iarch001 发表于 2023-4-27 10:00:00


从高炉烟囱林立的老工业区,到冬奥会上的惊艳亮相,再到如今高端产业创新高地,位于北京西部重要发展节点的石景山首钢园区,正逐步实现着传统工业的绿色转型,构建出世界级的城市复兴。园区由3个片区组成,Aedas全球设计董事温子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen)、执行董事林子欢带领团队,在其中东南部总部经济区的核心地段,打造了集办公、商业、艺术、文化多元业态于一体的首钢东南区769地块项目。

As one of the focal developing districts located in western Beijing that comprised of three zones, Shougang is a cradle for high-end industries which leads to the green transformation of traditional industries. Aedas Global Design Principal Dr. Andy Wen and Executive Director Zi Huan Lin led the team to create a mixed-use commercial complex on the southeast part of economic zone.

▲ 地标性建筑轮廓
Landmark building


The rectangular plot maximises the land efficiency, offering a park view on the west and metro connection at the south and north entrances. ‘Putting the whole masterplan into consideration, the design has integrated with the urban fabric. Financial offices are located on the south and west to reserve the landscape and nearby buildings.’ Zi Huan says.

▲ 地块周边交通便利
Convenient transportation network


Echoing the surrounding chessboard-like layout and the variation in heights, a unique skyline is created for the city. The low-rise tower is placed in the north while two high-rise towers are diagonally placed in the south. Two piazzas are designed at the corners, unifying the architectural language within the plot and enhancing the vitality to the public. The northeastern piazza integrates with the nearby urban green axis, creating a collaborative working experience and humane communal space. Connected to the pedestrian entrance, the sunken piazza at the southwest brings circulation to the integrated underground work-retail area where the VIP drop-off is also located, creating a superior arrival experience.

▲ 棋盘格布局
Chessboard-like layout


The façade drew inspiration from sculpting, carving the massing to avoid opposing straight corners. The reduced massing and simple architectural form create a comfortable spatial experience. Horizontal façade fins are complemented with glass panels, mimicking the form of diamonds to represent perseverance and eternity.

▲ 犹如钻石的建筑形态
Diamond-like architectural form


Wide glass panels and casement windows are used to optimise the cityscape views and ventilation. The low-rise office tower also uses the neat yet vigorous architectural form, representing a vision of entrepreneurship with sustainable development.

▲ 办公标准层平面
The typical floor plan of office

▲ 丰富的绿色公共空间
A vibrant green public space



The airy and bright office lobby is created by a 5-storey void, creating a contemporary and grandeur corporate image. Abundant natural sunlight is injected to the interiors, forming a people-centric working environment within an adaptive and flexible layout.
The energy-efficient measures has brought the project to receive the highest rating level of The Green Building Evaluation Label and LEED Gold Certification. The design greatly reduces the light pollution and optimises the energy-saving measures for interiors through highly reflective aluminium façade panels. In harmony with the urban green spaces, the central plaza, landscape and rooftop garden are connected as a multi-layered green realm.

▲ 项目鸟瞰效果图
Aerial view of the project


Zi Huan shares the design objective, ‘Balancing the quality of office and communal spaces, we have created a high-end financial office park that integrates with the nature.’


▲ 建筑立面图

主要设计人:温子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen),全球设计董事;林子欢,执行董事

Location: Beijing, China
Client: Shougang Fund, Royal Golden Eagle
Design and Project Architect: Aedas
Gross Floor Area: 136,056.86 sq m
Completion Year: 2024
Design Directors: Dr. Andy Wen, Global Design Principal; Zi Huan Lin, Executive Director


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查看完整版本: 北京首钢园区商务综合体新标杆