由阁楼改造而来的birdsnest house公寓——TIMM建筑事务所
TIMM architecture transforms a tbilisi attic into this contemporary 'birdsnest house'
Tbilisi的建筑事务所TIMM将一个阁楼改造为公寓,名为“Birdsnest House”。项目建成之后,使用者不仅在室内可以俯瞰整个老城区,还可以看到远处的山景。Birdsnest House项目位于Georgia首都的历史城区,场地附近有缆车站,交通方便。改造的空间为一栋19世纪建筑的顶层,业主曾经居住于此,因此他对改造后的样子非常关注,并注重改造细节,还给设计师讲述了该建筑的演变过程。
Tbilisi-based TIMM Architecture breathes new life into an aging attic, transforming it into the so-called Birdsnest House, a bright and contemporary apartment. The project offers its residents scenic vistas across the old town on one side and framed mountain views on the other. Located in the Mtatsminda district, an historic area of Georgia‘s capital city near the funicular’s lower station, Birdsnest House occupies the top floor of a 19th-century building. The owner is a descendant of one of the building’s original residents, and took a particular interest in preserving the construction details that tell the story of the structure’s evolution within the surrounding area.
images © Grigori Sokolinsky
TIMM建筑事务所在描述该建筑时认为,从该建筑内部看到外面的如画般的风景,会让人们想起20世纪的Georgian艺术家Elene Akhvlediani的画作。该艺术家主要绘画他所在地区的景色,特别是当地的传统建筑。设计师改造该建筑时受到了该画家的影响,建筑内部采用极简主义风格,彰显出外部的传统建筑形象。该建筑窗户采用框景原则,窗框外的景象巧妙地形成了一幅风景画。窗户下方还设计有舒适座位区,营造出了温馨的室内氛围,展现了Scandinavian的“Hygge”理念——愉悦舒适。
The postcard views from the Birdsnest House are described by the team at TIMM Architecture as being reminiscent of the paintings by Georgian artist Elene Akhvlediani. This 20th-century artist is known for capturing the essence of her homeland through her paintings of towns and cities, especially the unique architecture of Old Tbilisi. These artworks heavily influenced the apartment’s design concept, as the interiors serve as a minimalistic frame, highlighting the historic urban fabric outside. A window is artfully framed to suggest such a painting, and offers a panoramic view. A heated seating area below the window lends a warm and inviting atmosphere, embodying the Scandinavian concept of ‘Hygge’ — a feeling of coziness and comfort.
▲ 设计师在入口处采用穿孔钢板材质,并将楼梯与休闲区结合起来设计
a perforated steel wall welcomes guests and integrates the staircase into the living area
TIMM建筑事务所将Birdsnest House的室内空间组织成三部分,即入口区域、客厅和餐厅,每个区域都有自己独特的风格。该项目改造的难点在于组织整合室内的垂直交通空间——楼梯及其附近的生活区。设计师在区域入口处安装了悬挂的穿孔钢墙板,室内路线整体上能激发人们的探索欲,指引人们走向楼梯进入二层,室内空间通透明亮。
Organizing the new Birdsnest House, TIMM Architecture divides the space into three distinct zones — the entryway, the living room, and the dining room, each with its own atmosphere. One of the key design challenges for TIMM Architecture involved integrating the staircase leading to the living area. The architects resolved this challenge by installing a suspended perforated steel wall. Visually inviting, this element welcomes guests to ascend while maintaining a sense of openness and transparency.
Meanwhile, in a departure from traditional layouts, the living room serves as a secondary space for casual recreation rather than the primary living area. This deliberate design choice highlights instead the importance of the dining area, which takes center stage in the apartment. This dining area is the core of Birdsnest House. The team celebrates detailed wood craftsmanship, which is evident in both the finishes and custom furniture, including a table by TIMM Architecture.
▲ 该住宅是由19世纪建筑的阁楼改造而来,位于Mtatsminda区
sited in the Mtatsminda district, the apartment occupies the top floor of a 19th-century building
▲ 房主曾经居住于此,因此要求改造后的建筑仍需保留历史建筑的特点
the owner, a descendant of original residents, requested the preservation of historic details
▲ 改造后的阁楼保留了历史建筑的特色,使用者还能看到窗外的山脉景色
the Birdsnest House offers stunning views of the historic town and majestic mountains
▲ 该公寓功能较为齐全,有入口停留区、生活娱乐区和用餐区
the apartment is organized with distinct zones for entry, living, and dining
▲ 餐厅采用的是木质材饰面和定制家具,营造温馨氛围
detailed wood finishes and custom furniture create a warm, inviting dining space
▲ 为了强调餐厅的重要性,客厅和餐厅分开设计,餐厅为主要的活动区
a living room is designed for casual use to emphasize importance of the dining area
项目名称:Birdsnest House
项目位置:Tbilisi, Georgia
首席设计师:Nikoloz Lekveishvili
室内设计:Irina Karlikova
摄影:Grigori Sokolinsky
project info:
project title: Birdsnest House
architecture: TIMM Architecture | @timmarchitecture
location: Tbilisi, Georgia
lead architect: Nikoloz Lekveishvili
interior design: Irina Karlikova
built area: 123 square meters
completion: 2024
photography: © Grigori Sokolinsky | @grigorysokolinsky