新加坡Artyzen酒店 / ONG&ONG
Artyzen Hotel Singapore / ONG&ONG
Artyzen Singapore是过去与现在、国际与本土、裙楼与高层建筑的完美结合——传统的建筑智慧在这里得到了全新的诠释。新加坡 Artyzen 酒店的设计灵感来自新加坡的文化、色彩和风貌,是专为尊贵游客打造的现代生活方式酒店。作为城市中的绿洲,新加坡 Artyzen 酒店的设计理念深深融入了新加坡的文化、建筑、热带气候和郁郁葱葱的绿色植物。酒店位于市中心的卡斯加登路(Cuscaden Road),距离繁华的乌节路(Orchard Road)购物带和主要使馆仅咫尺之遥,距离新加坡植物园(Singapore Botanic Gardens)也只有几分钟的路程,该植物园是新加坡第一个被联合国教科文组织列为遗产的地方。
Artyzen Singapore is a culmination of past and present, international and local, low-rise and high-rise – where traditional wisdom in architecture is reinterpreted for a new structure. Inspired by Singapore’s culture, colors, and flavors, Artyzen Singapore is a modern lifestyle hotel for luxury travelers. Conceptualized as an oasis in the city, Artyzen Singapore offers an experience that is deeply ingrained with references to Singapore culture and architecture, its tropical climate, and its lush greenery. It is located along Cuscaden Road in the heart of the city and is just a stone’s throw from the bustling Orchard Road shopping belt, major embassies, and minutes away from Singapore Botanic Gardens, the first UNESCO Heritage Site in the city-state.
这座标志性的遗产地标曾经是一座占地广阔的热带花园豪宅,由新加坡已故著名慈善家陈笃生先生的曾孙命名为“玛丽别墅”。该别墅建于 20 世纪 40 年代,随着周边地区的发展,原址早已空置。玛丽别墅迷人的比例与周围现代化的环境形成了鲜明的对比。低层结构、亲切的尺度、室内与室外的过渡空间、与优雅的高拱相得益彰的室内装饰、暖色调材料的使用,以及庭院中郁郁葱葱的绿色植物,为酒店的设计提供了灵感。
This iconic heritage landmark was once a sprawling tropical garden mansion named “Villa Marie” by the great-grandson of Singapore’s well-known philanthropist, the late Mr Tan Tock Seng. Built in the 1940s, it had long been vacated in its original state, while the surrounding areas developed with high-rise structures. The contrast between Villa Marie’s charming proportions and its modern surroundings could not be more apparent. The low-rise structure, intimate scale, transitional spaces between the indoor and outdoor areas, interiors complemented by elegant tall arches, the use of warm materials, and, most significantly, lush greenery in the courtyard have all inspired the design of the hotel.
Embracing this unique past, the building massing is designed as villas stacked vertically, each with its garden being an extension of the landscape. Stacked vertically, these “sky villas” create a unique architecture deeply ingrained in the tropical lushness of Singapore. Architecture elements, such as high ceilings, verandas, lush courtyard gardens, arches, and terra-cotta roof tiles, are reinterpreted in the new structure. This referencing not only connects the architecture to its unique context but also rediscovers the wisdom of climatic responses in the past, which is still very relevant today.
The hotel comprises five major parts. Sky gardens of 2-storey and 3-storey volumes are stacked on alternating floors, creating an interesting play on the façade.
[*]1st / 2nd storey reception and lounge,
[*]3rd storey back of house office,
[*]4th /5th hotel amenities,
[*]8th to 20th Guest Rooms and Rooftop amenities.
Moving into the hotel space, the verticality of space is explored. The main communal spaces at the 4th and 5th storeys are staggered and connected spatially. This elevated space is laced with lush greenery, creating an exclusive garden space for visitors. Coupled with high-level planters with draping softscapes, one would experience the profound transition from a busy urban scape into a lush oasis. Finished with a mirrored ceiling reflecting the greenery below, one would experience a garden space that feels open to the sky.
From the 8th floor upwards, the multiple sky gardens are connected to adjacent guest rooms, allowing guests to walk out from their balconies and directly immerse themselves in a tropical garden. On the roof terrace level, the elevated communal space captures the duality of the urbanscape in Singapore. On one side is the dynamic scene of the Orchard Road shopping belt. On the other side is the serenity of the low-rise Nassim Hill area. A lap pool is slightly cantilevered from the building mass, serving as a focal point where these contrasting urban scenes can be enjoyed.
The hotel is designed with building fenestration orientated to avoid the East and West directions, minimizing heat and solar glare. The sky terraces enable porosity, allowing natural ventilation to most of the building. On the façade enclosure, cast aluminum panels are cladded on the East and West sides of the building structure. These slightly concave panels are designed to provide a double skin envelope, reducing solar heat gain. Across the façade, guest room balconies are lined with steel mesh screens. Reminiscent of the window screens from traditional shophouse typology, these screens serve as both shading devices and afford occupants privacy.
摄影:Fabian Ong
客户:Shun Tak Real Estate (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Architects: ONG&ONG
Year: 2023
Photographs: Fabian Ong
Landscape Design: ONG&ONG
Clients: Shun Tak Real Estate (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Country: Singapore