iarch001 发表于 2024-11-28 13:09:44


UA lab's concrete shell pavilion forms inclusive residential community space in india




UA Lab has developed the Concrete Shell, a serene social space hosting various community activities within a vertical housing complex in Ahmedabad, India. It features an inclusive design fostering interactivity and accessibility, taking shape as a single concrete pavilion with varied volumes of interconnected spaces.
A simple assembly of vertical linear circular columns and horizontal flat slab is employed, with the volume on the first floor designed as a solid block in contrast to the configuration of circular columns on the ground floor. Freestanding, they loosely define the boundaries of the partially enclosed space.

all images courtesy of UA Lab



The first floor level spans two-thirds of the horizontal space, leaving the remaining third as a double height volume. This contrast of mass to void creates an interesting dynamic of space, accentuating each individual’s experience. Further, the team at Gujarat-based UA Lab has utilized natural flooring materials with an exposed concrete finish, consciously not adopting any colors for a discreet finish.
Hence, the entire Concrete Shell pavilion seems to merge with the surroundings, engulfed in the greens of the tree canopy, shrubs, and the lawn. A vivid blue mosaic adorning the pool area enlivens the scheme, complementing the striking red staircase.

▲ 建筑被绿植点缀提亮
the urban complex is punctuated by hints of greenery

▲ UA工作室将建筑外观设计成混凝土材质
UA Lab has developed the Concrete Shell

▲ 该社交中心主打创造一个宁静的空间,居民可以在其内部举办各种社交活动
a serene social space hosting various community activities within a vertical housing complex

▲ 这是一个包容性强的社交空间,促进人与人之间的交流互动
it features an inclusive design fostering interactivity and accessibility

▲ 该建筑采用圆柱子与楼板结合,体现其简约性
a simple assembly of vertical linear circular columns and horizontal flat slab is employed

▲ 该建筑二层是实体空间,一层为架空空间
the volume on the first floor is designed as a solid block

▲ 相对而言,首层采用圆柱子更具有空间感
in contrast, a linear assembly of circular columns defines the ground floor

▲ 建筑采用天然材料,整体色调较为柔和,可以与周围环境相互融合
a natural material palette and muted tones merges the pavilion with the surroundings

▲ 细节展示
concrete details

▲ 红色楼梯的设计为该建筑增添了活力
a striking red staircase adds vibrancy

▲ 设计师为印度的一个住宅区设计了一个社交活动中心
designed for a residential community in India

项目名称:The Concrete Shell社交中心

project info:
name: The Concrete Shell
architect: UA Lab
location: Ahmedabad, India

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查看完整版本: 红色楼梯与蓝色水池——印度Ahmedabad的趣味社交空间