漂浮在墨西哥森林上空的玻璃盒子Cono住宅——Estudio Atemporal设计
glass house 'casa cono' lightly floats in mexico's forests with design by estudio atemporal
墨西哥建筑事务所Estudio Atemporal设计了一座建筑,名为Cono住宅,该住宅是为一对青年夫妇远离城市喧嚣而设计的。项目位于Valle de Bravo外的森林里,住宅内部包含了会客、休闲、工作等功能。该项目顺应地势而建,并保留了场地内的所有树木,这些保留下来的自然景观成为了该住宅的设计核心。Cono住宅由两个方形体块旋转叠合而成,最终形成一个L形建筑体量,和自然景观完美融合在一起。
A contemporary dwelling dubbed Casa Cono has been completed by Mexican architecture firm Estudio Atemporal, designed for a young couple looking to escape urban life. Located in the forests outside Valle de Bravo, the residential project merges living, working, and daily routines within the grandeur of its woodland setting. The design of the structure responds to the gently sloping terrain and respects the presence of each tree — elevating these natural elements as central figures within the architectural narrative. Casa Cono consists of two rectangular volumes, layered and rotated to form a geometric composition that organizes the program across two levels. This L-shaped organization frames diverse views to optimize a connection with nature throughout.
images © LGM Studio
Estudio Atemporal事务所将建筑立面设计成大面积的落地玻璃窗,使得建筑整体有一种失重感,并且还可以将室外景观渗透入室内,使得树木、光线、建筑之间产生联系,加强室内外之间的关系。住宅首层主要为公共空间,室内外通过一个露天院子连接。一层功能分为两个区域,一个是书房,另一个是生活区域,包含有客厅、餐厅和厨房,整个空间布局合理且具有凝聚力。二层功能为私密空间,有卧室、浴室、卫生间等区域,且室内材料经过精挑细选,能够给住户创造出更加舒适温馨的起居氛围。
Facades of full-height glass give Casa Cono a sense of weightlessness, which the architects at Estudio Atemporal employs to further a connection between the interiors and forest beyond. With these expansive windows, residents are encouraged to contemplate the interplay between trees, light, and wind. The ground floor is organized between public spaces, partitioned by a sheltered patio leading to the entrance. This area branches into a study on one side and a unified living, dining, and kitchen area on the other, lending a cohesive and open living space. Meanwhile, bedroom suites and other private areas are founds along the upper level. With smaller, more intimate rooms, and a curated material palette, this upper floor evokes a more cozy and inviting atmosphere.
▲ Cono住宅为远离城市喧嚣的青年夫妇而设计
Casa Cono is designed for a young couple seeking to escape urban life
在森林的衬托下,Estudio Atemporal事务所设计的Cono住宅从远处看具有漂浮感,像是被轻缓放在地面上的玻璃盒子。使用者穿过一条小路,可以通到场地地坪的制高点,从这里可以进入住宅内部,门前的区域仿若一个观景平台。
When viewed from the surrounding forests, Estudio Atemporal’s Casa Cono appears as a seemingly weightless structure gently resting over the ground. Following along a footpath that unfolds across the landscape, residents arrive at the highest point where the house’s rear entrance is unveiled, creating a dramatic threshold into the home, an area which evokes an expansive observation deck.
The team at Estudio Atemporal comments: ‘As a fundamental part of the project’s conceptualization, the forest and the topography become the protagonists in our approach to the site. We envision this house as a series of volumes articulated with each other, becoming participants and spectators of the surrounding nature.‘ Understanding the purpose of each space, its particularities and needs, allowed the team to begin studying the program volumetrically, translating uses into three-dimensional, plastic, and architectural decisions, always maintaining a constructive and organizational logic.
▲ 该项目合理利用地势,且保留了每一棵树木,并将其完美融入到设计中
the design responds to the terrain and respects the presence of each tree
▲ 大面积玻璃形成的透明立面给人一种建筑失重的感觉
predominantly translucent facades give the house a quality of weightlessness
▲ 两个方形体块叠置成双层L形建筑形体
two rectangular volumes are organized in an L-shape across two levels
▲ 设计师将立面设计成大面积落地玻璃窗,可以将外面的自然风光引入室内
large windows invite residents to contemplate the trees, light, and wind
▲ 卧室位于二层,可通过室内楼梯进入
bedroom suites are located along the upper level, accessed via an interior staircase
▲ 首层主要为公共区域,室内外通过露台庭院分隔开来
the ground floor includes public areas divided by a sheltered patio
建筑设计:Estudio Atemporal
项目位置:San Simón, Valle de Bravo, Mexico
摄影: LGM 工作室
project info:
project title: Casa Cono
architecture: Estudio Atemporal | @estudio_atemporal
location: San Simón, Valle de Bravo, Mexico
built area: 180 square meters
completion: 2023
photography: © LGM Studio | @lgmstudio