iarch001 发表于 2023-5-15 10:30:03



Located along Belt and Road as a vital zone, Science and Technology City New Area in Mianyang is positioned to be a cradle for high-tech innovative industries with vibrant public realms. Aedas Executive Director Yaochun Wen led the team to create a new mixed-use hub that faces Anchang River, inter-connecting the ecological park and business zone in the area. The project is designed to be a sustainable living room for Mianyang, Sichuan.

▲ 规划鸟瞰图
Aerial view


The project is comprised of two plots, weaving commercial and cultural blocks, as well as a waterfront corridor. Filled with an unobstructed Anchang River view and natural resources, the hub features a 50m-wide ecological pedestrian system in the south. The science city and CBD are clustered in the north, with well-connected roads and transport network to maximise the commercial efficiency.

▲ 多维绿轴串联,打造超级公园
Multi-dimensional ecological axis, creating an inter-connected super park

▲ 设计生成示意图
Planning development


6 commercial towers are placed along the waterfront, consisting of innovative industries, conference and exhibition centres, bank offices, financial servicing and offices. The variation in towers’ heights creates a unique skyline fronting the river.

▲ 打造科技城新区封面
A public realm in the Science and Technology City

▲ 空中云廊(北地块)
A sky bridge connecting the towers

北地块高矮不一的两栋塔楼,通过空中连接构建出门户形态,与南地块形成空间的围合之势。并引入“科创云廊”, 通过金融街通达的公共首层,使北侧中央商务区直接与公园及滨水区相连,形成整个片区的贯穿联动。

Two towers in the north, connected by a sky bridge, greet visitors as a gateway of the city. The design emphasises high connectivity between roads and axis, stitching the waterfront with the CBD through a corridor on the first floor.

▲ 金融街作为片区枢纽
A commercial hub for the city


The corridor on the second floor not only links the towers as a comprehensive pedestrian system, but also provides a multi-functional recreational and collaborative space that seamlessly connects work, social life and entertainment. More communal spaces are designed on the third floor to link the terraces and rooftop garden. By maximising the flexibility and openness, the design creates a porous office park that serves the city efficiently.

▲ 多维链接的平台绿廊  
Porous green corridor

▲ 充满活力的立体公园
Vibrant park with porosity


Recreational amenities are placed at the exterior-interior spaces between the terraces and corridor, including food & beverage spaces and gyms. The conference and exhibition centre becomes a connector between the waterfront terraces and CBD, enhancing commercial activities and vitalising the area.

▲ 会议展示中心
Conference and exhibition centre

▲ 南侧界面塔楼垂直绿化
Vertical greening


A lush shrubbery around the porous and cascading terraces reflects on the glass façade, integrating the nature with the architecture and bringing the greenery to the whole project. Together with the optimised efficiency in office spatial planning, the design delivers a collaborative dynamics to encourage work-social activities.

▲ 塔楼以“竹韵”为设计灵感
The façade drew inspiration from bamboo


The towers drew inspiration from bamboo, engraving the authentic culture on the architecture and mimicking the bamboo form on the façade. Variation in aluminium frame’s width and color also creates a rich architectural language.  

▲ 金融街区全景
Aerial view of the project


‘Designing a sustainable urban living room with local context in Mianyang Science and Technology New City area, we create exterior-interior and urban-waterfront spaces through high connectivity and permeability. It will become a destination for striking a perfect work-live balance.’ Yaochun says.

* 此为竞赛设计方案,后期深化实施或有调整
* This competition design plan is subject to change in later implementation stage.


Location: Mianyang, China
Client:  Xin Tou Group
Design and Project Architect: Aedas、CSWADI
GFA: 306,219 sq m
Completion Year: In progress
Design Director: Yaochun Wen, Executive Director


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查看完整版本: 绵阳多维链接的立体城市会客厅