iarch001 发表于 2024-6-1 12:01:53




该项目名为“顺水而行”,位于法国巴黎Ivry-Port Nord区,这是一个中心枢纽地带。

The "Au fil de l'eau" project is located in the Ivry-Port Nord district, a district in transition and a hinge zone between the Bercy-Charenton and Massena-Bruneseau ZACs on the Paris side, and Ivry Confluences on the Ivry-sur-Seine side.



The district is mainly made up of industrial and tertiary activities buildings and suffers from a flagrant lack of housing and urban life. The project proposes to address this shortfall by following two fundamental principles:
- A mixed-use programme combining hotels, offices and trans-generational residences, able to combine student residences and residences for the elderly as an expression of new typologies adapted to contemporary social reality.
- Vertical densification with two emergencies to free up ground floors and redeploy the urban space from the private one (visual openings, shared green spaces, open spaces).

该项目包含有两栋建筑,分别为Quai Marcel Boyer A栋和Rue François Mitterrand B栋。建筑立面的设计原则为非重复排列的和谐统一,并且根据塞纳河上船只的轨迹在立面上进行圆形开口切割,就像水流的痕迹。

该建筑围绕着Marcel Boyer码头延伸设计,使得建筑与Pathé-Truffaut大楼、E. Leclerc大楼和FNAC总部大楼保持着和谐的城市形态。

The two buildings, Building A on Quai Marcel Boyer and Building B on Rue François Mitterrand, seek a harmonious but non-repetitive match of facades, while affirming the presence of the Seine, and the traditional movement of barges, by incorporating round openings applied in different ways along the facades, as the water flows.
We are also maintaining the notion of a pedestal, which runs along Quai Marcel Boyer, to preserve an urban morphology that extends from the Pathé-Truffaut building to the E. Leclerc building, including the current FNAC head office.

“顺水而行”是Ivry-sur-Seine的一个标志性城市连接点,能够将巴黎和Ivry-sur-Seine的ZAC Ivry Confluences大型城市联系起来,并传达一种新奇的感觉。该项目位于Bruneau Nord地区旁边的高密度建筑区域,这里有Jean Nouvel设计的Duo塔楼,除此之外,距离高度为R+25~37范围的建筑群不超过500m。

"Au fil de l'eau", an original and contemporary urban link for the town of Ivry-sur-Seine, to establish a new, pleasant and peaceful urban continuity between Paris and the major urban project of the ZAC Ivry Confluences. Neighbouring the very high density planned in the Bruneau Nord sector, notably Jean Nouvel's Duo towers, the project is less than 500 metres from buildings with heights ranging from R+25 to R+37.

在Ivry地区,建筑高度不得超过R+16,该标准极大限制了该区域的建设,使得该区域必须采取特殊方法来突出城市入口。因该区域在上世纪80年代主要建设了大型商业和办公楼,所以Ivry Port Nord区没有规划住宅用地,主要为商业园区用地。该区域毗邻塞纳河,距离河边约800m远,整个场景尽具诗意,建设这一区域则需要考虑多种元素,如流动的河水、雾气以及穿梭的船只等。这些景象则需要人们身临其境去感受。

The constraint of not exceeding the height of R+16 in this sector of Ivry is very present in the architectural project, which will have to seek a relevant language to mark the entrance to the city. At the same time, the Ivry Port Nord district is a tough neighbourhood, a business park with little housing, consisting mainly of large commercial containers and office buildings dating from the 1980s. However, the proximity of the nearby Seine (the project is located 80m from the river's edge) adds a poetic element to this district, which we feel is a very sensitive area for the treatment of facades: the river flows, barges and boats pass by in a constant to-and-fro movement, the mists on the water blur the boundaries of the river... But you have to go down to the Quai bas to see it...

河上船只的窗户形式都有一种历史感,因此,将这船只上的窗户元素提取出来,设计成该项目的窗户形式,与周围办公楼的方形窗户形成对比。但是,Quai Marcel Boyer A栋和Rue François Mitterrand B栋建筑的立面窗户形式虽然不同,但整体形式和谐统一。在该项目中,建筑师提取了塞纳河河流和船只轨迹的元素,在立面上进行设计,并加以圆形孔洞,模仿水流穿过。

The language of the windows on these boats will enable us to set up a narrative that will allow us to work the many windows that make up the project in a more amiable form, that of portholes, in contrast to the square windows of the surrounding offices. The ensemble of two buildings, Building A on Quai Marcel Boyer and Building B on Rue François Mitterrand, seeks a harmonious but non-repetitive match of facades, while affirming the presence of the Seine, and the traditional movement of barges, by incorporating round holes applied in different ways along the facades, as the water flows by.


The two buildings have rounded corners to soften their volumetry, and the trans-generational residence will be covered in a textile mesh that will rescale the building, extrapolating the size of the windows behind and at the same time acting as a solar filter for the entire volumetry. This mesh will also act as a 'buffer' against bad weather, particularly torrential rain and increasingly frequent wind due to climate change.

项目经理-SCCV Urban Ivry 94.
景观设计-Espinàs i Tarrasó.
面积:24350 m².
位置:法国 Ivry-Port地区
摄影:Gregoire Crétinon 和Archikubik.

Architects: ARCHIKUBIK.
Project Manager.- SCCV Urban Ivry 94.
Landscaper.- Espinàs i Tarrasó.
Dates: Año finalización construcción.- 2022.
Area: 24,350 m².
Location: ZAC Ivry-Port, Ivry-sur-Seine, France.
Programme: Mixed-use building - Intergenerational student residence (362 units) and senior residence (111 units) / 3* Hotel (175 rooms) / Business tourism residence (99 units) / Offices / Services and parking).
Photography: Gregoire Crétinon and Archikubik.

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查看完整版本: 顺流而上,顺水而行——建筑的立面在模仿水流的穿过?