iarch001 发表于 2022-9-9 10:00:03


△开放的起居空间 ©立明
Living room



The project is located in Haidian, Beijing, a duplex apartment with 100㎡. The occupants are newlyweds born in 1990s who had study abroad. As the first house in Beijing, they were expecting new home is minimalist style with pragmatic functions, and fulfill specific requirements.
While solving inherent problems of original house, we focus on the interactivity of space, creates an opened LDK space (living room, dining area, kitchen) with systematic storage. Improve the utilization rate and living quality, as well as increase the communication and interaction of occupants.

/ 洄游玄关 /
Circular Entryway


The original entry space was dark and jammed. We demolish the original walls, insert semi-hung rectangular block. One side is facing the entrance, as wardrobe, the other side is facing the living room, as TV cabinet, the block possesses multiple functions within one object under different uses.

△玄关柜面向入户 ©立明
Entryway cabinet facing entry door

△玄关柜面向客厅 ©立明
Entryway cabinet facing living room

△一层空间轴侧及收纳体系分析图 ©辰境设计
First floor axonometric and storage system diagram


The circular entryway conduces bring in natural light, solves the problem of insufficient lighting in entryway and staircase. The bottom of the cabinet is hollow, reduce the heaviness of the block, opens up both sides so that provides visual contact, while ensure the privacy of the interior space. The paths on both sides that enclosed by cabinet are connecting the inside and outside, effectively resolves the jammed circulation at the entry.

△玄关两侧看向客厅 ©立明
Looking living room from both sides of entryway

/ LDK-空间的开合 /
LDK-Space Transformation

改造后的一层空间整体呈现LDK布局,使得客厅Living room,餐厅Dining area,厨房Kitchen为生活的核心区,以全开放式的设计手法打破常规空间格局,丰富生活场景;聚合家庭成员间的情感互动,营造亲密的家庭氛围。

The first floor presents LDK layout after renovation, the living room, dining area and kitchen were aggregated together as core area of the house. Breaks the conventional space pattern with open design approach to enrich the living scenes. Creates intimate vibe and boost communication and interaction between family members.

△客厅LDK布局 ©立明
LDK layout living room


From the perspective of functional use, we set up full-wall storage cabinet on the left side of sofa. The combination of glass and solid cabinet door is properly for display and daily cleaning. We use the same design approach, overhanging the cabinet to reduce the feeling of oppressive, also creates an echo with entryway cabinet. The dining area is placed on the first floor with the best natural light, it can also serve as working place and entertainment area, with a variety of social attributes.

△满墙收纳柜与餐厅 ©立明
Storage cabinet and dining area


The remodeled kitchen area combines refrigerator and counter, turn the layout from “L” to “G”, with giant promotion of storage function of the kitchen. Install high cabinet for equipment on the right side of the stove, embed the oven above the countertop, avoid the inconvenience of bending body.

△厨房 ©立明

/ 其他功能空间 /
Other Functional Spaces


We partially reduce the space area of the first-floor bathroom, so that reserved more space for staircase, and added resting platform to improve safety. We try to bring in natural lighting by use glass handrails and overhanging treads, the exposed stair structure presents industrial feeling. Video game play area is added at the second floor to provide an exclusive area for occupants have fun in their spare time.

△楼梯间 ©立明

△电竞娱乐区 ©立明
Entertainment area


By reorganized the layout of second floor, the original overly long master bedroom was separated into two spaces with a walk-in cloakroom was added. The dimensions and division ways are deliberately designed to improve the efficiency of storage. We adjust the door location of secondary bedroom to enhance more storage space for the master bedroom, meanwhile, reserving space for the new family members in the future.

△主卧 ©立明
The master bedroom

△步入式衣帽间 ©立明
Walk-in cloakroom

△二层空间轴侧及收纳体系分析图 ©辰境设计
Second floor axonometric and storage system diagram

△次卧 ©立明
Secondary bedroom


we adjust and optimize the size and layout of bathroom, improve the storage function. The space adopts matte gray tiles and unified colors.

△卫生间 ©立明

Floor Plan

First floor original layout

△一层平面图 ©辰境设计
First floor

Second floor original layout

△二层平面图 ©辰境设计
Second floor




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