iarch001 发表于 2022-9-3 10:00:00


Aerial view of church and residential areas in Pinelands, Cape Town,. Image © Jean van der Meulen via Shutterstock

Ecological Control and the Garden City: Utopia for Whom?


19世纪,英国出版社将发行了一本由英国城市规划师撰写的书——一本标题乐观的书,即《明日:真正改革的和平之路》(To-morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform),后来被重印为《明日的田园城市》(Garden Cities of To-morrow)。这位英国城市规划师就是埃比尼泽·霍华德,这本书也为后来的田园城市运动奠定了基础。这场运动将产生因其崇高目标而受到赞扬的绿色郊区,但也将产生只满足少数特权人士的卫星社区。


At the turn of the 19th century, a British publishing house would release a book written by an English urban planner – a book with an optimistic title. The title of this book was To-morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform, later reprinted as Garden Cities of To-morrow. The English urban planner in question was Ebenezer Howard – and this book would lay the foundations for what would later become known as the Garden City Movement. This movement would go on to produce green suburbs praised for their lofty aims, but it would also produce satellite communities that only catered to a privileged few.
The concept propagated by Ebenezer Howard was quite simple. At its most basic, a garden city would harmoniously combine the countryside with the urban town, where rural flight and urban overcrowding would be simultaneously addressed. Spatially, Howard visualized garden cities to be planned on a concentric pattern with green spaces and public parks, intersected by six radial boulevards extending from the center.

Garden City Map by Howard. Image via Wikimedia Commons, public domain



Despite the utopian air of Howard’s visions, a garden city was built in the UK a short while after the publication of his book. Letchworth in Southern England would later serve as a template for future garden cities – influencing nearby Welwyn and Hampstead Garden Suburb.
The original garden city concept, however, was molded by the realities of a capitalist economic system. Howard had devised Letchworth with a cooperative ownership scheme with no landlords. As the project was backed by wealthy investors, however, this was scrapped. This molding of the garden city concept would shortly end up leaving the shores of the UK, finding its way to colonial territories in the African continent, where the elements of a garden city would be transplanted to exclude, segregate, and delineate social status.

Aerial view of Letchworth. Image via RIBA Competitions

田园城市模式在国际上的早期转化是在南非,1919年在开普敦的南郊建立了Pinelands。它以莱奇沃思花园城市为蓝本,是南非专业城市规划的首次尝试,也是历届种族隔离政府所青睐的空间规划的先导。Pinelands的道路和小径都经过精心设计,以使人们能够看到树群或Table Mountain的美景。商店可达性良好,房屋是英国本土风格,这里的设计寻求将赏心悦目的外观与舒适性和经济性相结合。

尽管如此,Pinelands还是被明确设想为一个只有白人的低密度隔离住房郊区。如果说埃比尼泽·霍华德对田园城市的设想是倡导社会改革的话,那么Pinelands的田园城市设计则纯粹是技术性的,只体现在道路布局和土地分配方面。设计居住区的英国建筑师Albert John Thompson以缺乏资金为由,反对在Pinelands开发非欧洲人居住区。

A very early translation of the garden city model internationally was in South Africa, which in 1919 saw the establishment of Pinelands in the southern suburbs of Cape Town. Modeled closely on Letchworth Garden City, it was the first attempt at a professional town plan in South Africa – which acted as a precursor to the spatial planning favored by successive apartheid governments. The roads and paths that cut through Pinelands were carefully crafted to allow for vistas looking towards clusters of trees or Table Mountain. Shops were designed to be easy to reach without being obtrusive, and the houses were designed in an adapted English vernacular style – seeking to combine a pleasing appearance with comfort and affordability.
With all this, however, Pinelands was explicitly conceived as a whites-only, low-density segregated housing suburb. If Ebenezer Howard’s vision of a garden city was one that championed social reform, Pinelands’ garden city design was purely technical, represented only in the layout of roads and allocation of open spaces. English architect Albert John Thompson – who designed the settlement – justified his stance against developing a non-European section in Pinelands by citing a lack of funds.

Garden Cities plan of Pinelands - 1948. Image © University of Cape Town Libraries, South Africa


几十年后,南非颁布了《Group Areas Act》,随着城市种族隔离制度的进一步规范,种族群体被分配到不同的住宅和商业区。Cape Flats是这一法案的结果,该地区由种族隔离的社区组成。最初的田园城市手册中规定的有序的绿化带变成了一种排斥隔离的工具,成为黑人、混血儿和白人社区之间的缓冲带。郊区的道路相互绕行,这是另一种形式的城市控制。

The development of Pinelands in effect paved the way for planning as a medium for social control in South Africa. It contributed in part to the passage of statutes that mandated segregated land use – such as the 1927 ordinance that formalized the establishment of townships.
A few decades on, the Group Areas Act was enacted in South Africa, with racial groups being assigned different residential and business areas as urban apartheid was further codified. The Cape Flats were a result of this act, an area consisting of racially segregated neighborhoods. The orderly greenbelts laid out in the original garden city handbook became a tool of exclusion, instead acting as buffer zones between Black, mixed-race, and white communities. Suburban roads circled back on each other, another form of urban control.

Browns Farms - Cape Flats, Philippi, Cape Town. Image © Johnny Miller



This exploitative Garden-city model was applied by the apartheid South African government in townships such as Langa and Ndabeni, and was ultimately an apt representation of the garden city both as a form of control of non-whites and medium through which South Africa’s white community would be “insulated” from non-whites.
The garden city as a social engineering project was also similarly sculpted in Western Africa, with Senegal’s capital of Dakar arguably bearing this legacy most vividly. The epicenter of French colonial rule in West Africa, colonial administrators looked to the garden city model to create what they termed as a cité-jardin in Dakar – with the unambiguous goal of creating visible class stratification.

Dakar’s quarters by the 1950s. Image © Original drawing by Tamar Soffer



Early into the twentieth century, the colonial government imposed segregationist housing schemes in the city. Dakar’s indigenous inhabitants were forced to resettle in the newly formed quarter of Médina, its grid deliberately arranged for colonial surveillance over the area. In the mid-1900s, the Plateau was established, with several roundabouts elaborately arranged in star-like intersections of wide avenues. The latter was Dakar’s cité-jardin. It was not a garden city in the full sense, but rather was a settlement comprising of villas with gardens and verandas, wide tree-lined avenues, and a decorative abundance of vegetation.
Dakar’s Plateau quarter was designed to create a prestigious settlement for the colonial bourgeoise – attractive areas for colonial officials against a backdrop of urban segregation. Easy access to nature – a key principle of Ebenezer Howard’s original garden city proposal, was limited to the colonial expatriates.

Dakar's Plateau area featuring wide boulevards - from the Ousmane Sembène film "Mandabi". Image Courtesy of Janus Films



The housing model common in the UK of a bungalow-compound complex with a cultivated garden was transplanted to Dakar, taking the form of spacious villas with private gardens. The practice of nature as an object for consumption, adhered to by European urban elites, found its way to colonial Dakar, where green spaces would serve as spaces of leisure and pleasure.

The cite-jardin project was in effect an attempt at controlling Dakar’s urban and ecological character, serving the colonial goal of attracting the ideal expatriate family to emigrate. The expansive homes in Dakar’s cite-jardin, housing large kitchen gardens and served by domestic servants, were a physical manifestation of colonial authority, as Dakar’s indigenous residents were obligated to adapt to the poorly-planned settlement of Médina.

Dakar's Plateau area featuring tree lined roads - from the Ousmane Sembène film "Black Girl". Image Courtesy of Janus Films



Even Howard’s early garden city model is one that can be said is not inherently liberating. It was a product, in a way, of condescending depictions of working-class people and settlements, propagated by the middle and upper classes. It is natural then, that this model would produce the Plateaus and Pinelands' of the world – utopian communities for a select segment of society.
The garden city might be romanticized in some contemporary circles and hailed as an avenue for making cities more liveable, but it is a concept that is impossible to disentangle from its origins – and one that can easily lead to the segregated settlements the world can do without.

Road in Pinelands, Cape Town. Image © Flickr User Danie van der Merwe licensed under the (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) license

Welwyn Garden City memorial garden. Image via Wikimedia Commons, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Cathédrale Notre Dame des Victoires in Dakar's Plateau area. Image © David Perghaud via Unsplash

Church in Pinelands, Cape Town. Image © Flickr User Danie van der Merwe licensed under the (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) license

Thatched house in Pinelands, Cape Town. Image © Flickr User Danie van der Merwe licensed under the (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) license

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查看完整版本: 浪漫概念的背后——田园城市的前世今生