As a pioneer among advanced intelligence computing platforms, the Hengqin Super Computer Centre is comprised of three phases and it is set to be one of the largest world-class AI computing centres. Phase Three is jointly designed by Guangdong Architectural Design & Research Institute (GDAD) and Aedas design team, and is led by Executive Director Kelvin Hu. The project will be completed and ready for use in 2023.
▲ 横琴的数据立方
Hengqin’s data cube
▲ 已完成主体结构封顶
Façade of main structure completed
项目位于横琴岛科创研发区,周边高新产业密布,紧邻珠海横琴环岛西路的区位优势,形成了极佳的城市展示面;同时项目地处小横琴山山脚,生态环境优渥,景观资源丰富。为此,设计团队提出了“科学智芯,生态绿核”的设计概念。“三期工程选址有着特别的生态环保意义,它毗邻合作区七号冷站,周边电厂产生的冷源通过七号冷站及地下管廊供给三期工程。我们希望在建筑设计中延续这一理念,将其环境优势与战略意义相结合,打造独具特色的横琴绿色智能核心。” 胡庆峰如是说。
Located on Huandao West Road at the base of Xiaohengqin Mountain, the landscape and abundant greenery provide a thriving scenery to the project. In light of such beneficial ecology, the design manifests itself into two main concepts: Advanced Technology and Sustainable Ecology.
▲ 项目所在地
Site location
▲ 手绘草图
“Phase Three is located near one of the cooling stations, where the cool energy generated from the power plant is transferred to the site through the station and underground pipes. Our key is to integrate the ecology and technology into one design core in the Science Innovation Zone.” – Aedas Executive Director Kelvin Hu.
▲ 体量生成
Massing generation
Responding to the compact site area, the plot is divided into three independent multi-functional blocks according to their respective traffic flows. A mass cut strategy is adopted to open the sight corridor on both sides towards Hengqin Mountain. Subdivision of functional body blocks create a jagged form, enhancing vertical interaction within the building. These soften the building volume and weaken the sense of oppression on the approaching road to merge into the environment.
▲ 科技智芯与生态绿核相结合
Integration of the technology and ecology
▲ 建筑与小横琴山
Xiao Hengqin Mountain as backdrop
Taking inspiration from energy circuits and ecological growth, the design emphasizes geometry and movement, expressing an architectural language that is sleek and neo-futuristic. The linear façade is inspired by integrated circuits, which are indispensable to any AI computing platforms. It shapes the architecture with simple geometric form to create an atmospheric and elegant façade. Using metal plates to mimic the dense lines on circuits, the project is complete with exquisite details and lighting features to light up the area as a shining technological cube during the night. The blocks in the middle adopts façade mullions and double insulating glass to create a stick glass curtain wall façade that enables sunlight to penetrate and blur the border to the exterior surroundings.
▲ 计算机建筑独特的气质
Sleek and neo-futuristic
▲ 简洁的几何体块
the design emphasizes geometry
▲ 发光的能量模块隐喻科技核心
A shining technological cube during the night
▲ 科技化的能量模块
Technological and futuristic architectural form
The vertical ecological greening is created to form a three-dimensional landscape system, integrating the architecture and nature. The jagged façade becomes a green wall with creeping plants growing in between the grooves, providing a seasonal and natural wall painting to vitalize the area. In addition, green public spaces are placed on rooftops to create a sustainable working environment.
▲ 设计中植入绿色基因
integrating the architecture and nature
▲ 生长的绿色基因-立体垂直的多维生态绿化
Building façade infused with vertical greening
▲ 建筑立面可以随四季变化
A seasonal and natural wall painting
“我们希望将自然元素融入科技平台, 在一座以机器为主角的建筑融入多样性的人本交流空间,为横琴打造一座集兼具科技感与未来感的绿色数据立方。”胡庆峰如是说。
Kelvin added, “We hope to create a design that infuses elements of nature with technology in a diverse and interactive environment. As such, this neo-futuristic project shall be a green cubic landmark in Hengqin New District.”
▲ 横琴的数据立方
Hengqin’s data cube
▲ 概念模型效果
3D conceptual model
Location: Zhuhai, China
Design and Project Architect: Aedas, Guangdong Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd (GDAD)
Client: Zhuhai Da Heng Qin Company Limited
GFA: 39,290 sq m
Director: Kelvin Hu, Executive Director