iarch001 发表于 2024-7-31 11:54:09


© Kawasumi-Kobayashi Kenji

Rafael Viñoly建筑事务所设计的东京国际论坛获得2025年AIA奖
Tokyo International Forum, Designed by Rafael Viñoly Architects, Receives the Twenty-Five Year AIA Award


由Rafael Viñoly建筑事务所设计的东京国际论坛荣获2025年AIA奖。这个奖项旨在表彰其“与众不同的透明特性以及在大都市与公众互动的能力”。Rafael Viñoly建筑事务所在东京市政厅建筑师、普利兹克奖首位日本获奖者丹下健三主持的日本首次国际设计竞赛中脱颖而出,负责设计这个建筑。

论坛最初是为了满足东京对公民和文化空间的需求而建造,于 1997 年竣工,同时被选为日本首届国际设计竞赛项目。最初的设计出发点是既能隔绝附近道路的噪音,又能方便人们进出。实际上,这座建筑以花岗岩为外墙,外围是一个景观广场,与城市环境融为一体。这个方案设有 34 间独立会议室、一个展览厅和七个表演艺术和多功能厅。

Rafael Viñoly Architects’ Tokyo International Forum has been honored with the prestigious AIA Twenty-five Year Award. Celebrating its “distinctive transparent character and capacity to engage with the public in the largest metropolitan area in the world.” Rafael Viñoly Architects was first selected to design the structure through Japan’s first international design competition facilitated by Kenzo Tange, the architect of Tokyo’s City Hall and the first Japanese laureate of the Pritzker Prize.
Initially constructed as a response to Tokyo’s need for civic and cultural space and completed in 1997, the Forum was selected as Japan’s inaugural international design competition. The concept entailed creating a major public area that would be protected from the noise of the nearby roads while still being accessible. In fact, the structure’s design boasts a granite-clad perimeter that encloses a landscaped plaza, integrating seamlessly into its urban context. The scheme features 34 separate conference rooms, an exhibition hall, and seven performing arts and multipurpose halls.

© Kenichi Suzuki

这个设计的特点是它标志性的玻璃大厅中庭,它以最小的结构支撑横跨 750 英尺。作为论坛的中心,玻璃大厅以其引人注目的缆索支撑玻璃墙和类似雕塑水晶格的复杂屋顶结构而闻名。多年来,这里早已成为东京的地标性建筑,同时也是一个实用、温馨的公共空间。

“白天是闪闪发光的水晶,夜晚是流光溢彩的灯笼,论坛的玻璃大厅跻身于世界伟大空间的行列”。在它 25 年的历史中,论坛举办了 3400 多场活动,接待了 2300 多万游客,成为东京文化景观和活力的象征。这座建筑促进了文化交流,在全球范围内改善市民生活。

The design is characterized by its iconic Glass Hall atrium, which spans 750 feet with minimal structural support. Serving as the heart of the Forum, the Hall is celebrated for its striking cable-supported glass walls and intricate roof structure resembling a sculptural lattice. Becoming a luminous lantern that transforms the Tokyo skyline at night, this focal point has become a landmark over the years, and it also functions as a practical and welcoming public space.
"By day, a glittering crystal, and at night, a glowing lantern, the Forum’s Glass Hall joins the ranks of the world’s great spaces.” Throughout its 25-year history, the Forum has hosted over 3,400 events and welcomed over 23 million visitors, becoming a symbol of Tokyo’s cultural landscape and vibrancy. Fostering cultural exchange, this building stands as a symbol of how innovative design can enhance civic life on a global scale.

Courtesy of Tokyo International Forum

像AIA 这样的建筑奖项旨在表彰和庆祝卓越的设计,促进整个学科的创新。在其他类似的新闻中,密斯·凡·德罗基金会和欧盟委员会已经选出了 2024 年的获奖者。同样,纽约建筑事务所 WEISS/MANFREDI 最近提名了第 37 位路易斯奖(Louis)建筑师。最后,加纳-苏格兰建筑师和 2023 年威尼斯双年展策展人莱斯利·洛科(Lesley Lokko)被正式授予 2024 年皇家建筑金奖。

Architectural awards, like the AIA Twenty-five Year Award, recognize and celebrate design excellence, fostering innovation across the discipline. In other similar news, the Fundació Mies van der Rohe and the European Commission have selected the winners for its 2024 edition. Similarly, New York-Based Architecture office WEISS/MANFREDI has recently named the 37th recipient of the Louis. l. Khan Award. Finally, Ghanian-Scottish architect Lesley Lokko and curator of La Biennale di Venezia 2023 has been officially awarded the 2024 Royal Gold Medal for Architecture.

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查看完整版本: 闪闪发光的水晶与流光溢彩的灯笼——空间与城市的互动