iarch001 发表于 2024-6-24 12:51:12



Art journey starts from curiosity.
Apm gallery stands like a sculpture,
grand yet modest.
It resembles a silent leviathan,
crouching at the end of the block,
breathing deeply and calmly.


The renovation scheme of Haikou GAOXINGLI was proposed by Noya team in the early 2021. Dazhou and Associates has completed the design of two iconic buildings, NOYARD and apm. Situated on the eastside of the block, apm, was a newly built two-storey building with pitched roof. We intend to transform it into a small-scale community art gallery, infusing contemporary art into the community and driving vitality on the east side of the block.

▲南立面  South elevation
©DONG建筑影像  Dong Image

▲北侧主入口  North entrance
©DONG建筑影像  Dong Image

Corridors and Courtyard


Dealing with the site is paramount. In general, apm is not defined as a classic art palace since it is located in a commercial block.

▲后院与围廊  Courtyard and corridors
©DONG建筑影像 Dong Image


Encircling the original building, a ring of modestly scaled corridors was introduced to guide foot traffic and invite people to approach. Openings that punctuating the ground-level exhibition walls help extend the dialogue outdoors, where passersby could catch glimpses of the indoor artworks. Art journey then starts from curiosity. The corridors extend forward, enclosing a courtyard in the original open space, which, though not large, could become an outdoor exhibition and event space in the future.

▲雨天后院  Courtyard after rain
©田方方 Fangfang Tian

Stacking and Arraying


Ascending from the corridors, three volumes gracefully stack, each overhangs to allow the new facade to bypass the eaves of the original building. The large volumes blur the floor divisions, lending the petite gallery a sculptural presence, grand yet modest.

▲层层堆叠的体量  Stacked volumes
©DONG建筑影像 Dong Image

▲模糊的楼层  Ambiguous flooring
©DONG建筑影像 Dong Image


The new structural system integrates with the original building and reorganizes the modules to create a regular vertical division on the facade. It intends to echo the weathered steel plates of the red brick buildings, becoming more appealing over time.

▲夕阳下的美术馆  Art gallery in the sunset
©田方方 Fangfang Tian

Black Gallery and White Gallery


There are two distinct galleries for art exhibitions.

▲入口接待 Reception
©田方方 Fangfang Tian

▲纪念品商店  Souvenir Shop
©DONG建筑影像 Dong Image


The black gallery on the ground floor with unique spatial attributes seamlessly melds the indoor and outdoor experiences. Dark steel plates cast serene light and shadows for the interior space.

▲首层挑空空间  Double-height Space
©田方方 Fangfang Tian

▲艺术从好奇开始 Art starts from curiosity
©DONG建筑影像 Dong Image

▲首层走廊 Ground floor passage
©田方方 Fangfang Tian


The white gallery upstairs might be preferred by curators. With controllable lighting and space, it basks under an open roof, inviting daylight to illuminate the exhibition space. Together, they enrich apm’s offerings, expanding the potential of the art gallery.

▲白展厅之一  White Gallery I  
©田方方  Fangfang Tian

▲白展厅之二  White Gallery II  
©田方方  Fangfang Tian


The abundant sunlight and humid weather of Haikou shape the character of apm. In the sunny days, light dances on its rusted steel plate facade, creating abundant shadows. Yet, it’s the rainy days that truly captivate, as apm resembles a silent leviathan, crouching at the end of the block, breathing deeply and calmly.

▲湿润的巨兽  The moist leviathan
©田方方  Fangfang Tian

技术图纸   Technical Drawings

▲一层平面 Ground floor plan  ©大舟建筑 DAA

▲二层平面 Second floor plan  ©大舟建筑 DAA

▲剖面1 Secion 1  ©大舟建筑 DAA

▲剖面2 Section 2  ©大舟建筑 DAA


Project name: apm Gallery in Haikou GAOXINGLI
Project type: Architecture renovation
Design: Dazhou and Associates
Design year: 2021.05-2022.10
Year of completion: 2023.12
Design team: Tang Dazhou, Jin Yilei, Zhang Wenting, Wu Mingxiao, Gong ziyue
Structural consultant: Chen Xuejian
Project location: 18 GAOXINGLI, West Gaodeng St., Qiongshan District,
Haikou City, Hainan Province
Gross built area: 387.7㎡
Clients: Noya Team


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查看完整版本: apm:社区中的美术馆