内容提要 《加拿大当代顶级建筑师》共收录近50个加拿大建筑作品。它们风格迥异,设计独到,为加拿大当代顶级建筑师的最新力作。《加拿大当代顶级建筑师》分为四大板块:文化、商业、住宅、办公。每个板块包含5至20个最新案例。
《加拿大当代顶级建筑师》由Archiwisdom Book工作室策划,是一本极佳的建筑实践参考读本,也是反映公共建筑设计趋势的高端读物之一。
This book collects nearly 50 architecture projects from Canadian architects. The collected projects with different styles and unique design are the Canadian top architects' latest masterpieces.
The book includes four sections: culture, commerce, residence and office. Each section has 5 to 20 projects. Every project is presented with design interpretation both in English and Chinese, real photos, plans, elevation drawings and some engineering drawings. With a high reference value, it represents the main architectural style, as well as excellent design levels of architect in the world.
This book is planned by Archiwisdom Book Studio. It senses as the valuable reference in the field of architecture practice and also one of the significant high-end readings reflecting the trends of public architecture design.