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What Happens “Inside” the Minds of Architecture Students?


2015年,迪斯尼/皮克斯公司发行了动画片“Inside Out(头脑特工队)”,这项作品令人眼前一亮。这部电影不仅获得了观众的一致好评,也得到了评论家们的认可,他们认为这部作品值得被评为2016年动画故事片奥斯卡奖。人们被电影中的手法与内容所吸引,导演运用简化的手法表现出人类的心理,在其中,人们头脑中的潜意识斗争被归纳为五种情绪,这五种情绪被五个截然不同的人物所描绘:乐乐(Joy)、忧忧(Sadness)、厌厌(Disgust)、怕怕(Fear),和怒怒(Anger)。当主角Riley Anderson经历情绪波动时,五种情绪在她的脑海中浮现出来时,我们会开始思考:“如果我的脑海中有这些微小的人物,它们会做什么?谁会成为主导?”如果你是一名建筑系的学生,那么你至少会知道第二个问题的答案,即没有哪种情绪会成为主导。建筑系的学生们常常经历着漫长的情感过山车,就像Riley自身所做的抗争。即使在睡梦中,他们的头脑也总是烦躁不安,而且他们可以在短时间内体会到各种情绪。没有一种情绪会成为主导,它们总是轮流出现。

In 2015, Disney/Pixar released the animated movie “Inside Out”, and it was quite phenomenal. The movie did not just gain the approval of viewers but also critics who found it worthy of the 2016 Animated Feature Academy Award. Everyone was intrigued by the way it simplified yet expressively depicted human psychology, summing up the subconscious struggles inside our heads into five emotions. These five emotions were portrayed by five distinct characters: Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Fear, and Anger. As we watch the main character, Riley Anderson, going through an emotional rollercoaster, and all of her five emotions working it out inside her head, we start wondering: “If I had these tiny people inside my head, what would they be doing? And who would be taking the lead?”. Now, if you are an architecture student, then you probably know at least the answer to the second question: “No one.” Architecture students are on an extended emotional roller coaster ride that rivals Riley’s own. Their minds are always fretting even in their sleep, and they can experience all kinds of emotions in so little time. No one is particularly in charge; they all take turns.


来自Vox的Christophe Haubursin创造了这个有趣的矩阵,说明了这些情绪可以复合叠加,而形成更为复杂的情绪,亦或是将一种情绪发挥到极致。

Christophe Haubursin from Vox created this interesting matrix which reveals more complicated emotions that can be triggered by pairing any two of the five emotions—joy, sadness, disgust, fear, and anger, or by experiencing one to the fullest.




We believe that you have definitely experienced all 15 emotions in the above matrix and more than once at architecture school! Can’t remember? There, we will give you a few hints. Review these design studio moments and refresh your memory. You have surely experienced some, if not all, of them as a student, and it is time you find out who was taking over then.
Intrigue is how you feel when your professor starts talking about the new design project, and it seems fairly interesting.



Ecstasy is when your professor finally approves of your plan and, furthermore, compliments your work. It is, also, when you get the grade you have been aspiring for, and maybe rank on top of your class if you are the competitive type.





Despair is when your professor turns your whole plan upside down one day before your final jury, or simply when you never get the “Okay”.
Prejudice is when you go into a state of denial. It is when you think that your plan is just fine, and your professor doesn’t know what he/she is saying.
Self-loathing is what follows denial. One moment you think everyone is wrong and you’re right; then, you figure this can’t be true and  start thinking to yourself: “I am no good.”



Anxiety is when you realize that you are a few hours away from the submission deadline, and you are still contemplating your future in the field of architecture.



Betrayal is when you find out that all your classmates have finished their work, but you didn’t. It is also when your professor sides with the juror against you, although he was the one who told you to shift that wall.






Revulsion is the state you will get into until you forget about the betrayal of your classmates but not your professor. Never!
Loathing is what you feel towards your professor after the harsh betrayal. Regretfully, this could last forever.
Terror is when you realize that the juror who tormented you, last semester, will be examining you again. And worse, he/she still remembers you, and they don’t seem quite pleased with the memory.
Hatred is what you feel when the trauma repeats all over again, and not because your plan is particularly inferior, but because they really they don’t like you! Or maybe they just don’t like curves.





Rage is when you see your final grade, and it is not what you were expecting, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all. How could they?!
Surprise is when you get a grade way beyond your expectations. It is when you think you have totally messed things up, but then your professor and the jurors complement your work.
Righteousness is when you snatch the grade you deserve from an overly-criticizing juror because you know you are right! … or at least you did your best.




Melancholy is when you leave architecture school. You are happy the struggle is over, or so you think, yet you are sad because you know there are people you would never see again. There is a life you are parting with for good, with all of its ups and downs, to God knows what.
All images are courtesy of Disney/Pixar.




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