iarch001 发表于 2023-8-22 12:08:22


Wind House


著名的建筑师路易斯·卡恩(Louis Kahn)曾经告诉他的学生在遇到灵感时要与材料沟通,从而寻求建议,就像:“你对一块砖头说:‘你想要什么,砖头?’ 砖块回答:“我喜欢拱门。” 你说:“看,我也这么想,但是拱门很贵,我可以使用混凝土门楣,你觉得怎么样呢?” 砖头说:“我还是喜欢拱门。”

The very well-known Architect Louis Kahn used to tell his students to talk to materials and ask it for advice when stuck for inspiration: “You say to a brick: ‘What do you want, brick?’ And the brick says to you: ‘I like an arch.’ And you say to the brick: ‘Look, I want one too, but arches are expensive and I can use a concrete lintel.’ And then you say: ‘What do you think of that, brick?’ The brick says: ‘I like an arch.’”

类似的是苏拉特住宅的建筑语言;砖不仅是一种建筑材料,而且是一种不可或缺的设计材料。这座房子建在 222.5 平方米的紧凑场地上,其外观元素十分有趣,裸露的砖墙、大型拱形开口和金属屏风,让建筑看起来更加通透,使其能够适应当地气候。花岗岩石材覆层的使用与砖块的红色相得益彰,营造出某种大胆的特征感。

Similar is the architectural language of a residence at (Surat); where brick is not just considered a material to build with, rather an integral material to design with. Built on a compact site of 222.5 sq mt, the façade of this house becomes an interesting element for its passer-bys. The exposed brick wall, large arched opening and metal screen- a contemporary jaali provides a breathable skin to the house, making it climate-responsive. The use of granite stone cladding complements the earthy colour of brick creating a certain sense of bold characteristic to its exterior.


The entrance of the house greets you with a beautifully designed water body and planters that creates a memorable experience throughout the space. While the outermost layer of the house reflects the idea of minimalism at first glance, the interior stimulates your senses with the brick ornamentation and its texture, inspired by the vernacular architectural style. This offers a constantly changing display of light and shadow within every space. Further to enhance the spaces at night, ambiance lights with designer fixtures are installed; such as the one on the concrete ceiling of their living area, where the part of slab is scooped creating an interesting effect to the space.

高效空气循环的悬空金属楼梯、捕捉西南风的风塔、引入日光的天窗以及精心设计的种植树木的露台等设计元素,为每个空间增添了美感。总体而言,SV 住宅体现了现代风格与功能的无缝结合;对使用者具有绝对的吸引力。

The design elements such as suspended-metal staircase for efficient air-circulation, the wind tower to catch south-west wind, the skylights to bring in daylight and thoughtful design of terrace with tree plantation, adds to the beauty of each space. Overall, the SV house reflects a seamless combination of contemporary style and functionality; with an absolute enticing effect on its residents.

▲ 地下层平面图

▲ 一层平面图
01门厅 04厨房 06卫生间09起居室10休息平台 11餐厅 12卧室

▲ 二层平面图
06卫生间 10休息平台 12卧室 13衣帽间 14过道空间

▲ 三层平面图
06卫生间 12卧室 13衣帽间 14过道空间 15露台

▲ 露台平面图

▲ 剖面图

▲ 剖面图

设计公司:Design Work Group
建筑类型:住宅 › 私人住宅

FIRM: Design Work Group
TYPE: Residential › Private House
YEAR: 2021
SIZE: 3000 sqft - 5000 sqft

页: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
查看完整版本: 红砖与金属、古典与现代的相互碰撞——印度异域风住宅