inside terrell place — an office building and civil rights landmark in downtown washington DC — ESI design has realized 1,700 square feet of motion-activated media displays that activate with the movement of staff, visitors and passersby. created for building owner beacon capital partners, the reactive installation transforms the site’s common areas and expansive first floor lobby space with an interactive display of ‘digital nature’.
terrell place, washington DC, video courtesy of ESI design
realized as a single media canvas, the large-scale installation spans 80 feet wide by 13 feet high (24 by 4 meters) and can be seen through the oversized windows that look out onto the street. technology has been seamlessly integrated into architectural surfaces, creating an ever-changing artwork that captures the bustling pulse of the building.
the three displays created by ESI design fluctuate from ‘seasons’ to ‘color play’ and ‘cityscape’, presenting a selection of scenes that can be programmed with varying durations and sequences. these customizations ensure that passersby never see the same scene — even if they arrive and leave at the same time every day.
when in ‘season’ mode, the media displays the lifecycle of washington DC’s iconic cherry trees/在“季节”模式下,媒体装置显示华盛顿标志性樱花的生命周期
when in ‘season’ mode, the media displays the lifecycle of washington DC’s iconic cherry trees. in the ‘spring’ phase, these trees blossom as people pass by the screens, their movement causing petals to eventually fall off; when people pause in the lobby, butterflies flutter around the screens. ‘color play’ shows algorithmically-generated patterns of multi-color threads which spread across the walls, weaving an interactive tapestry that echoes the ever-changing activity of terrell place. ‘city scape’ pays homage to the city of with iconic architecture, statuary and transportation scenes that are brought to life by people passing by.
the motion-activated media displays activate with the movement of passersby/运动感应媒体显示装置随着经过者的运动而激活
in the main hallway, the environment is enhanced by ambient sounds that reflect tones from nature, the surrounding city, and music.
‘the different media create distinct rhythms to give terrell place a unique identity and strong street presence,’ says michael schneider, senior creative technology designer at ESI design. ‘each of the media scenes reflects the time of day and the movement of people through the lobby, acting almost as a large abstract data-visualization of the ebb and flow of terrell place.’
in the ‘spring’ phase, the trees blossom as people pass by the screens/在“春天”时,当人们经过屏幕,这些樱花开放
visitors’ movement causes the digital petals to fall off and float around the screen/客人的活动导致花瓣掉落,在屏幕上到处飘荡
‘color play’ shows algorithmically-generated patterns of multi-color threads/“色彩变幻”显示算法生成的多色线状图案
the threads weave an interactive tapestry that echoes the ever-changing activity of terrell place/这些线条编织成交互式壁毯,回应terrell place不断变化的活动
the large-scale installation can be seen through the oversized windows that look out onto the street/穿过临街的超大窗户可以看到大型装置