原 名 称:silo city salesoffice
Year : 2004.04-2004.11
Area : 1860m2
激情在蜿蜒的伸展,像是巨大的、蓝色的、浮游的奶酪,它的内部是火红的、或是翠绿的 一个巨大的爬虫,无数个毛孔喘息着上百根“触角”在“行走” 它完全是钢铁制成的,外表是冰冷的,只有那些圆孔在吐呐着热气 。
The fervor is wanders, extending as a huge blue colored floating cheese. Its interior is flaming red, or perhaps looks as Paris green giant reptile, with innumerable pores pants for air with its hundreds “the antenna” on the move. It is completely made by raw, hard steel. Its exterior is icy-cold, and only little warmth spitting from those pores.