iarch001 发表于 2024-12-25 11:00:01


playful, circular windows punctuate buchan's library expressive facade in australia


Buchan工作室设计了Biyal-a Armstrong Creek图书馆。该建筑位于2500㎡的社区内部,设计灵感来源于“水”。图书馆采用有机的建筑造型和混凝土表皮,立面上还设计有大小不一的圆形窗,它们如同水流聚集的地方,使建筑表面具有张力。建筑师了解到,长久以来,当地人们的日常用水点均是水流的天然交汇点,具有深厚的文化背景和精神意义。本次设计的图书馆将会为社区注入新的活力,让社区居民更加团结,共创未来。图书馆内部的开放空间均使用自然材料装饰,如书架、家具和各种配件均采用木材,墙体也使用自然材料装饰,设计成各种纹理效果,不同功能区域的纹理效果也不相同。内部地板的纹理图案是溪流形状,就像是水流经过了图书馆和城镇广场,也给户外露台和创意空间带来了意想不到的效果。

Buchan completes Biyal-a Armstrong Creek Library, a 2,500-square-meter community hub in Australia, inspired by a Living Water narrative. The library features a raw concrete exterior, organic shapes, and playful circular windows that evoke water as a gathering place, punctuating its expressive facade. ‘The waterways of the Wadawurrung people have been a natural meeting point for centuries and are rich in cultural and spiritual significance,’ says Buchan architect Aleksander Borek. ‘The new library is conceived as a nourishing place for the community to come together and create a shared future.’ Inside, open-plan spaces incorporate natural materials like timber, used on bookshelves, furniture, and fittings, and a rammed earth wall that creates a textural spine through the building, separating the public front of the house from amenities areas. A floor pattern mimics a creek, and flows through the library and the adjacent town square, while outdoor terraces and creative spaces complement the design.

all images by Tom Roe, courtesy of Buchan

Biyal-a Armstrong Creek图书馆位于Armstrong Creek镇中心,该项目由Wadawurrung原住民和大吉隆市政府合作开发,设计宗旨为建筑与自然和谐共生,互相融合。Buchan设计工作室设计了很多大型窗户,使得室内光线充足,让室外景观渗透至室内。建筑沿街立面设计有供行人遮阳庇荫的波形天篷,主入口的屋顶采用悬臂式,可以遮蔽前院的景观。建筑立面上的圆形窗在夜晚会被照亮,使得建筑表面会发光一样,也使建筑的地标性更强。

该图书馆有着多种活动空间,适合各个年龄的用户。设计师还在图书馆的底层设计了儿童活动区,满足社区家庭的活动需求。二层及以上的功能空间为共享工作空间、创客空间、户外露台活动空间等。内部家具布置的相对灵活,墙壁上也设计有储藏空间,可满足读者的各种需求,且图书馆全天活动丰富,给居民带来更多的活力。该图书馆是Armstrong Creek镇中心的首个大型市政基础设施,为该地区的发展开了个好彩头。

Located in the heart of the Armstrong Creek Town Centre in Greater Geelong, the Biyal-a Armstrong Creek Library was developed in collaboration with the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners and the City of Greater Geelong. The design aims to connect the building with nature, with Buchan incorporating large windows to flood the interiors with natural light and offer views of the surroundings. A waveform canopy along Main Street provides shade and protection, while a cantilevered roof shelters a landscaped forecourt at the main entrance. The circular windows, when illuminated at night, give the building a lantern-like glow, reinforcing its role as a landmark.
Internally, the library accommodates a range of activities and welcomes users of all ages. The Australian firm integrates a children’s zone on the ground floor that caters to local families, while upper levels offer coworking spaces, a makers’ area, and access to outdoor terraces. Flexible furniture, operable walls, and ample storage allow adaptability to various needs, making the library a meeting point for day and night activities. Biyal-a Armstrong Creek Library is the first major civic infrastructure in the Armstrong Creek Town Center and sets a benchmark for future developments in the precinct.

▲ Biyal-a Armstrong Creek图书馆的建立使得该社区居民对社区有了认同感
Biyal-a Armstrong Creek Library establishes a sense of identity for a new community

▲ 穿越城镇广场可进入该建筑场地内
the main entry is from a new town square

▲ 紧邻街道的立面上设计有波浪形的雨篷,可为行人遮阳避雨
at street level, a waveform canopy protects pedestrians

▲ 仿生形态和精致的细节设计映射了建筑设计的主题
organic shapes and refined detailing reflect the Living Water theme

▲ 趣味圆形窗增加了建筑外观的表现力
playful circular windows punctuate the expressive facade

▲ Buchan在建筑底层设计了儿童活动区,满足社区家庭的需求
Buchan integrates a children’s zone on the ground floor that caters to local families

▲ 开放空间内的书架采用木材等天然材料
open-plan spaces incorporate natural materials like timber, used on bookshelves

▲ 室外露台和创意空间的设计使得建筑的功能性和灵活性有所增加
outdoor terraces and creative spaces complement the functional and flexible design

▲ 图书馆内部设计有多种空间,满足各个年龄段的人群使用
the library accommodates a range of activities and welcomes users of all ages

▲ 图书馆的建立使得该社区居民之间的交流活动有所增加
fostering community engagement and collaboration

项目名称:Biyal-a Armstrong Creek 图书馆
项目位置:Armstrong Creek, Greater Geelong, Australia
摄影:Tom Roe

project info:
name: Biyal-a Armstrong Creek Library
architect: Buchan | @buchan_studio
location: Armstrong Creek, Greater Geelong, Australia
photographer: Tom Roe | @tomroe__

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查看完整版本: 夜晚的“灯笼”地标——Buchan工作室打造的“水流”图书馆有着圆形窗的魔法