项目位于绍兴市的书圣故里。包括:原蔡元培广场的整治与提升、孑民电影院的改造与翻新、和孑民图书馆的新建。This project is located in a historical and cultural block in Shaoxing, renowned as Wang Xizhi’s Native Place. The construction includes the improvement and upgrading of the former Cai Yuanpei Square, the renovation and refurbishment of Jiemin Cinema, and the new srtuctures of Jiemin Library.
▲ 2018年本项目建设前周边文化遗产节点分析
Node analysis of cultural heritage in the vicinity before launching the project in 2018
▲ 2023本项目建成后周边道路及建筑节点分析
Node analysis of roads and buildings in the vicinity after the completion of the project in 2023
As the block inherits the city’s cultural features and distinctive construction style, which have accumulated and evolved over time in urban fabric and architectural features, there exists both healthy communication and undesirable ruptures across time. In a historical context which is dynamically developing, we dialectically approach a series of sites within the project, namely Jiemin Cinema, Julong Lane, Shaoxing Fifth Hospital, Cai Yuanpei Square, the neighboring Cai Yuanpei Former Residence and Jiefang Road, for there intertwines the existing modernity and the occurred tradition which makes the block unforgotten, but miscellaneous. Our renewal and renovation work, based on node analysis of this ancient city, making full use of historical figures and events through vicissitudes and strangely scattered architectural spaces and venues from different times, activate Jiemin Library’s new functions to jointly shoulder the responsibility with Cai Yuanpei Former Residence, a national cultural relics protection unit, of enriching public cultural service and powering the ancient city.
▲ 绍兴各个时期老地图,从左到右:南宋时期绍兴府城图书圣故里片、光绪时期书圣故里地图、民国时期1939年书圣故里地图
The spatiotemporal evolution of the block in Shaoxing, from the Southern Song Dynasty, the Guangxu Periods in Qing Dynasty, to the Republic of China in 1939
▲ 书圣故里卫星图,从左到右:1968年书圣故里卫星图、2018年书圣故里卫星图
Satellite imagery of the block in 1968 and 2018
The project designs to replace the former Cai Yuanpei Square, Jiemin Cinema and the former site of Shaoxing Fifth Hospital, with brand-new Cai Yuanpei Square, Jiemin Theatre, Jiemin Library and other urban public cultural venues through renovation and refurbishment and construction, in order to carry forward the Yuanpei spirit, and to perpetuate the cultural cannon of the city with more prominent feature of this historical district. Thus, it achieves the original goal of making buildings alive under the guidance of Cai Yuanpei’s philosophy of pure aesthetic education which cultivates human feelings, and combining the vitality of the times with an inclusiveness to empower buildings with various social functions when they grow in the surroundings. The project also thoroughly delivers architects’ objectives in terms of the 'genius loci', the expression of modernity, the continuation and regeneration of history in its coexistence with modernity.
▲ 2019年7月的建设项目设计方案草图©UAD ACRC
Project design sketch in July 2019 © UAD ACRC
▲ 2023年本项目建设后的的航拍总图©赵强
Aerial photograph of the Project after construction in 2023 © Qiang Zhao
The current Cai Yuanpei Square still serves as memorial and public gathering place with preserved ‘L’ shape layout and wooden structure of the south promenade as before. To guarantee better openness, we re-install the bronze statue of Mr. Cai Yuanpei but somewhere not far from its original location, and conduct integrated renovation which captures peoples’ living memory of resting and chatting in the square and the promenade.
▲ 改造后蔡元培广场入口©赵强
Entrance of Cai Yuanpei Square after renovation © Qiang Zhao
▲ 改造后蔡元培广场供市民活动的台阶©赵强
Steps for public activities in Cai Yuanpei Square after renovation© Zhao Qiang
The core of the project is to remove the former Shaoxing Fifth Hospital which was alien to the block, for the newly built Jiemin Library. We firstly reserved the Julong Lane to link its north side and the square on the south, restoring and extending the historic urban fabric of the ancient city where Wang Xizhi’s Native Place locates. As for the final decision of the placement of Jiemin Library, we considered how to make the south side of the library interact horizontally with Cai Yuanpei Former Residence, and how to make the library neighbor in harmony with the former residence on the east side, and Jiemin Cinema on the west side. The lanes are paved with weather-beaten stone slabs, indicating that the urban fabric of the ancient city continues in an original context of Wang Xizhi’s Native Place.
▲ 保留“学界泰斗、人世楷模”照壁©赵强
Reserved wall writing ‘a leading authority in academic circle and a model in secular world’ © Qiang Zhao
▲ 南北第一道轴线©赵强
First North-South axis © Qiang Zhao
▲ 游客中心主入口©赵强
Main Entrance of Visitor Centre© Qiang Zhao
The renovated Jiemin Cinema has been renamed Jiemin Theatre in honor of its antecedent built in the early 1950s. The renovation of the entire theatre retained the original architectural space and structural framework, upgraded the interior functions and reshaped the facades, with a view to preserve the functions of stage performance and film projection, pertinaciously continued to show the history of Xinmin Theatre as well as people’s memory of the ancient city from early years.
▲ 保留的局弄©赵强
Reserved Julong Lane © Qiang Zhao
▲ 改造后的孑民剧院©赵强)
The renewed Jiemin Theatre © Qiang Zhao
▲ 孑民剧院保留的柱廊空间©赵强
Colonnade space preserved in Jiemin Theatre © Qiang Zhao
▲ 孑民图书馆与蔡元培故居©赵强
Jiemin Library and Cai Yuanpei Former Residence© Qiang Zhao
In Jiemin Library, due to the height control, the reasonable distribution work including the floor-to-floor height restriction, manage to set up exhibition on the life of Cai Yuanpei in the underground. On the ground, the two-storey library is equipped with the full height Yuanpei Lecture Hall inside, as well as the specially designed platform on the rooftop for sightseeing and leisure, which overlooks a cluster of buildings in the block and stares at Dashan Pagoda in the distance.
▲ 孑民图书馆西侧水景©赵强
Water courtyard landscape on the west side of Jiemin Library © Qiang Zhao
On the west side of the library, it is separated from Jiemin Theatre by the Julong Lane. On the east side, it looks across a water courtyard at the former residence. On one side of the water courtyard is the beautifully rendered silhouette of gable roofs of the former residence, indicating the beauty and philosophy of traditional Shaoxing Taimen architectures blossomed during Ming and Qing Dynasty in this block. On the other side is the box-like contemporary library, interpreting texture and mapping of the city with dark red UHPC panels, traditional local leaky window pattern, and traditional wood-red paint. Through a highly reflective one-way mirrored glass that runs the length of the new building’s ground floor facade, the design tells the dialogue and collision between the old and the new, the past and the present.
▲ 孑民图书馆室内中庭©赵强
Indoor Atrium of the Jiemin Library © Qiang Zhao
▲ 孑民图书馆阅览区©赵强
Reading area in Jiemin Library © Qiang Zhao
On the south side of the water courtyard there is an opening viewing spot against the thousand-year-old Jishan Mountain and Wenbi Pagoda in the distance. Its platform is located on the right of the modern library but wrapped with traditional leak windows painted in dark red, and on the left of the classic gable silhouette of Cai’s former residence. The shallow water surface nearby mirrors all the scenery.
▲ 孑民图书馆面向蔡元培故居的东立面©赵强
East side of Jiemin Library facing Cai Yuanpei Former Residence © Qiang Zhao
▲ 蔡元培故居西立面©赵强
West side of Cai Yuanpei Former Residence © Qiang Zhao
A piece of wall, a tree, a pile of stone, and a mirror constitute the melodious narration fluting from tradition to modernity, touching hearts and souls. What can be said at all does not have to be said, and what we cannot talk about must be passed over in silence. Such tranquility perpetuates the charm of arousing one’s emergence from self-nonage.
▲ 局弄©赵强
Julong Lane © Qiang Zhao
▲ 局弄镜中一隅©赵强
A corner of Julong Lane reflected in the mirror ©Zhao Qiang
▲ 镜中孑民图书馆©赵强
▲ 孑民图书馆x孑民剧院©赵强
Jiemin Library and Jiemin Theatre © Qiang Zhao
▲ 笔飞弄口©赵强
Entrance of Feibilong Lane © Qiang Zhao
▲ 孑民图书馆西立面一角©赵强
Corner of the west side of Jiemin Library © Qiang Zhao
▲ 通往地下展厅的清水混凝土楼梯©赵强
Fair-faced concrete staircase leading to the ground floor exhibition hall © Qiang Zhao
The design concept of this project, ‘interpreting the tradition to reconstruct the present’, helps to retain a real past when establishing an authentic present integrated with different meanings.
Technical drawings:
▲ 总平面图
General plan
▲ 孑民图书馆地下一层平面图
Plan of the first basement level of Jiemin Library
▲ 孑民图书馆一层平面图
Ground floor plan of Jiemin Library
▲ 孑民图书馆二层平面图
First floor plan of Jiemin Library
▲ 孑民图书馆顶层平面图
Top floor plan of Jiemin Library
▲ 孑民图书馆1-1剖面图
1-1 Section Plan of Jiemin Library
▲ 孑民图书馆2-2剖面图
2-2 Section Plan of Jiemin Library
▲ 孑民图书馆南立面图
South Elevation of Jiemin Library
▲ 孑民图书馆西立面图
West Elevation of Jiemin Library
▲ 孑民图书馆东立面图
East Elevation of Jiemin Library
▲ 游客中心东立面图
East Elevation of Visitor Centre
▲ 游客中心西立面图
West Elevation of Visitor Centre
▲ 孑民剧院一层平面图
First Floor Plan of Jiemin Theatre
▲ 孑民剧院二层平面图
Second Floor Plan of Jiemin Theatre
▲ 孑民剧院设备层平面图
Equipment Floor Plan of Jiemin Theatre
▲ 孑民剧院屋顶层平面图
Roof Level Plan of Jiemin Theatre
▲ 孑民剧院1-1剖面图
1-1 Section Plan of Jiemin Theatre
▲ 孑民剧院2-2剖面图
2-2 Section Plan of Jiemin Theatre
▲ 孑民剧院东立面图
East Elevation of Jiemin Theatre
▲ 孑民剧院南立面图
South Elevation of Jiemin Theatre
▲ 孑民图书馆墙身大样图
Sample drawing of the wall of Jiemin Library
▲ 项目整体爆炸图
Exploded view of the project as a whole
建筑:章晨帆 朱金运 王钰萱
结构:郑晓清 吴夏文 吕君锋 陈旭 张杰 丁子文
给排水:易家松 蔡昂
暖通:潘大红 李咏梅
电气:张薇 钱坤
智能化:李向群 杨国忠 袁骁男
照明:王小冬 赵艳秋 邢嘉仪 傅东明 冯百乐 吴旭辉
装饰:方寅 孔祥 马娟
幕墙:史炯炯 王建忠 宣赵康 苏泽奇
园林:吴维凌 王洁涛 章驰 吴敌 姚海燕 张雨晨 徐非同 顾静娴
岩土:陈赟 杨勤峰 韩嘉明
舞台:池万刚 陈涌 池佳贝
经济:褚铅波 张瑛 孙文通 张国丹
BIM设计:任伟 殳煜
EPC:房朝君 周辉阳 吴建权 贝斯伽
Project Information:
Project: Cai Yuanpei Square and Jiemin Library
Type: Cultural Architecture、Renovation、
Architectural Design and Research Institute of Zhejiang University
Address: Zhejiang, Hangzhou
Project Location: Jiefang North Road, Yuecheng District, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China
Project Stage: Completed
Design Period: 2019.4-2019.10
Construction Period: 2019.12-2023.5
Land Area: 12107.0 square meters
Building Area: 14089.26 square meters
Photographer: Qiang Zhao
Project Participants
Leas Architect: Huifeng Hu
Architecture: Chenfan Zhang, Jinyun Zhu, Yuxuan Wang
Structure: Xiaoqing Zheng, Xiawen Wu, Junfeng Lu, Xu Chen, Jie Zhang, Ziwen Ding
Drainage: Jiasong Yi, Ang Cai
HVAC: Dahong Pan, Yongmei Li
Electrical: Wei Zhang, Kun Qian
Intellectualization: Xiangqun Li, Guozhong Yang, Snapdragon Yuan
Lighting: Xiaodong Wang, Yanqiu Zhao, Jiayi Xing, Dongming Fu, Baile Feng, Xuhui Wu.
Decoration: Yin Fang, Xiang Kong, Juan Ma
Curtain Wall: Jiongzhong Shi, Jianzhong Wang, Zhaokang Xuan, Zeqi Su
Landscape: Weiling Wu, Jietao Wang, Chi Zhang, Di Wu, Haiyan Yao, Yuchen Zhang, Feitong Xu, Jingxian Gu.
Geotechnical: Yun Chen, Qinfeng Yang, Jiaming Han
Stage: Wanguang Chi, Chong Chen, Jiabei Chi
Economy: Chubo Chu, Ying Zhang, Wentong Sun, Guodan Zhang
BIM Design: Wei Ren, Yu Shu
EPC: Zhaojun Fang, Huiyang Zhou, Jianquan Wu, Sijia Bei
Exhibition Design: Shanghai Art-Designing Co., Ltd.
Client: Shaoxing Cultural Tourism Group
Constructor: Zhejiang Qinye Construction Engineering Group