iarch001 发表于 2024-5-1 10:00:00


永宗岛 Onnuri 教堂
YeongJong Do Onnuri Church / shinslab architecture


永宗岛 Onnuri 教堂是韩国首尔附近一个发展中岛屿上的独特宗教中心。其设计融合了诺亚方舟的象征形式和拆卸船体再循环利用的实用理念。建筑的船头朝向天空,是对方舟的有力视觉提醒。该项目倡导规模性、就地性和可持续再利用的概念。回收船体的碎块成为教堂建筑不可分割的一部分。钢材是一种现成的、高度耐用的材料,在其优雅的曲线造型中找到了新的用途。

Text description provided by the architects. The Yeongjongdo Onnuri Church stands as a unique religious center on a developing island near Seoul, South Korea. Its design integrates the symbolic form of Noah's Ark with the practical concept of upcycling dismantled ship hulls. The building's bow, which is pointed skyward, serves as a powerful visual reminder of the ark. This project promotes the concepts of scale, ready-made elements, and sustainable reuse. Fragmented sections of the recycled ship's hull become integral parts of the church's architecture. Steel, a readily available and highly durable material, finds renewed purpose in its elegant, curved forms.

这种“升级再造”方法的灵感源自 2016 年首尔 MMCA 的青年建筑师计划(YAP MoMA NY)。从那时起,建筑师一直在竞赛作品和新项目中发展这一原则。目标是发掘报废船舶的建筑潜力,推广更具生态意识的建筑方法。

The inspiration for this "Up-cycling" approach originated at the 2016 Young Architect Program (YAP MoMA NY) at MMCA Seoul. Since then, we've been developing this principle in competition entries and new projects. Our aim is to unlock the architectural potential of end-of-life ships, promoting a more ecologically conscious approach to construction.

1923 年,建筑师勒·柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)将一艘远洋邮轮与巴黎的几座古迹类比,突出强调了他所处时代独有的美感。在这一时期,艺术家马塞尔·杜尚(Marcel Duchamp)赋予了大批量生产的制成品新的意义和价值,取消了它们的主要功能,改变了它们的定位。杜尚的作品“喷泉”(1917 年)提出了“Readymades”(现成品)的概念,对艺术品中的“物”提出了挑战。

In 1923, architect Le Corbusier compared an ocean liner to several monuments in Paris, highlighting the beauty created by the era in which he lived. Near this period, artist Marcel Duchamp gave new meaning and value to mass-produced manufactured objects, removing their primary function and changing their position. Duchamp, with his “Fountain” (1917), spoke of "Readymades" and challenged the idea of an object in art.


The fate of these once-mighty vessels compels us to consider the legacy we leave behind. The ancient Greek word "oikos," meaning "house," forms the root of "ecology" and "economy," highlighting the interconnectedness of environmental and economic concerns in modern architecture. The Yeongjongdo Church stands as a testament to the beauty and practicality of upcycling. Recycled steel components from a dismantled ship form the heart of the structure. This project transcends mere recycling; it embodies a process of creative transformation.


The church's fragmented design reflects the ship's deconstruction process. Strategic cutaways within the hull create open spaces for religious activities. The monumental scale of the salvaged ship inspires awe, showcasing the potential for repurposing industrial objects. The timeworn steel possesses a unique "aura," imbued with history and authenticity. In this project, upcycling elevates the material, adding a layer of poetic value.

永宗岛 Onnuri 教堂是与客户完美共创的结晶。每个项目都让建筑师能够完善“升级再造”原则,通过经济和生态手段,努力创造出更加美丽和可持续的建筑。

The Yeongjongdo Onnuri Church represents the culmination of extensive collaboration with the client. Each project allows us to refine the "Up-cycling" principle, striving to create ever more beautiful and sustainable architecture through economic and ecological means.

建筑事务所:shinslab architecture
面积:2700 m²
摄影:Kim Yongkwan
施工:Woori JongHab Construction
主创团队:Tchely H.C. SHIN, Claire SHIN
设计团队:Javier Garcia Gonzales

Architects: shinslab architecture
Area: 2700 m²
Year: 2023
Photographs:Kim Yongkwan
General Construction: Woori JongHab Construction
Lead Team: Tchely H.C. SHIN, Claire SHIN
Design Team: Javier Garcia Gonzales
Country: South Korea

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