iarch001 发表于 2023-8-21 11:00:01


In Pride of Idleness Pavilion / Foster + Partners


该展亭来源于2022年Pride Month的方案征集,是Foster + Partners事务所的临时结构设计方案,在该项目中,有一个获奖设计作品结合考虑了圆形设计原则,设计概念在建筑界展开了一场讨论,目的是在达到纪念意义的同时,也从工作中得以休憩,从而获得了自豪与自由。

Text description provided by the architects. The pavilion is a result of what initially started as an open call for architects at Foster + Partners to create a temporary structure for Pride Month in 2022. In Pride of Idleness, one of the winning designs was crafted with circular design principles in mind. The design concept was to open a discussion in the architectural profession, on taking pride and liberation of “taking a rest” from work while honoring Pride Month.

Foster + Partners事务所让设计师们得以自由发挥,唯一的要求便是使用回收材料,而这些材料也来源于该事务所曾经为Pride设计的临时结构,这表达了模型工作中现有材料的各种潜能,比如木质框架、绳索,还有基座。

The designers were given free rein by Foster + Partners. The only specification was to use entirely reclaimed materials, coming from a previous temporary structure designed by Foster + Partners, also for Pride. This showcased the beauty and potential of repurposing existing materials laying in the model workshop, including the timber frame, ropes, and pedestals.

展厅由Akash Changlani与 Isik Goren设计,他们都有着建筑学背景,从事的是建筑科学与技术行业,目前在可持续领域发展。

The pavilion was designed by Akash Changlani and Isik Goren. Both Isik and Akash, coming from an architectural background, specialized in building science and technology, and now practicing in the field of sustainability.


“In present-day culture, especially in the architectural profession, pride, and dignity are associated with work, production, and the self-reflection of being busy; whereas idleness, or “not doing anything” is not necessarily glorified or held in honor. We wanted to offer an outdoor space for respite for employees, a place to take intentional breaks while offering views of the sky and the rest of the campus’ outdoor space, where it is currently located. The pavilion represents taking pride in natural ways of being and living, which we aren’t meant to have shame in the first place.” – Isik says


“In the making of the pavilion, the idea is materialized as an enclosed frame of an octagon. On each face, the ropes from the colors of the pride are handwoven and united at the top, which then forms a spirograph with an opening to the sky. The space offers the habitant an experience of holding the head up by looking up as a gesture of pride and dignity. Meanwhile, the ropes on each side face act as a semi-transparent screen to make dialogue between indoors and outdoors.” – Akash says


The sustainable and circular design aspects were further emphasized by designers, they hand-weaved all the reclaimed ropes with no additional metal joinery. The reclaimed timber sections were also kept largely at their original length to avoid waste from cut-offs.

该展亭最初用作Pride Month的临时装置,但是由于Foster + Partners事务所园区及其员工的积极影响,导致机构决定将其保留为永久装置,设计方案在Foster + Partners事务所开放日开放展出,同时它也展出于伦敦建筑节与建筑LGBT平台之中。

Originally intended to be a temporary installation for Pride Month, the pavilion's positive impact on the Foster + Partners campus and its employees led to the decision to keep it as a permanent installation by the practice. The design was open to the public during the Foster + Partners Open House. It was also featured in the London Festival of Architecture and Architecture LGBT platforms.

建筑设计:Foster + Partners
类型:装置&结构 亭子 细部设计
主创建筑师:Akash Changlani, Isik Goren

Architects: Foster + Partners
Year: 2022
Lead Architects: Akash Changlani, Isik Goren
Country: United Kingdom
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查看完整版本: 闲散之亭:释放内心的七彩艺术