iarch001 发表于 2023-7-28 12:21:41

拥抱可持续 / 竹装置——Tree of Life

▲ 装置概览,overall view © UK Studio

在最近北京城市边缘一座杏林中举办的艺术展中,我们设计的一个竹装置展现了再利用自然资源的力量。利用场地内获得的竹子和绳索,打造了一个可以与人互动的不断生长的竹装置——Tree of Life,装置环绕在一棵高耸的树木周围,吸引着观众以一种全新的方式体验大自然。

Embracing Sustainability / Bamboo Installation——Tree of Life by UK Studio
In a recent art exhibition held in an apricot grove on the edge of Beijing, a remarkable installation emerged as a testament to the power of repurposing natural resources. Employing locally sourced bamboo and ropes, the installation created a captivating canopy around a towering tree, enticing visitors to experience nature in a novel way.

▲ 在森林中,in the forest © UK Studio

▲ 在树下,under the tree © UK Studio

▲ 在夜晚,at night © UK Studio

▲ 装置细节,installation details © UK Studio



Exploring the Environmental Relationship between People and Nature
At its core, this bamboo installation explores the intricate relationship between humanity and the natural world. It serves as a reminder of our responsibility to protect and preserve the environment while appreciating its beauty. The concept not only offers a captivating visual experience but also encourages visitors to contemplate their connection with nature and their impact on the planet.

▲ 与大树融为一体,blend with the tree © UK Studio

▲ 夜晚的光芒给人庇护,The light of night gives shelter © UK Studio



Sustainability Dimensions:From Concept to Uses
This bamboo installation exemplifies sustainability in multiple ways. Using locally sourced bamboo reduces carbon footprint and supports local communities. The biodegradable ropes used to secure the bamboo ensure an environmentally friendly structure. Additionally, its versatile uses allow for easy dismantling, repurposing, and minimizing waste.

▲ 装置下静谧的开放空间,Quiet open space under the installation © UK Studio

▲ 围炉而坐的氛围,Atmosphere of sitting around the fire © UK Studio



Design Considerations: Blending with Nature's Grace
Carefully crafted, the installation seamlessly blends with the surrounding environment. The bamboo canopy envelops the tree, creating a natural and harmonious connection. Providing shade, it invites visitors to seek respite while creating an interplay of light and shadows, heightening the sensory experience. At night, subtle lights illuminate the top of the installation, evoking a primal ambiance, reminiscent of gathering around a campfire.

▲ 建造过程及结构细节,Construction process and structural details © UK Studio

▲ 装置结构,structure © UK Studio



Construction Process: Meticulous Craftsmanship and Minimal Impact
Meticulous planning and skilled craftsmanship were crucial in building this sustainable masterpiece. The use of locally harvested bamboo reduces reliance on new materials. Attention was given to structural integrity while minimizing damage to the tree. Skillfully intertwined ropes provide stability and flexibility.

▲ 树下畅谈,talk under the tree © UK Studio



Fusing Tradition, Sustainability, and Community Engagement
In Beijing, China, this bamboo installation stands as a fusion of sustainability and art, inspired by traditional Chinese umbrella structures. It embraces cultural roots while forging a harmonious connection between people and nature.

▲ 开放的可持续社区,open sustainable community © UK Studio

▲ 小朋友也被吸引来,Children are also attracted © UK Studio

▲ 装置设计图及场地位置,Installation design drawing and site position © UK Studio


Its openness invites individuals to contribute, creating a collaborative space. As visitors explore this remarkable installation, they are reminded of their connection to nature and the shared responsibility of safeguarding the planet. It serves as a testament to sustainable art and design, inspiring a reevaluation of our relationship with the environment.

竹装置——Tree of Life
设计团队:UK Studio
设计团队:刘羽 Sadiq闫瑞琪
摄影版权:UK Studio

Bamboo Installation——Tree of Life
Project type: Installation
Architect: UK Studio
Completion Year: 2023
Leader designer & Team: Irene Liu,Sadiq,Ricky Yan,
Photography: UK Studio

来源:本文由UK Studio提供稿件,所有著作权归属UK Studio所有。

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