iarch001 发表于 2024-8-12 10:00:00


新教会的扩建和改建 / Studio acht
New Provostry Extensions and Reconstruction / Studio acht


新教会是一座建于 1877 年的历史建筑,采用新哥特式风格,毗邻布拉格城堡中心的圣维特大教堂。这座建筑最初用作教务长的官邸,于 20 世纪 50 年代初被没收,此后几乎一直处于被遗弃的状态。共产主义时期,庭院和相关附属建筑被摧毁,主楼用作建筑工人的营房。2016 年,根据相关法律,新教会建筑被归还给教会。重建概念的重点是重新向公众开放内院。由于城堡北墙的其他庭院都不对公众开放,因此这里可以看到鹿护城河下游的独特景观。

The New Provostry is a historical building from 1877, built in the neo-Gothic style, adjacent to St. Vitus Cathedral in the heart of Prague Castle. Originally intended as the residence of the provost, the building was confiscated in the early 1950s and has largely remained abandoned since then. During the communist era, the courtyard and associated outbuildings were destroyed, and the main building was used as barracks for construction workers. In 2016, the New Provostry was returned to the Church under the restitution law. The reconstruction concept focuses on reopening the inner courtyard to the public. It offers a unique view over the lower Deer Moat, as no other courtyard on the north castle wall is publicly accessible.


Two new extensions have been built in the courtyard on the sites of former outbuildings. One will serve as a café, while the other is a versatile commercial unit. Additionally, another commercial unit is located inside the reconstructed building. The extensions feature a strict yet delicate design characterized by glass façade openings. The west extension is designed to be more open and vertical, intended for gastronomic services. The east extension is more compact and closed, suitable for universal use from retail to office space. Despite their similarities in design and openings, each extension maintains its unique identity. The north edge of the courtyard has been enhanced with an overlook and a fountain crafted from granite and bronze. The courtyard is also designed to host outdoor events such as theatrical performances or corporate gatherings. The reconstruction of the main building was carried out as a restoration with minor modifications to enhance openness and remove remnants of the barracks.

重建 - 建筑设计的主要目标是保护历史建筑,并修复其内部和外部。建筑外立面经过精心修复,使其重现 19 世纪末的风貌。内饰部分恢复了历史原貌,同时也按照现代标准进行了翻新,使现代和原有特征和谐地融为一体。这种融合主要体现在主楼梯上,精致的空心圆灯与木质彩绘天花板严谨的几何形状相得益彰。现在,这座建筑又恢复了它最初的用途,成为教会机构,特别是圣维特大都会分会的行政中心。翻新理念的特点是使用经久耐用的永恒材料,以及原始与现代的色彩搭配。历史悠久的门窗表面也得以修复,瓷砖以相应的格式和图案铺设,木地板和镶木地板也得到了翻新或重建。新建筑的设计中,比如玻璃隔断,它采用的设计很有现代感,采用了质量合适的材料,确保教会的长久使用。

Reconstruction - Primarily, the architectural goal was the preservation of the historic building and the restoration of both its interiors and exteriors. The façade was meticulously restored to evoke its appearance at the end of the 19th century. The interiors were partially restored to their historical state while also being renovated to meet modern standards, resulting in a harmonious blend of contemporary and original features. This blend is exemplified notably in the main staircase, which is complemented by a delicate hollow circle lamp that harmonizes with the strict geometry of the painted wooden ceiling. The building has now resumed its original purpose as the administrative hub of church institutions, notably the Metropolitan Chapter of St. Vitus. The renovation concept is characterized by the use of durable and timeless materials and a symbiosis of original and contemporary color schemes. Faux-grained surfaces were meticulously restored on historic doors and windows, tiles were laid in corresponding formats and patterns, and wooden and parquet floors were either refurbished or reconstructed. New constructions, such as glass partitions, were designed with a contemporary and modest material quality, ensuring a timeless solution.

扩建部分 - 建筑师在原有外围建筑(马厩和马车房)的历史足迹上,扩建了新的庭院,它的商业用途主要面向游览布拉格城堡的游客。庭院西侧延伸至北部地下室,这里预计将开设一家小型咖啡馆,而东侧则是一个普通的商业单元。扩建部分的形状和外观设计既要与布拉格城堡的历史环境相协调,又要巧妙地脱颖而出。这种平衡来源于城堡地区典型的形式和材料,以及现代细节和构图。其中一个重要细节是连接屋顶和扩建部分北立面的狭长天窗,在室内营造出光影交错的效果。另一个显著特点是西扩建部分自由转角的设计,玻璃几乎延伸到转角边缘,突出了巨大屋顶的精致支撑。新建筑使用的主要材料包括来自 Vyhnánov 采石场的砂岩覆层、镀铜工艺制作的细节、低调的瓷砖和木地板,以及带有精致钢框的玻璃外墙。

Extensions - In the historical footprint of the original outbuildings (stables and coach house), new courtyard extensions have been constructed with an intended commercial use aimed at tourists visiting Prague Castle. On the west side of the courtyard, extending into the northern basement, a small café is expected to operate, while a general business unit is located on the east side. The shape and appearance of the extensions are designed to harmonize with the historical surroundings of Prague Castle while subtly standing out. This balance is achieved by employing timeless forms and materials typical of the castle area, with contemporary details and compositions. One significant detail is the narrow skylight that connects the roof to the north façade of the extensions, creating an interplay of light and shadow in the interiors. Another notable feature is the design of the free corner of the west extension, where the glass extends almost to the edge of the corner, emphasizing the delicate support of the massive roof. Key materials used in the new buildings include sandstone cladding from the Vyhnánov quarry, details crafted from patinated copper, discreet tiled and wooden floors, and a glass facade with subtle steel frames.

外景和喷泉 - 安装悬挂在墙壁边缘的展望装置的想法最初是来自重建建筑的建筑师Josef Mocker,但这一想法并未实现。庭院改造设计详细阐述了这一概念,还提出了一个现代的解决方案。喷泉由一个石质方尖碑和一个铜边水池组成。设计理念是让水从十字架上流出,冲刷三个圣人的名字,然后浸入地下。镌刻在外观石碑上的诗歌是由在老建筑中主持仪式的一位年长的教主撰写的。

Outlook and Fountain - The idea of installing an outlook that hangs over the edge of the walls originally came from the architect of the reconstructed building, Josef Mocker, although it was never realized. The courtyard renovation design elaborates on this concept and presents a contemporary solution. The fountain consists of a stone obelisk and a basin with a bronze edge. The concept involves water flowing from a cross, washing over the names of three saints, and soaking into the ground. The poem engraved in stone on the outlook was authored by one of the historical provosts who officiated in the old building.

建筑师:Studio acht
类型:酒店 公共建筑
面积:1789 m²
摄影:Tomáš Slavík
制造商:Jansen, Laufen, Signify, ABB, Archtiles, Fas Maniny, Frontech, HVH, Ilti Luce, Termetal, Vyhnánov Quarry
结构工程:Jan Zima
项目负责人:Václav Hlaváček
合作方及主要项目工程师:Mikuláš Wittlich, Pavel Jakoubek
设计团队:Barbora Janů, Anna Halaburtová, Lukáš Dejdar

Architects: Studio acht
Area: 1789 m²
Year: 2023
Photographs:Tomáš Slavík
Manufacturers:  Jansen, Laufen, Signify, ABB, Archtiles, Fas Maniny, Frontech, HVH, Ilti Luce, Termetal, Vyhnánov Quarry
Structural Engineering: Jan Zima
Project Author: Václav Hlaváček
Co Authors And Lead Project Engineers: Mikuláš Wittlich, Pavel Jakoubek
Design Team: Barbora Janů, Anna Halaburtová, Lukáš Dejdar
General Contractor : ARCHATT PAMÁTKY
City: Prague 1
Country: Czech Republic

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查看完整版本: 石头的秘密——布拉格心脏地带的新教会:历史建筑的现代重生