“同源馆· 行政同属 ”展馆
▲ 鸟瞰 ©陈颢
▲ 建筑远景 ©陈颢
“同源馆· 行政同属”展馆是TAO在深圳南头古城里完成的第二个城市更新项目。同时,这里也是同源馆博物馆群的展馆之一,向访客讲述以南头为中心的珠江口地区的政治权利的变化与复杂地理之间相互塑造的故事。建筑原为两座紧邻的多层居住建筑。周边建筑密度极高,公共空间被极度压缩,形成紧张的空间尺度。而正是在这种状态下,催生出一种不同时代的产物、不同性质的空间之间的共生关系。这种共生状态赋予南头古城这样的城中村独具的混沌美学,并为其带来城市所难以拥有的别样活力。
“In-between Pavilion” is TAO's second urban renewal project completed in Nantou Ancient Town, Shenzhen. It is also one of the exhibition galleries of the Diverse Homology Museum complex, narrating the mutual influence between political power and geography of the Pearl River Delta region, centered around Nantou. It was originally a place of high-density with two adjacent residential buildings on the site, and public spaces were intensely compressed. Under the interaction of constant renewal, a symbiotic relationship between spaces of different natures and eras is formed. This state of the natural symbiosis gives the project a unique aesthetics of chaos and vitality in the Nantou Ancient Town.
▲ 场地鸟瞰 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 场地原貌 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
The site is located on the north side of Nantou Ancient Town in Shenzhen, comprising of three different property plots. The autonomous and spontaneous construction in the urban village has resulted in a confined spatial layout and visual occlusion. It will become an important node connecting surrounding public spaces as the site transforms from private residences to a public domain. This shift in identity will prompt the design to respond proactively.
▲ 交通分析与形态生成 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 场地模型 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 研究模型 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
Over the years of construction, Nantou Ancient Town presents an active state of rapid change——constantly regenerates by temporary and fragmented additions and revisions, reflecting the unique vitality of the urban village. Like an invisible organism, all materials within this domain possess an property of transience and adaptability to the organic changes. When intervenes in such an uncertain context, the design will break free from a stable and enclosed state, but a pursuit of lightness and flexibility in responding to the transient environment.
▲ 概念草图 ©华黎
▲ 概念分析图 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
Like a veil, the light and semi-translucent metal mesh façade reveals a subtle and hazy beauty, blurring the boundary between the indoor and outdoor. Ambiguity and order, openness and closure, void and solid coexist and complement each other. The outline of the building varies at different timing during a day, these transient changes and possibilities act out in miniature the context of urban village.
▲ 概念意向图 © Jan Vranovský(左) PAN-PROJECTS(右)
▲ 概念效果图 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 1:50手工模型 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 临街立面 ©陈颢
城市缝隙空间 In-between space
▲ 鸟瞰 ©陈颢
At the street level, the architectural volume disengages from the outer skin by receding, generously yielding space to the city, and allowing physical and visual continuity between east and west. Within the gap between the mass volume and the delicate light metal skin, a space that belongs to both the building and the street is created. Such multifaceted space not only contributes to the urban space but also reflects the diversity of the urban village.
▲ 首层平面图 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 1:50手工模型 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 临街立面 ©陈颢
▲ 入口处 ©梅可嘉
▲ 首层交通空间 ©陈颢
Due to the spatial limitations of the urban village, the design utilizes the floor area to the greatest extent. Architectural volumes project further outwards on each higher floor, creating a unique physical rhythm and urban gap space.
▲ 剖透视 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 1:50手工模型 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 建筑远景 ©TAL
▲ 缝隙空间 ©梅可嘉
▲ 剖透视 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 缝隙空间 ©华黎
In terms of structure, the volumes on the east and west sides adopt a frame structural system with inclined columns as supports. Following the overall overhanging logic, the structural framework on the west side is exposed externally, while the support columns on the east side extend into the interior space. The columns in the middle part are concealed within the walls. Different forms of space are thus being created, embodying a sense of lightweight structural aesthetics.
▲ 框架结构分析图 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 鸟瞰 ©陈颢
▲ 1:50手工模型 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 入口门厅 ©陈颢
▲ 室内展陈空间 ©陈颢
垂直漫游Vertical Promenade
A stair passage is created between the volumes and mesh skin, which becomes a vertical street meandering through the building and give access to galleries and roof terrace, penetrating the public realm into the perimeter of the building and even the roof. It offers visitors with various views to the Nantou Ancient Town at different levels and perspectives. When observed from the city, the moving figures strolling behind the hazy façade also give the building a active and dynamic nature.
▲ 公共空间渗透 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 竖向交通空间 ©陈颢
▲ 墙身大样图 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 竖向交通空间 ©陈颢
▲ 屋顶平台 ©陈颢
As one of important protection and utilization projects in Shenzhen Nantou Ancient Town, the design gracefully connects the old and new, contemporary and historical, public and private aspects of Nantou Ancient Town. Meanwhile, it reconstructs the public open spaces and continuously integrates into the organic growth and change of the surrounding environment, bringing a more diverse and vibrant spatial experience to Nantou.
▲ 建筑远景 ©TAL
▲ 总平面图 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 平面图 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ A-A剖面 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ B-B剖面 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ C-C剖面 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 立面图 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
▲ 立面图 ©迹·建筑事务所(TAO)
项目名称:“同源馆· 行政同属”展馆
建筑面积:506 m2
Project title: In-between Pavilion
Client: Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality Nanshan District
Contractor: Shenzhen Vanke Development Ltd.
Project planning & design management: Urban Research Institute of China Vanke, vaLue Design
Location: Nantou ancient city, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Program: Exhibition space, public space, etc.
Principal architect: Hua Li / TAO (Trace Architecture Office)
Design team: HUA Li, XU Ting, ZHANG Zhengyuan, LI Ruoxin, ZHANG Jingyi, XIE Yicheng, WANG Zhe
Curation design: Diameter Narrative Design
Structural & MEP design: Bowan Architecture
Floor area: 506 m2
Structural system: Steel-frame structure
Design: 2020.1-2020.10
Construction: 2020.11-2023.6
Photographer: CHEN Hao, TAL, HUA Li, MEI Kejia