iarch001 发表于 2024-12-18 15:13:53


▲ 建筑曲线与江面交相辉映 Architectural Curves Reflecting the River Surface  ©零壹城市 LYCS

江山市群众体育中心游泳馆由零壹城市建筑事务所(LYCS Architecture)牵头进行建筑室内一体化设计。近日,随着最后一块鳞片归位,游泳馆蟒袍加身,流淌的曲线与江山港的粼粼波光交相辉映。

A Swimming Pool Adorned with Dragon Scales
The swimming pool at Jiangshan Sports Center is led by LYCS Architecture for integrated architectural and interior design. The flowing curves of the structure now shimmer in harmony with the glistening waters of Jiangshan Port.

▲ 江山市虎山运动公园的两馆一场 Two Halls and One Field of Jiangshan's Hushan Sports Park  ©零壹城市 LYCS

该项目位于江山市虎山运动公园,建筑面积14, 244平方米,是江山市首座乙级专业游泳馆。项目建成后,与虎山运动公园4000人体育馆、毗邻的滨江高级中学3000人体育场联动,“两馆一场”组合为一座满足赛事举办与民生需求的体育中心。

Located in Jiangshan's Hushan Sports Park, the project spans 14,244 square meters and is the city's first Grade B professional swimming pool. Once completed, it will operate with the 4,000-seat sports arena at Hushan Sports Park and the 3,000-seat stadium near Binjiang High School. Together, this "two halls and one field" complex forms a multifunctional sports hub capable of hosting professional events while meeting public needs.

▲ 北鸟瞰图 North Aerial View  ©零壹城市 LYCS

Jiangshan: Between River and Mountain

▲ 东立面人视效果图 East Facade, Human Eye View Rendering ©零壹城市 LYCS


Jiangshan, a city steeped in history, derives its name from Mount Jianglang and its riverside location. In 931 AD, King Qian Liu of Wuyue renamed Xujian County to Jiangshan County, inspired by the region’s iconic landscapes. Anchored between Hushan Mountain and Jiangshan Port, the design of the sports center draws upon the theme of “river and mountain.” The undulating architecture echoes the surrounding hills, while the fluid lines suggest the flowing river, crafting a dynamic yet culturally resonant sports complex.

▲ 游泳馆室内效果图 Interior Rendering of the Swimming Pool ©零壹城市 LYCS


Since 2022, the design team formed by LYCS Architecture and ZIAD, in collaboration with consultants such as RoboticsPlus.AI, has been working together to ensure the scientific and rational implementation of the project.

▲ 板块翘曲度云图与面积分布云图 Warping Cloud Diagram and Area Distribution Cloud Diagram ©零壹城市 LYCS




However, the team faced a classic "three-body problem," balancing three interdependent factors:

How to optimize the curves?
How to design the façade units?
How to control construction costs?

This challenge set the stage for a delicate balancing act.

▲ 南鸟瞰建造过程-Construction-Process,-South-Aerial-View--©零壹城市-LYCS

Curve delineation, Infinite loop

▲ 设计团队在现场 Design Team On-Site  ©零壹城市 LYCS


The design team restructured the upper façade’s geometry using top, inclined, and vertical surfaces. These surfaces twist dynamically between the two main venues, creating a visual tension with alternating convex and concave sections. By incorporating more straight lines with chamfers, complex three-dimensional curved surfaces were minimized, reducing costs and achieving better harmony with the adjacent arena.

▲ 东鸟瞰图 East Aerial View  ©零壹城市 LYCS

▲ 扭转的三个曲面 Three Twisting Curved Surfaces  ©零壹城市 LYCS

尽管做了优化,但双曲面还是双曲面,上部立面造型的 2, 943块金属板依然是完全不同的,非标尺寸如此之多,造价依然不菲。但二层造型做为四大部分中,从城市角度视觉上最重要的部分,设计团队和业主选择了坚持,将最多的预算用在这里,钱要花在刀刃上。

Despite these optimizations, the upper façade still required 2,943 unique metal panels, each with custom dimensions, making it one of the most visually impactful yet cost-intensive elements. Given its importance from an urban perspective, the team and client prioritized this section, ensuring the budget was allocated where it mattered most.

▲ 2,943块不同的幕墙单元 2,943 Unique Curtain Wall Units ©零壹城市 LYCS

▲ 单块幕墙金属板 Single Curtain Wall Metal Panel  ©零壹城市 LYCS

▲ 幕墙金属板编号 Curtain Wall Metal Panel Numbering  ©零壹城市 LYCS

▲ 幕墙单元安装过程 Curtain Wall Unit Installation Process  ©零壹城市 LYCS


For the lower façade, which is closer to the users and less visible in its entirety, the team simplified the design to one-dimensional inclined planes. This maintained the design integrity while standardizing façade components, significantly lowering costs.

▲ 西立面人视图 West Facade, Human Eye View  ©零壹城市 LYCS

▲ 西立面大台阶 Grand Staircase on the West Facade  ©零壹城市 LYCS

Thousands of creases, scales shining like dots

▲ 幕墙 Mockup Curtain Wall Mockup  ©零壹城市 LYCS


The continuous façade is composed of individual metal panels. After extensive case studies and iterative comparisons, the team selected a staggered folded plate pattern for its balance of cost efficiency and aesthetic appeal.

▲ 切分方案1-横向工字 Segmentation Plan 1 - Horizontal I-Beam ©零壹城市 LYCS

▲ 切分方案2-竖向工字 Segmentation Plan 2 - Vertical I-Beam ©零壹城市 LYCS

▲ 切分方案3-折板错缝 Segmentation Plan 3 - Folded Panel with Staggered Seams ©零壹城市 LYCS

▲ 切分方案4-平板错缝 Segmentation Plan 4 - Flat Panel with Staggered Seams ©零壹城市 LYCS

▲ 切分方案5-折板齐缝 Segmentation Plan 5 - Folded Panel with Aligned Seams ©零壹城市 LYCS

▲ 切分方案6-折板菠萝纹 Segmentation Plan 6 - Folded Panel with Pineapple Pattern ©零壹城市 LYCS


Each panel features a single fold, creating a scaly texture that interacts beautifully with changing light.These folds add a layer of visual complexity to the curves, integrating points, lines, and surfaces into the design.

▲ 丰富视觉层次的折板“鳞片” Folded Scales with Rich Visual Layers  ©零壹城市 LYCS


Uniform fold angles were key to achieving coherence across the façade. At the intersections of inclined and horizontal planes, the team maintained the fold angle with precise cuts, ensuring visual continuity.

▲ 交接面折斜度统一 Unified Inclination of Junction Planes  ©零壹城市 LYCS

▲ 交接面局部 Junction Plane, Close-Up  ©零壹城市 LYCS


With its guardrails tilted at over 25%, the aerial corridor adds a subtle sense of speed, linking the upper façade to the lower base with a unified matrix of folds.

▲ 护栏安装过程 Railing Installation Process  ©零壹城市 LYCS

▲ 护栏与折板斜率方向一致 Railing Aligned with Folded Panel Inclination  ©零壹城市 LYCS


Sunlight glinting off these "scales" creates rippling highlights, clothing the swimming pool in a magnificent "Dragon Scales."

▲ 三段曲面扭转交错 Intersecting and Twisting Curved Surfaces in Three Segments  ©零壹城市 LYCS


▲ 建造过程鸟瞰-Aerial-View-of-the-Construction-Process--©零壹城市-LYCS


With the façade nearing completion, the swimming pool at Jiangshan Sports Center is entering its final stages of construction. This modern sports complex will provide world-class facilities for the residents of Jiangshan and explore an innovative operational model that balances usage between schools, the public, and professional events.The team and the community eagerly anticipate its grand opening, which promises to elevate Jiangshan’s sports industry and cultural vitality.

江与山 | 江山市群众体育中心游泳馆

River and Mountain | Swimming Pool at Jiangshan Sports Center
Location: Jiaxing , China
Client: Jiangshan Sports Bureau
Area: 14, 244 ㎡
Address: Hushan Sports Park, Jiangshan City
Design Date: 2022/04 — 2023/02
Construction Date: 2023/03 — Present
Architecture、Interior Design : LYCS Architecture
Design team: Ruan Hao, Zhan Yuan, Lai Zhenyu; Duan Qin, Yin Yue, Yang Fan Shunze, Zhou Feixia, Chen Hao, Yuan Ran (Architecture); Zhang Lei, Wang Jialin, Zhang Xiaomin, Xie Jie (Interior)
Local Design Institute : ZIAD (Zhejiang Institute of Architectural Design)
Curtain Wall Design Consultant:RoboticsPlus.AI, ZIAD (Zhejiang Institute of Architectural Design)
Construction: Zhejiang Sanrong Construction Co., Ltd
Photography: Luffy


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