iarch001 发表于 2022-10-10 11:00:02


田园交响曲装置 / Bourguignon Quentin + Delebecque Marin + Doin Luc
Pastoral Symphony Installation / Bourguignon Quentin + Delebecque Marin + Doin Luc



Text description provided by the architects. Completed as part of the 16th edition of the Horizon “Art Nature” in Sancy, the project aims through different aspects, to shed light on and question the status of the rural world, its landscape, its inhabitants, its diversity, in its relationship with diverse contemporary problematics as tourism, building habits or ecology. Both temporal and visual artifact, the symbol of the bell tower is synonymous with centrality. This focal point here is moved into the heart of what makes Sancy as it is, as much as its cities and villages: its rural activity.

牧场是诸多行人经过却少有人停留的场地,但这些场地代表着农村景观的基本元素。钟楼的出现,表达着对农业空间的认知态度、农村的演变和改造方式的质疑。“Symphony pastorale”(田园交响曲)是一个细长的微型建筑项目,参考了钟楼的原型,与周围村庄中已经存在的所有其他钟楼相呼应。

Pastures are places that are often crossed, but where few people stay, whereas those places represent a fundamental element of the rural landscape. The displacement of the bell tower questions the way to look at these agricultural spaces, their evolution, and their transformation. “Symphonie pastorale” (Pastoral Symphony) is a slim micro-architecture project that refers to the archetype of the bell tower, an echo of all of the other ones already existing in the surrounding villages.


The first level is made of a wooden structure filled up with straw and over it, a traditional wood frame. The sleek geometry gives it a monolithic shape from afar, while the semi-open pattern of the façade creates a graphical rhythm that you discover by getting closer. The sober interior shows the straw, the wood structure, and the bells. A bell tower without bells cannot be.

在这里,公众可以暂时成为乡村净土的一名演员:通过一根绳子拉响悬挂在建筑上的一铃铛,游客互动发出的声响,与来自周围牧场动物的声音混合在一起,组成“田园交响曲”(symphony pastorale)的一部分。这是一首献给乡村的颂歌。

Here, the public can be an actor in the rural world for a moment: with a rope that activates some bells that hangs in the construction, the visitor can be part of the “Symphonie pastorale” (pastoral symphony) by producing a sound that will be mixed and integrated to those coming from the animals in the surrounding pasture. An anthem to the rural world.


The use of wood and straw as constructive materials is a highlight of those local resources, which are part of the agricultural identity. Straw bale and construction wood allowed a local supply through a farmer and a sawmill, both located less than 25km away. We see the realization of micro-architecture as a way to question the public about subjects that we are used to confronting in our daily life, to have a look at our environment, both built or as a landscape, and to experiment with unconventional ways of building.

建筑设计:Bourguignon Quentin, Delebecque Marin, Doin Luc
面积:10 m2
摄影:Luc Doin
首席建筑师:Bourguignon Quentin, Delebecque Marin, Doin Luc

Architects: Bourguignon Quentin, Delebecque Marin, Doin Luc
Area: 10 m2
Year: 2022
Photographs: Luc Doin
Lead Architects: Bourguignon Quentin, Delebecque Marin, Doin Luc
City: Valbeleix
Country: France

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查看完整版本: 当钟声回响在牧场间——桑西地平线自然装置艺术节“田园交响曲”景观装置