iarch001 发表于 2024-10-14 11:41:53


Reden 咖啡馆和小酒馆
Reden Café & Bistro / 1.61 DESIGIN_WORKSHOP



Reden Cafe & Bistro is an impressive space with a bold combination of vibrant red tones and an antique-style wall design, accentuated by modern furniture that creates a captivating and artistic image. The design of Reden is not just a cafe, but also a unique architectural piece that reflects the limitless creativity of the architect.

进入 Reden咖啡小酒馆,首先映入眼帘的是红色,它代表了激情与活力。红色是主色调,但由于墙壁上的仿古细节的巧妙组合,红色并不显得喧宾夺主,从而营造出一种温暖、熟悉而又奢华的氛围。

Upon entering Reden, the first thing that catches the eye is the color red - the color of passion and vitality. Red is used as the dominant color, yet it does not overwhelm due to the subtle combination of antique details on the walls, such as restored old wall sections or lines that mimic classical architecture. This provides a warm, familiar, yet also luxurious atmosphere.

Reden 咖啡小酒馆的室内设计融合了古典与现代风格。从座椅到工作桌,家具设计独特,造型简洁而精致,每个细节都经过精心考虑,提升整体空间的档次。壁灯和台灯发出温暖的光,加上从大窗户射入的自然光,不仅突出了空间的红色基调,还营造出一种友好、亲切的氛围。

The interior of Reden blends classical and modern styles. The furniture pieces are uniquely designed with simple yet sophisticated shapes, from seating to work tables, with each detail carefully considered to enhance the overall space. The warm lighting from wall and table lamps, combined with natural light flooding in through large windows, not only highlights the red tone of the space but also creates a friendly, intimate atmosphere.


The large windows that open to the lush garden outside are a highlight not to be missed. They ensure ventilation and are flooded with natural light, creating a beautiful landscape that cools the sunlight and air inside while also providing a relaxing and comfortable feeling for customers enjoying a coffee or meal.


The role of the architect in designing Reden Cafe & Bistro is evident in every choice of color, material, and spatial arrangement. The architect has not only created an aesthetically pleasing space but also ensured it is energetic and efficient. Every detail is meticulously calculated with the ultimate goal of enhancing the customer experience, from the feel of the space and the lighting to comfort and convenience.


Reden Cafe & Bistro, with its harmonious blend of classical and modern elements, is not only an ideal place to enjoy coffee but also a venue where people can experience and appreciate the continuous creativity of the architecture and interior design industry.

类型:餐厅 咖啡厅
面积:600 m²
摄影:Phú Đào
主创建筑师:Ha Pham

Architects: 1.61 DESIGIN_WORKSHOP
Area: 600 m²
Year: 2024
Photographs:Phú Đào
Lead Architect: Ha Pham
Construction: 1.61 DESIGN_WORKSHOP
Country: Vietnam

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