有着“全球乳业未来城”之称的伊利现代智慧健康谷坐落在呼和浩特市,作为内蒙古自治区“十四五规划”重大项目以及呼和浩特市一号工程,它基于全新的产城融合模式以及数字科技,构建全链条式产业,对中国乳业发展有着极为重要的意义。Aedas全球设计董事韦业启(Ken Wai)、执行董事李巍带领团队,在这一乳业硅谷的中轴门户位置,打造了全国唯一的国家级乳业技术创新中心。
With new urban planning strategy and digital technology, a global dairy industrial zone has been nurtured in Hohhot. Aedas Global Design Principal Ken Wai and Executive Director Wei Li led the team to create the one and only national dairy technology innovation centre in the heart of the zone.
Adjacent to the Yili headquarters and Central Park, the innovation centre is located in western part of the industrial zone. It is a diverse mixed-use project that consists of laboratories, offices, multi-functional halls, pilot-test laboratory and exhibition space. Circulation is tailored-made to different parties according to specific needs, ensuring the layout efficiency is maximised.
▲ 项目承载多元功能业态
Multi-functional complex
▲ 项目位于伊利现代智慧健康谷中轴西侧
Located in western part of the industrial zone
“The design combines the corporate characteristics and the sense of place, creating a biophilic research space with representative company identity and spacious innovation area. It also offers unique sensational experience for visitors.” said Aedas Global Design Principal Ken Wai.
A 6-storey laboratory is located on the south, where a spectacular greenery view of Central Park can be enjoyed. The north is set with a 2-storey pilot-test laboratory to facilitate the in-and-out transfer of stocks. The laboratories are connected by an atrium, with a windmill-like architectural form. A semi-suspended square roof building breaks the architectural massing and enhances the natural light penetration to interiors. ETFE material is applied to the façade in a linear pattern, imitating a melting yet translucent sugar cube that assembles assets of knowledge, resources and talents.
▲ 设计概念
Design concept
▲ 总体布局
Layout planning
▲ 动感的建筑轮廓
Architectural form with vibrancy
The use of glass and aluminum panels for façade optimises the light penetration and ventilation, in which the form is inspired from the stacking lush of the topography. It results in a neat massing and façade to echo with the company identity.
▲ 建筑立面抽象凝练草原的线条形态
Façade mimicking the lush topography
▲ 优雅洗练的企业形象
Elegant yet strong company image
A void atrium interconnects all zonings and creates a powerful arrival experience. Two arrival lobbies are created on the first floor to efficiently circulate the staff and visitors. Laboratories can be directly reached by the elevators on the sides from the staff lobby; visitors will enter the exhibition corridor after watching an introductory video at atrium. Walking towards the corridor’s end, an elevator will lead visitors to the upper levels. An immersive sensational experience is created along the corridor. The design also creates three separate flows for transferring different goods and garbage to ensure a pleasant environment for staff and visitors. As an innovative research workspace, the atrium becomes a communal space for interaction and flexible working area.
▲ 内部空间设置
Section plan
▲ 高挑的中庭空间
A void atrium
▲ 通过中庭串联起各功能空间
All functions are connected by the atrium
“我们希望通过巧妙的空间布局以及创新的科研氛围塑造,以产业驱动推动国家乳业技术创新中心的全面发展。” 李巍说道。
The atrium extends eastwards to the urban oasis, seamlessly connecting itself with the east entrance. Staff can enjoy a tranquil leisure space on the south whereas a piazza on the west is created through retreating for large-scale events.
Aedas Executive Director Wei Li commented, “We hope to facilitate the industrial development of National Dairy Technology Innovation Centre through strategic spatial planning and lively atmosphere.”
▲ 首层平面图
▲ 二层平面图
▲ 三层平面图
▲ 四层平面图
▲ 五层平面图
主要设计人:韦业启(Ken Wai),全球设计董事;李巍,执行董事
Location: Hohhot, China
Client: Yili Group
Design and Project Architect: Aedas
Gross Floor Area: 45,137 sq m
Completion Year: 2023
Design Directors: Ken Wai, Global Design Principal; Wei Li, Executive Director