Eight ways to prevent birds flying into buildings with glass facades
梅利莎·布雷耶(Melissa Breyer)是一名研究纽约市鸟类碰撞玻璃外墙行为的志愿者,她表示,反光玻璃表面则是造成大量鸟类死亡的“主要元凶”。
“鸟类并不理解玻璃外墙的概念。”美国建筑工作室FX Collaborative的可持续发展总监、建筑师Dan Piselli补充道,他曾在纽约市的几座建筑中从事减少鸟类撞击玻璃外墙事件的工作。
Collisions with windows cause billions of bird deaths each year. From patterned glass to netting, here are eight ways to make buildings more bird-friendly.
Reflective surfaces are "the main culprit" for mass bird deaths according to Melissa Breyer, a volunteer who has studied bird-window collisions in New York City.
Read: Glass facades are "the main culprit" for billions of annual bird deaths
"Birds do not understand the concept of glass," added architect Dan Piselli, director of sustainability at US architecture studio FXCollaborative, who has worked on reducing bird strikes at several New York City buildings.
"They didn't evolve to deal with glass. They simply cannot see it."
Here are eight ways to help birds avoid crashing into glass-covered buildings:
Photo is by David Sundberg Esto
根据美国鸟类保护协会的说法,玻璃熔块在玻璃表面蚀刻时效果最好。这方面的例子可以在自由女神像博物馆(上图)或由FX Collaborative建筑工作室在纽约改造的Jacob K Javits会议中心看到。
Fritted and patterned glass
Using fritted glass is one the simplest and most common ways to make buildings more bird-friendly. Printed with a ceramic frit or dot pattern, this type of glass is primarily used to reduce glare and help cut a building's cooling costs, but it also makes glass more visible to birds.
According to the American Bird Conservancy, frits are most effective when etched to the outside of a glass surface. Examples of this can be seen at the Statue of Liberty Museum (above) or the renovated Jacob K Javits Convention Centre in New York by architecture firm FXCollaborative.
Photo is by Tomáš Souček
Ov-a Architekti设计工作室设计的Lasvit总部就是一个半透明磨砂玻璃的设计案例。玻璃体块,如Archismith在《玻璃城堡》中使用的玻璃体块,也具有与不透明和半透明玻璃相同的作用,因为它们不会产生令鸟类感到困扰的的反光效果。
Translucent and opaque glass
Opaque and translucent glass that is etched, stained or frosted can reduce and even eliminate collisions, according to the American Bird Conservancy. This is because they do not create the optical illusion of continued space.
An example of translucent frosted glass can be seen on the Lasvit headquarters by Ov-a Architekti (above). Glass blocks, such as those used on The Glass Fortress by Archismith, can also have the same effect as opaque and translucent glass as they do not create confusing reflections.
Photo is courtesy of the Luma Foundation
艺术家Doug Aitken在Gstaad的镜面展馆Mirage 1049(如上图所示)的立面上使用了贴膜玻璃幕墙。Aitken说,依据瑞士鸟类保护协会的指导,水平黑线的距离间隔为3厘米,“以抵消反射表面造成的干扰”等。
Window films
Applicable to inside and outside surfaces, window films are becoming an increasingly common way to help birds see reflective surfaces on buildings. The films typically take the form of narrow, horizontal stripes that are barely visible to the human eye.
Artist Doug Aitken used window films on the facades of Mirage 1049 (above), a mirrored pavilion in Gstaad. Following guidance from the Swiss Bird Protection Society, the horizontal black lines were positioned three centimetres apart "to counter the distraction from the reflective surfaces", Aitken said.
Photo is by Daisuke Shimokawa/Nacasa & Partners
Netting, screens and shutters
Exterior shades and screens are a simple way to make glass on buildings of any scale safer for birds. These can take the form of solar shading or decorative facades that wrap entire structures, such as the metal mesh-covered MoyaMoya house in Tokyo (above) or the gridded timber facade of House on an Island in Norway.
However, cost-effective alternatives such as mosquito and insect screens can be equally effective.
这种技术对人类来说是不可行的,但通常被用于反射周围环境的镜像建筑上。例如Prashant Ashoka在墨西哥设计的Casa Etérea(如上图所示)和Peter Pichler在意大利设计的一系列宾馆等。
UV-patterned glass
Windows and reflective surfaces can also be made visible to some birds using ultraviolet (UV) patterns or coatings. This is because avian species can see into the UV spectrum of light.
The technology, which is not visible to humans, is commonly used on mirrored buildings that are designed to reflect their environments. Examples include Casa Etérea in Mexico by Prashant Ashoka (above) and a series of guesthouses by Peter Pichler in Italy.
However, UV patterns are one of the most expensive options for achieving bird-friendly buildings and are often not recommended as certain birds are less sensitive to UV light.
Photo is by Hufton + Crow
在南安普顿的Maggie's酒店,建筑师ALA选择了斑驳的不锈钢覆层来代替平面玻璃,而Studio Gang事务所在芝加哥设计的Aqua Tower酒店则是使用了波浪形状的阳台来打破玻璃幕墙面的统一感。
Uneven surfaces
Angled surfaces can also help prevent bird collisions as they create contrast and uneven reflections, preventing the illusion of continued space. his approach was used at Herzog & de Meuron's AstraZeneca research centre in Cambridge (above). The architect says it has so far been "very successful" in deterring birds.
At Maggie's Southampton, architect AL_A opted for mottled stainless steel cladding in place of flat mirrors, while Studio Gang used undulating balconies to break up walls of windows at the Aqua Tower in Chicago.
Decals and stickers
One of the more familiar low-tech solutions available is decorative stickers or decals. These can range from stickers that resemble silhouettes of animals to simple strips of tape.
The American Bird Conservancy states that, if applied correctly to the outside of a reflective surface, birds can identify decals as obstacles that they must try to fly around. Decals can also serve a decorative purpose, such as on shop windows including the Playtype concept store in Copenhagen by e-Types (above).
Photo is by Joshua Newton
这是在美国和加拿大等地区开展的许多“熄灯”项目的目的。梅丽莎·布雷耶是纽约市野生动物慈善机构NYC Audobon的志愿者,她呼吁更多的建筑业主参与到去年纽约大规模鸟类撞击玻璃死亡的事件中来。布雷耶说,这些情况在春季和秋季鸟类迁徙期间尤为重要。
Lights Out programs
Alongside minimising the reflectively of glass and mirrors on buildings, one of the easiest ways to decrease bird collisions is by simply turning off lights in buildings at night.
This is the goal of many "Lights Out" programs launched across the USA and Canada. Melissa Breyer, a volunteer for New York City wildlife charity NYC Audobon, demanded that more building owners and occupants took part in these following the mass-bird death in New York last year. Breyer said these programs are particularly important during spring and autumn bird migrations.