In the era of integration that integrates design and art, work and life, beauty and practicality, the traditional limits and rules are constantly broken while the human living and working modes are changing rapidly.
我们从前苏联电影《办公室的故事》获得了设计的养分,在风靡一时的那个年代,那个以办公室为“家”的女人在办公室里找到了自己的心灵归宿,幽默而温馨。本次我们为仙梓文化总部设计的办公室不仅从空间营造上找到了能够适应当下工作氛围的方法,也为研究“聚集性空间的消解与转化”提供了一种前瞻性的思考。我们希望办公空间的基调是理性中不失温暖的颜色,带着冷静的思考,同时可以迸发思想性与活跃性,激发感性的领悟。所以我们将空间设计的重心放在了“寻找办公归属感”和“多打破工作与休闲的界限”的设计理念上。以“FREE CAFÉ”的设计理念植入到空间设计内,为品牌打造一个能激发更大协作意识和创造力的空间。
The project design focused on transforming an industrial factory building with a large-scale atrium space and a sloping roof structure into a comfortable, flexible, and caring office that can meet the needs of over 300 members of staff.
The design concept draws inspiration from the humorous and warm Russian film Office Romance, in which the woman who regarded the office as her "home" finally found her home of soul there. In the X Media Headquarters Office Design, the designer has created a space that fits the current working atmosphere and has provided forward-looking thinking to explore the dissolution and transformation of gathering spaces". Featured with a rational and warm spatial tone and calm consideration, the office design aims to stimulate creative thinking, activeness, and perceptual comprehension. Therefore, design concepts emphasize finding a sense of belonging in the office and breaking the boundaries between work and leisure. The implanted FREE CAFÉ creates a space that can stimulate greater awareness of collaboration and creativity for the brand.
Free Suspended Blocks
In the entrance lobby on the ground floor, the designer built two suspended timber blocks, called suspended boxes, which meet X Media’s demand for the meeting rooms and add interest and visual rhythm to the staircase space in the large-scale atrium.
植入超大的阶梯以支撑平面和垂直视觉关系,径直导入二楼的FREE CAFÉ AREA,围绕中央阶梯分配各部门人流动线,以原木色橡木地板搭建阶梯踏步,通过疏密结合的原木格栅阵列,将阶梯下部的空间处理成两个别致的小会议室,视觉若隐若现,且用玻璃隔断的分隔保障了内部的会议私密氛围。同时,大厅中心位置的广伞峰植物在光影下,树影斑驳,让感官能瞬间通过空间的闲适感放松下来。
The implanted large stairs support the plane and vertical visual relationship, leading to the FREE CAFÉ AREA on the second floor. The designer arranged the circulation of different departments around the central stairs made from log-colored oak flooring. The staircase became two chic small meeting rooms enclosed by the wood grille wall and glass partition which creates a looming visual effect and ensures the privacy of the meeting room. Moreover, the Heteropanax fragrans planted in the center of the hall bring mottled shadows under the light, relaxing the senses instantly.
Light and Changing Modes
Based on the central working area, the circular circulation routes of the overall space on the second floor introduce the most natural light into the room. Introducing the advocated aesthetic concept of space architecture, the designer presents the space with the construction logic of building, blurring the boundaries of space style, and combining rationality and sensibility. The overall space construction shapes the light and presents the lighting texture. In this way, the light is texture while the texture is light.
包括FREE CAFÉ的互动空间,休闲吧座式互动办公,共享舒适小木屋,可小憩、可会客、可直播、可视频会议、甚至可以扩充为灵活机动的MINI OFFICE,让办公不再拘泥于一人一桌式的旧有模式,让未来这些空间的主角们更乐意在这些有情感和视觉温度的空间自由的沟通,让办公每一流程在空间上实现融合。
FREE CAFÉ 的空间依然贯穿人文关怀、人与自然更多融合的设计理念,在保留大片落地窗的同时,靠墙处以原建筑结构屋面的比例关系设计了新的屋脊线造型,天花高处垂直悬吊了若干网红月球灯。设计师在此处营造了极具院落既视感的想象空间。月挂当空,坐享此处的屋脊院落、徜徉着户外的树影婆娑,真的俨然一个极惬意的心灵归宿。水吧区的背景墙,绿色小条纹砖也与室外的自然色有了很好的呼应,令人流连忘返,也更亲近东方人的审美喜好。
The interaction space with the FREE CAFÉ is a bar-style interactive office that shares comfortable cabins, where the staff can take a nap, meet guests, and have live broadcasts and video conferences. It can even expand into a flexible MINI OFFICE to break the traditional model of one person with one desk, making the employees willing to communicate freely in the space brimmed with emotional and visual warmth, so that integrating every process in the office.
Extending the design concept of humanistic care and integration of man and nature that runs through the whole space, while retaining the large floor-to-ceiling windows, the designer created a new ceiling joist shape according to the proportion of the original roofing structure, matched with the embellishment of the hanging moon-shaped lamps, creating an imaginary space with an intense courtyard atmosphere. As the moon is hanging in the sky, enjoying the scenery of the courtyard and wandering around the shadows of the trees, it is really a comfortable destination for the soul. The background wall of the bar together with the green small striped bricks echoes the outdoor natural landscape to make people stay there, adhering to the oriental aesthetic preferences.
Shared Creativity
Following the design philosophy of the integrated sharing of people and space, the project matches the main material with a large area of white space, natural and warm wooden materials, and modern toughened ultra-clear glass to create an interactive space through time and space with an ever-lasting charm. The home and office complement each other, which is a good interpretation of the cultural essence of X Media- a homage to people and creativity.
Enjoy life in work, cultivate work in life. Openness and boundlessness interpret the new definition of office which avoids the fixed ideas to create a relaxed elegance. The introduction of greenery and sunlight, combined with light industrial-styled elements and artistic paintings full of visual tension, makes the entire office space like a small art gallery. It is a place to enjoy the creative atmosphere, to express the value of oneself, and to feel the infinite respect for people and creativity... This creative sharing space makes office not only for work.
设计公司:BLG 熙昂设计
来源:本文由BLG 熙昂设计提供稿件,所有著作权归属BLG 熙昂设计所有。