The two-storey courtyard typology multifamily residence by japanese firm mega is designed for two families although it can be easily adapted to a single-family use. the wood-frame cons...
'Sam's creek' residence reflects the owner's- and in fact many people's- contemporary lifestyle. as technology advances we become adept at multi-tasking As we balance the dig...
在伦敦这个伟大的工作室。一室坐落在一个典型的维多利亚州郊区的花园。主要工作室的外观,解决了花园浮上面的玻璃面板,并形成了一个屏幕,从国内园林分开 的工作室的工作空间。典型的绿色郊区...
Situated in an oasis bordered by the rapidly developing skyline of songdo, south korea, sits 'jack nicklaus golf club of korea' designed by american practice yazdani ...
Parisian firm lode architecture have elevated the ecology of an estuary with architecture. at the mouth of seine in northern normandy sits the slate-shingled graphic ...
项目:House 6 设计:Marcio Kogan 地点:巴西,圣保罗 面积:995平方 摄影:Pedro Kok 处于南美的巴西是属于热带气候国家,曾经是葡萄牙的殖民地。在House 6别墅...
奥尔巴赫的哈勒维建筑师和工程师的描述 ,奥尔巴赫-哈勒维在农村地区中心的以色列,设计了一个独特的房子:乍一看,它不能被识别为住宅,即使在第二个它是很难分清哪些是用于。设计是一个混凝土 块...
When approaching a project of such historical grandeur one can choose many conceptual branches that may eventually inform the massing and function of the structure, appropriate to ...
Replacing a a two-hectare agricultural plot of land at the highest point of cuernavaca, the 'equestrian center' horse club by mexican practice APT arquitectura para...
项目:Jasper Place Branch Library 设计:HCMA/Dub Architects 地点: Edmonton, AB, Canada 面积: 1400.0 sqm 年份:2012 摄影:Gerry Kopelow, Courtesy of HCMA
详细信息 政府事务办事处开发的活化中央丹德农举措,一个主要的市区重建项目的地方维多利亚和维多利亚州政府领导的重点项目之一。 开发和建造的Grocon,这一具有里程碑意义的发展面临的挑战是建立一个...
The town of inhotim is a pocket of pristinely-preserved lush vegetation surrounded by ferrous-tinted landscapes of the surrounding mines in belo horizonte, brasil. the contrast cre...
该酒店建一个椭圆形建筑,由两层地库,地下及10个高层楼。该项目是出生在巴塞罗那“PERI”Raval酒店的标记与某些特定的卷,和所有的注意力“的 方向轴的椭圆形厂房。在相同的方式中,根据从哪个...
一旦一个仓库和杜塞尔多夫的罕见的遗址,这个惊人的不拘一格的阁楼AABE之一是现在家庭建筑与激情的一对夫妇。转换密切监督行政机关,奇迹般地避免损 害,因为这在市中心的老厂在第二次世界大战的...
“GestütFAMOS”是一个坐落在德国不莱梅以南的美丽的下萨克森州的一个现代化马场,建于2002年,这里有和谐的建筑场,大方的马厩和明亮的室内竞技场。 古色古香的山寨主楼...
'Casa itu' by acclaimed brazilian practice studio arthur casas organizes its spaces in horizontal layers stretched across the banks of a lake, keeping a low profile despite the rathe...
边沁Crouwel建筑师在阿姆斯特丹市立博物馆已经完成了新的扩展。根据我们发送的官方新闻稿,新的悬浮上层建筑包含 的展览空间,一间餐厅,一间商店和新的入口。奥雅纳(Arup)是负责 结构设计和照...
很有道理的华丽艺术的马赛克瓷砖,主要用于在潮湿的空间,公司致力于将超越瓷砖世界花式卫浴设计和产品线扩展到。比萨扎,他们的“BAGNO”的分裂 ;什么更好的方式来踢东西了比惊人的才华的设...
The 'spiral galleries' designed by chinese firm atelier deshaus are bisected by a threshold of circulation. reflecting the principles of the yin and yang, the opposing pavilions exhibit ...
项目:BT House 设计:Studio Guilherme Torres 景观:Alex Hanazaki 地点:巴西,圣保罗 摄影:Denilson Machado 该项目坐落在巴西著名足球城市圣保罗,由当地著名建筑事务所Studio G...