iarch001 发表于 2023-3-17 10:00:04

场地景观的演变——Nike HomeCourt滑板景观

Nike HomeCourt Skate Landscape / F31



Text description provided by the architects. Many traditional sports typically operate within a set of rules on a regulated ‘court’. Skateboarding is different, it can be done anywhere with a hard surface, skateboarders often interpret the urban environment in creative and unique ways which are personal, stylistic, and technical.


The Nike skate landscape is an authentic and inclusive location specially designed to provide skateboarders with a stimulating creative canvas. The diffused edge between skateboarding forms and the public realm identifies skateboarding as a borderless activity. This new kind of hybrid zone is inviting for all users and is a progressive approach to public space, leaving a legacy for others to follow.


It has been named a skate landscape because of its combination between traditional- and skateboard architecture. The skate landscape is intended as a public space that incorporates various skate-able elements that are based on topologies that have shaped skateboarding over the past decades, and as such, create a new paradigm in landscape architecture.

Aalto雕塑是其核心部分,同时也是Rich Holland在Kiasma现代艺术博物馆的装置的核心,“kidney blobs”的形式灵感来源于Alvar Aalto1939年在芬兰的Mairea别墅那样,这座别墅有着史上少见的腰果型游泳池,依据Avery Trufelman的说法,这也激发了加州的一系列碗型滑板场地作品的设计灵感,究其本质,这些碗型场地的消极空间就是Kidney Blobs的形式,除此之外,其他空间的设计灵感还来源于哥本哈根Israel广场的公共雕塑。

The Aalto sculpture is the centerpiece and an iteration of Rich Holland’s installation in the Kiasma museum of modern art - The form of the ‘kidney blobs’ is inspired by Alvar Aalto’s seminal 1939 Villa Mairea in Noormarkku, Finland, which features the world's first kidney-shaped swimming pool. According to Avery Trufelman @ 99% invisible (Episode 370) this inspired a whole stream of bowls in California that were skated on by the early pioneers of skateboarding. Essentially, the negative space of such bowls is the form of the Kidney Blobs. The hat dish is inspired by a public sculpture in Israel’s Plaza in Copenhagen (Cobe + Sweco).



The skate landscape is a continuation of exploration on how skateboarding can be intertwined into our cities, it is in contrast to fenced or segregated skateparks, skate plazas, and the idea that skateboarding should be done in a specific enclosed space.
The landscape is freely accessible daily.

类型:装置 结构 滑板公园
面积:2300 m2
摄影:Marcel Veldman
景观承包商:De Enk groen en golf
景观工程:BK ingenieurs
概念创意:Marije de Haas
设计概念指导:Rich Holland
结构设计:Bedir Bekar
建筑历史研究:Iain Borden
Nike Sb 负责:Nike

Architects: F31
Area: 2300 m2
Year: 2021
Photographs: Marcel Veldman
Landscape Architects: bplusb
Landscape Contractor: De Enk groen en golf
Landscape Engineering: BK ingenieurs
Conceptual Direction: Marije de Haas
Design & Conceptual Direction: Rich Holland
Structural Design: Bedir Bekar
Architectural Historian: Iain Borden
Skate Landscape Contractor: NineYards
The Bounce Sculpture: iamrubensanchez.com
Nike Sb Lead: Nike
Workplace Design Director: Nike
Project Manager: Nike
City: Hilversum
Country: The Netherlands

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查看完整版本: 场地景观的演变——Nike HomeCourt滑板景观