and imbued with a contemporary, functional feel. The home balances old and new through its favoring of simple lines mixed with Art Nouveau furnishing.

© Jeremi Buczkowski


© Jeremi Buczkowski

为了使建筑具有现代感,建筑被简化并转变为一个简单的立方体,没有阳台和任何露台。 房子远离地面前端的位置创造了一个通向车库的既长又宽的坡道。


Redesigned with a simple cubed shape, the house features a functional double garage. Glass was used in both the front and back elevations in order to create an airy atmosphere.

© Jeremi Buczkowski

立面的设计对于重新改造住宅也很重要,因为它们的设计目的是使房子的视野变得半透明,在建筑物的正面和背面增加了大量的玻璃。为了完成没有玻璃的作品,使用了天然木材贴面的面板。 此外,镂空的设计旨在让卧室和浴室更加亲密,并覆盖窗户。切口的形状与旧家具中的植被图案相对应,根据投资者的意愿,这些植物成为新房子内部的一部分。

Moreover, to connect the decorative Art Nouveau style with the new contemporary feel, an openwork design was included on two specific parts of the elevation.

© Jeremi Buczkowski


These ornate façade details create a unique play of light within the home, and equally, add a decorative element that is enjoyed within the private spaces of the dwelling.

© Jeremi Buczkowski

7. Kas di Coral——By Bahama Architecten,荷兰格罗宁根

© Richard Zomerdijk

“Kas di Coral”项目位于荷兰格罗宁根市区欧罗巴公园的“de Linie”新区。

这座房子由 Bahama Architecten事务所设计。立面设计是与视觉艺术家 Tanja Isbarn 合作完成的。


Kas di Coral by Bahama Architecten, Groningen, Netherlands
Kas di Coral is a private residence that is equally understated as it is distinctive. The home is made of a monochrome box-like structure and was constructed as such to adhere to the neighborhood’s design requirements. Nonetheless, the façade stands out due to its perforated sections.
Created in collaboration with Tanja Isbarn — a Groningen-residing visual artist — two organically produced perforated designs decorate the exterior walls. The oblique cutouts allow light to reflect onto the home’s floors, which change throughout the day depending on the sun. Inspired by coral masses, this façade speaks to the irregular shapes of such marine species and enforces a connection between art, architecture and nature.

© Richard Zomerdijk

正如“Kas di Coral”这个名字所表明的那样,这与荷属安的列斯群岛有着特殊的联系,这里特别指代博内尔岛。穿孔立面的美学概念源自珊瑚岛化石,而这是博内尔岛环礁岛的基本物质。


© Richard Zomerdijk

很明显,在这个概念中,高效的能源使用受到了追捧。 屋顶上 10 平方米的太阳能电池板可满足供暖和热水需求。 日光的使用具有最高优先级,作为被动能源的来源。 整个房子都配备了LED照明。


1.https://architizer.com/blog/insp ... -residential-walls/
2.https://www.dezeen.com/2020/09/2 ... novation-expension/
4.https://www.dezeen.com/2009/10/1 ... tern-design-office/
6.https://www.archdaily.com.br/br/ ... s-pawel-litwinowicz


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