perforated grid facade skin enfolds private retreat in indonesia
印尼雅加达的设计工作室GeTs Architects完成了当地一个住宅街区的改造方案,可以满足三代人的需求,并重塑了私人度假寓所的私密性。项目位于雅加达南部的Tebet,在两层楼的建筑内置入了多种生活功能,体量上与邻近房屋融合,旨在为这个大家庭提供更宽敞的居住空间。
Jakarta-based design studio GeTs Architects completes the renovation proposal of a residential block in Indonesia accommodating the needs of three generations and restoring privacy in the private retreat. Aiming for a more capacious settlement for the extended family, the building plan, located in Tebet, South Jakarta, lays out two levels of multiple living functions integrating its volume with the adjacent houses of the neighborhood.
‘The Gritted Grid’ unveils a honey-colored gridded facade made of custom fiber cement breeze block that serves as a second skin maintaining seclusion from the street level yet engaging all spaces with the lush greenery of the surrounding landscape.
The lightweight-elevated structure reduces the visual bulkiness of the construction and reinforces the continuity of the exterior. The perforated outer cast forms a canopy and generates an ever-changing shadow play throughout the day. ‘The interplay of transparency and solidity across the facade is an aesthetic decision as much as a functional one’, shares the team.
▲ 将住宅包裹在定制纤维煤渣水泥砖中 | all images by GeTs Architects
the three facades wrap the residence in a system of custom fiber cement breeze-block | all images by GeTs Architects
设计工作室GeTs Architects在改造时保留了原始结构的某些设计元素,使用许多亭廊无缝衔接了室内外空间。住宅的客厅、餐厅和厨房作为中心,连接了各个方向的私密空间,有一楼的两间卧室,二楼的三间儿童房,还有主卧、浴室和私人休息室。
The house accommodates two bedrooms on the first floor, three children’s bedrooms on the second floor, and a private area for the family lounge, master bedroom, and bathroom. The renovation project by design firm GeTs Architects retains certain design elements of the original structure blending seamlessly the interior and outdoor areas through the internal arrangement with an extended pavilion. The living, dining, and kitchen spaces serve as the heart of the home and interconnect to the private zones horizontally and vertically.
The interior is adorned with opulent finishes and decorative details such as polished ironwood flooring, slabs of honed silver marble, black diamond marble flooring, and timber-battened ceiling and wall. The inclusion of bespoke repurposed items such as repurposed timber walls, a marble standing lavatory, and a stunning eight-person polished marble dining table forms a major part of the construction process.
▲ 透过穿孔网格露出室内暖黄的灯光
‘the Gritted Grid’ illuminates from within exposing warm lighting through the external framework
▲ 穿孔表皮保护了泳池的私密性
the perforated skin enclosing the retreat reflects on the large swimming pool
▲ 硬木地板从入口门廊延伸,与白色大理石墙交接
the ironwood decking material runs along the entry porch blending with the elevated white slab marble
The design shapes enclosed terraces or balconies outside of every bedroom integrating the natural element into the interior. The project rrestores the connection of built environments with nature maintaining a sense of control and safety in private boundaries.
▲ 泳池和花园与室内空间无缝衔接
the swimming pool and garden area flow seamlessly into the interior
▲ 二楼可以俯瞰附近郁郁葱葱的公园
the second floor’s east and west sides overlook the lush green from the adjacent park
▲ 不同的大理石装饰着客厅
polished ironwood flooring, slabs of honed silver marble, and black diamond marble adorn the living room
▲ 宽敞的楼梯悬浮在金鱼池塘上
the floating staircase hovers above the koi pond and forms a commodious middle stair landing serving as a seating step
▲ 主卧室和浴室以及家庭休息室与房子的中轴线平行
the master bedroom and bathroom along with the family lounge stand parallel to the central axis of the house
▲ 下沉的亭廊形成了一个开放的聚会空间
the sunken pavilion forms an open gathering space
项目名称:The Gritted Grid
设计师:Gets Architects | @getsarchitects
委托人:Gerard Tambunan
主设计师:Griselda V Chandra
设计团队:Monika Ardelita, Reza Fadillah
室内样式:Diana Pardede, Monika Ardelita
project info:
name: The Gritted Grid
designer: Gets Architects | @getsarchitects
principal: Gerard Tambunan
designer in charge: Griselda V Chandra
design team: Monika Ardelita, Reza Fadillah
interior styling: Diana Pardede, Monika Ardelita
location: Jakarta, Indonesia