architect jan tyrpekl elevates this tiny 'zen house' on stilts in rural austria
在奥地利东部的Hainburg有一座被架起的建筑,名为“禅房”,由建筑师Jan Tyrpekl设计。建筑师将该建筑巧妙地融合在自然林间,设计理念为“回归自然”。建筑采用木材,营造柔和放松的空间。建筑师希望人们在这座独特的建筑里可以尽情欢笑,所有的娱乐活动也可以在这里面进行。
Architect Jan Tyrpekl brings to life the vision of a unique experience among the trees with the Zen House, located in the serene landscape of Hainburg an der Donau in eastern Austria. The timber design, guided by the desire for retreating among nature, offers a space for relaxation, sleep, and sitting around a fire. Thus, the architects’ intention is to create an atmosphere tailored to these specific activities, all within a compact structure elevated over the earth on stilts.
images © Jakub Hrab
建筑师Jan Tyrpekl设计的“禅房”位于一个综合牧场中,紧邻果园,该牧场包含有畜牧业和社交活动场地。该建筑以其架起的结构而出名,除架起的建筑主体外还架起了一个露台,架空底层布置景观,与周围的高大乔木融合一体。建筑立面采用大面积的玻璃材质,可以使得周围自然景观渗透到室内。建筑整体的居住面高出地面近4m,类似于鸟的巢穴,这样设计可以使居住在林间的人们感受到安全感。建筑内部功能分为休息区和休闲区(壁炉、酒吧),两区通过进门的走道隔开,两边的门通向露台或果园。
Situated within a farm complex used for both animal husbandry and social events, architect Jan Tyrpekl’s Zen House stands as a compact building on stilts. Nestled on the border of a young orchard and surrounded by mature trees, the house boasts an archetypal shape with a terrace. However, it distinguishes itself with its elevated structure, allowing the landscape to flow freely below. At the core of the concept is an intentional connection with the surrounding landscape, achieved through generous use of glass walls. Similar to a bird’s nest, the living area is raised nearly four meters above the ground, providing a sense of security and intimacy. The interior seamlessly integrates a built-in bar connected to the bed and a fireplace. A transition zone, featuring two opposing HS portals, leads to either the terrace or the orchard.
▲ 建筑师Jan Tyrpekl设计的“禅房”可以用于休闲、睡眠和围炉交谈
architect Jan Tyrpekl’s Zen House is designed for lounging, sleep, and conversations around a fire
建筑师Jan Tyrpekl对“禅屋”主体结构以及立面框架的材料选用落叶松胶合板,这种木材具有耐用保暖的特性,适合在丛林间使用。为了建筑的稳固,屋面和地板都采用了实木CLT面板。建筑师还为“禅屋”设计了未来规划,如在底层架空处设计桑拿区、淋浴间以及卫生间等,能够支撑“禅屋”长远的发展。
The lower part and terrace structure of the Zen House are crafted from glued laminated larch timbers, which Jan Tyrpekl employs for both durability and its warm aesthetic. The building itself is constructed with a timber frame of glued laminated spruce timbers. This structure is built atop a solid wooden CLT panel platform, ensuring stability and resilience. CLT panels are also incorporated into the supporting shell of the roof structure. As the Zen House evolves, future plans include the integration of a sauna, shower, and a toilet between the pillars.
▲ 建筑坐落在用于畜牧业和社交活动的综合牧场中
the tiny home is sited on a farm complex used for both animal husbandry and social events
▲ “禅房”在丛林间被高高架起
the Zen House is elevated among the trees atop a set of stilts
▲ 架起的底层设计有景观,与建筑周围的高大乔木融为一体
the landscape flows freely beneath the compact house
▲ 建筑立面采用大面积的玻璃材质,可以使得周围自然景观渗透到室内。
a total connection with nature is achieved through extensive glass walls
▲ 建筑内部功能分为休息区和休闲区
the interior comprises a built-in bar, bed, and fireplace, creating a cohesive and functional living space
▲ 建筑材料选用落叶松胶合板,这种木材具有耐用保暖的特性
crafted from laminated larch and spruce timbers, the architecture emphasizes both durability and welcoming design
建筑设计师:Jan Tyrpekl
摄影:Jakub Hrab
project info:
project title: Zen House
architecture: Jan Tyrpekl Architekt | @jantyrpekl
location: Hainburg an der Donau, Austria
built area: 30 square meters
completion: 2023
photography: © Jakub Hrab | @jakub_hrab