monolithic 'humo house' rises in rural chile with folding architecture by iván bravo
建筑师Iván Bravo与其助理建筑师Martín Rojas和Juan Oyarzún合作设计了一个住宅项目,名为Humo住宅,该项目坐落在一片田园中,完美诠释了建筑与自然和谐共生的理念。
该项目的设计灵感来源于Pablo Neruda《黄昏》中的诗句“没什么能把我们联系在一起/没什么能把我们团结在一起”。该诗句让该住宅的住户深有感触,他们夫妻尽管有稳定的工作,但是他们一直租住在智利圣地亚哥的公寓中,使得他们迫切地想拥有一个属于自己的家园。该项目位于一个独立地块上,紧邻Ranco湖,从设计到建成历经10年。
Humo House, a newly completed architectural project by Iván Bravo in collaboration with associate architect Martín Rojas and Juan Oyarzún, is located in the rural landscape of Futrono, Chile. This unique residence has taken shape within this pastoral context to exemplify contemporary architecture with respect for its natural surroundings.
The project’s inspiration comes from the verses of Pablo Neruda’s Crepusculario: ‘That nothing binds us / that nothing unites us.’ These lines resonate deeply with the couple for whom the house was built. Despite having a stable relationship, they had always lived in separate but nearby apartments in Santiago, Chile. This arrangement contributed to their unhurried approach to building a shared home, a project that took ten years to realize on an isolated plot next to Lake Ranco.
images © Marcos Zegers
Humo住宅的设计师为Iván Bravo,该项目其中两个立面为长方形,另外两个面的屋顶被设计成对半折叠的形式。这种设计方式能够创造出不同的立面效果,且可以通过外观来反映出内部功能。主入口设计了大面积玻璃窗,可以看到Ranco湖的景观,其它立面则被设计成向下倾斜的形式,使得建筑整体具有多样性。
Humo House is shaped by architect Iván Bravo as an exact cube aligned with the cardinal directions and divided into two diagonal halves. This design creates distinct facades that each serve different purposes. The main facades take advantage of their height to capture scenic views of Lake Ranco, while the others slope towards a low entrance, balancing grandness with intimacy.
The house’s exterior and interior are unified by the use of rough wooden slats, creating a cohesive spatial sequence. The pronounced roofs enhance this unity, leading from a spacious living room to the bedrooms. These rooms are symmetrically positioned at the end of a hallway, allowing the inhabitants to enjoy both independence and the feeling of jointly forming their residence.
▲ Iván Bravo设计了一个新项目,名为Humo住宅,位于智利Futrono
Humo House is a new architectural project by Iván Bravo, located in Futrono, Chile
▲ 项目设计灵感来源于Pablo Neruda的诗句,即学会在团结中独立
the design was inspired by Pablo Neruda’s verses, emphasizing independence within unity
▲ 该住宅为一对夫妻建造,他们一直居住在圣地亚哥的公寓里
the couple for whom the house was built had always lived in separate apartments in Santiago
▲ Humo住宅的形体是在立方体的基础上进行切割,即两个面的对角进行切割,形成不同形式的立面效果
Humo House is an exact cube, diagonally sectioned on two faces to create distinct facades
▲ 建筑内外采用的材料为粗糙木板,并进行序列组合,形成一个聚合空间
rough wooden slats clad both the exterior and interior, creating a unified spatial sequence
▲ 主立面上设计了大面积玻璃窗,可以看到Ranco湖的景观,其它立面则是向一个开口方向倾斜
the main facades capture views of Lake Ranco, while others slope towards a low entrance
▲ 建筑采用倾斜屋顶,内部设计一个宽敞的客厅,并直通两边的卧室,形成了公共空间和私密空间,使得内部空间既独立又统一
pronounced roofs lead from a spacious living room to symmetrically positioned bedrooms, blending independence and unity
建筑师:Iván Bravo
助理建筑师:Martín Rojas
合作者:Juan Oyarzún
结构工程师:Pedro Bartolomé
承包商:Erik Torres
摄影:Marcos Zegers, BARO
project info:
project title: Humo House
architecture: Iván Bravo | @comodoroo
location: Futrono, Chile
associate architect: Martín Rojas
collaborator: Juan Oyarzún
structural engineer: Pedro Bartolomé
contractor: Erik Torres
completion: May 2023
photography: © Marcos Zegers, BARO | @marcoszegers